Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by REEDsART, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. Boxingfan25

    Boxingfan25 Undisputed Champion

    Dec 5, 2020
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    This wasnt directed at you. But those cultish people who think that if you dont follow certian weight classes religiously youre automatically labeled a casual. Now there are exceptions theres some very talented and exciting fighters in the lower weights and have seen plenty of good fights throughout the years. However im not going out of my way to watch them just my preference.
  2. Azazel

    Azazel "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 8, 2006
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    100% agreed. No I'm not interested (or let's say rarely interested) in seeing 2 midgets who could be overpowered in real life out by some average sized tomboy, no matter how skilled they are. There is probably a dwarf basketball league somewhere and I don't think it's a prerequisite to follow it to be considered a real basketball fan lol
    Wiser 1878 and Boxingfan25 like this.
  3. D MAN

    D MAN "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 15, 2003
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    Exactly. “BJ was even maybe up a round or 2 when he suffered that freak injury..” Lol as if his face getting bashed round after round had nothing to do with it, nevermind the fact he ‘won’ maybe 1 round at most…
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
    George Crowcroft and Wiser 1878 like this.
  4. whiskey

    whiskey Czarcasm

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Reported for midgetaphobia.
    Wiser 1878 and George Crowcroft like this.
  5. Azazel

    Azazel "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 8, 2006
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    Well I looked it up, and there is one actually.

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  6. Jesus of montreal

    Jesus of montreal WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Must say that they look more skillfull at theirn
    sport than most strawweights.

    That little black dude is lighting fast, and he has some moves
  7. Jesus of montreal

    Jesus of montreal WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Oh man, don't get me started on Eubanks fans....
  8. Boxingfan25

    Boxingfan25 Undisputed Champion

    Dec 5, 2020
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    I remember back in the day there was these fucktards that used to call Roy Jones Jr "Our Lord and Savior". Then thier lord got ktfo and the cult slowly died out.


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    Watch it Now:Tough:...

    Reverend REED Created That in Honor of Our Pugilistic Lord and Savior, the One; the ONLY Roy Jones...

    Ya’ll Musta 4-GOT!!!

    Azazel, Baron, Xplosive and 1 other person like this.
  10. whiskey

    whiskey Czarcasm

    Nov 28, 2002
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    No dunk contest? Hrrmph.
    Jel likes this.
  11. Boxingfan25

    Boxingfan25 Undisputed Champion

    Dec 5, 2020
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    That was you?

    Im sorry........:Jest:

    Whats your youtube channel? I want to checkout your content
  12. D MAN

    D MAN "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 15, 2003
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    Let's remind everyone about the levels of worship that befell Roy from behindst the keyboard of the Reverend Reed. As a disciple of the planet, naturally I copied some of the more memorable sermons for posterity, this one seasoning almost a full 2 decades to come of age....

    ....In the leadup to Roy-Ruiz there was a period of silence as Reed brewed his sermon, at last just a few days before the fight he dropped perhaps the greatest sermon ever seen amongst boxing message boards of that era ...behold the words of The Reverend Reed!!! :

    Part 1 of 2 (10,000 character limit exceeded)
    60/40 my Brothers.....

    The Good ReverendREED Must 1st Start Off this Sermon w/an APOLOGY 2 the RJ Congregation...Ya'll 'Scuse ReverendREED,4 he is NOT Perfect...The Good ReverendREED Promised a Lil Sum'n Sum'n a Few Days Ago & FAILED 2 Deliver...

    ReverendREED has NO EXCUSE 2 Offer...The Good Reverend was SOUL SEARCHING,N the Name of RJ...Simple as That...

    Consequently,Pages have Been ADDED 2 the RJ Collage...REED has Watched the PERTINENT RJ Fight Tapes SEVERAL More Times..."Ya'll Must've 4-Got" has Been EMBEDDED Deeeeeeeeeeeeeper N 2 REED's Concious...The 60 40 Ounces of Beer R NOW on ICE,Awaiting that MAGIC Day,March 1st...& The WEED Stash ALWAYS Runneth Over...

    The LORD Needs your Support,my Brothers...REED Needs your Support...Your UNDYING Faith,as Well...

    There's Been ALOT of "Ulterior Motives" Rearing their Ugly Head's,BESMIRCHING the Name of OUR Pugilistic LORD & SAVIOR & REED has Just Been BIDING his Time on HOW 2 ADDRESS Them...

    But Make NO MISTAKE,REED WASN'T Gonna Let THE Biggest Fight Week of the Year 2003 PASS By,w/Out Addressing the LATEST & GREATEST Exploit of OUR Pugilistic LORD & SAVIOR,the HONORABLE Roy Jones(Muhammad??? [​IMG])...

    Oh NO...

    B 4 REED Addresses the Actual Fight ITSELF,Let's DO AWAY w/the WHOLE Concept of this Fight NOT Being a "Big Event" Based on Ticket Sales,or a LACK Thereof...

    If U TRUELY R a "Boxing Fan",louise vs Jones IS a "Big Event",PERIOD...Nuff Said...Whether U LOVE or HATE Roy Jones...If ADMITTING this FACT is BEYOND U,then CEASE w/this Exercise we Call Message Board Debate...

    As 4 the So Called LACK of Ticket Sales,PRIOR 2 the Event Itself,Look NO Fuuuuuuuuuuuuurther than the LACK of Commercials PUBLICIZING the Fight...

    N the Midst of Doing this,Take HEED 2 the FACT that Roy Jones HAS NOT Signed a Contract w/Don King PAST This PARTICULAR Fight...ALSO Remember that Roy Jones has Shown NOTHING But RELUCTANCE 2 the Mere THOUGHT of Signing a Contract
    of ANY SUBSTANCE w/Don King...Not 2 Mention Roy's BLATANT Disrespect of King,by Calling Don Out on a "Hair Cut Bet"....Or Questioning Don's "Word" N Response 2 his SILENCE on the Topic of the Bet...

    The LACK of MASS "Promotion of Product" by Don King is ALARMING...A Don King RARITY...MORE than a Coincedence,if U've STUDIED the Man...He's as CUTTHROAT as they Come...

    REED has YET 2 C a Timely Placed Commercial 4 this Fight...USUALLY,Don is Promoting a Fight of his 2 to 4 Weeks PRIOR 2 the Actual Event...

    NOT So w/this Fight...Don COULDN'T Get a LENGTHY Commitment Out of Roy Jones,so he ISN'T COMMITTED 2 PROMOTING his LONE Roy Jones Fight...Not like he Is w/OTHER Fights...

    This is UNDeniable...

    REED Would Even Say that Don King is Attempting 2 TEACH Roy Jones a LESSON...A LESSON on the VALUE of PROMOTION & Promoters...

    But as a Worshipper of the ROYism FAITH,this DOESN'T Bother REED N The LEAST,Boys & Girls...& It SHOULDN'T Bother U Either...RJ's NEVER Been About That Anyways...

    "Ticket Sales" is DEVIL Talk,RJ Atheist Speak....What EXACTLY Does that Have 2 Do w/what Occurs N the Ring???....Nada...That's a CRUTCH that Cats Use 2 Give their OWN(INFERIOR 2 RJ)Fighters Props...NOTHING More...Ask these Cats about SKILLS,TALENTS,DECISIVE Victories or UNDERRATED Resumes & they ALL Shut the Fuck Up...

    ANYTIME a Boxer Attempts a Feat that's UNPrecedented N OVER a CENTURY,it IS a "Big Event" w/N the Sport of BOXING..It's ASSININE 2 Suggest OTHERWISE...

    Kostya vs Zab Judah WAS an EVENT...Likewise 4 Pretty Boy vs Corrales...DESPITE Lukewarm Ticket Sales(@ Best)4 BOTH Fights...

    Roy Jones vs johnny louise IS a "Big Event",REGARDLESS of the Ticket or PPV Sales(REED is STILL Standing FIRM on the 700,000 Prediction,However)...

    louise vs Jones IS BIG...HBO Coverage the Last 2 Fight Weeks...ESPN Coverage Since the 1st Press Conference...Friday Night Fights Coverage this Past Week w/an ENTIRE Episode Dedicated 2 the Fight,this Coming Friday...Commercials...4 or 5 City Press Tour...Appearances on Syndicated FM Radio Programs...A FEATURE on the FOX Networks "Best Damn Sports Show Period"...w/Jordan Brand's,Nike's & the Wooooooorlds BEST Fighter,Roy Jones Jr,LEADING OFF the Program Doing DAMAGE 2 a Heavy Bag Held by REED's FAVORITE Football Player,"Freaky" Micheal Irvin...

    2 Say the LEAST,BOXING KARMA is w/REED & the RJ Faithful...The RJ Congregation is N the DRIVER's SEAT...1 Step,1 Fight Away from PLANET ROY...Otherwise Known as the Land of INFINITE BOXING IMMORTALITY...

    The RJ Atheists ALSO Know this,which is their Motivation 4 Dwelling on NON ISSUES..."Ticket Sales"..."Is the Contract Signed???"...."I'll Believe it when Roy Enters the Ring"...

    This is the 1 Moment the RJ Impaired has DREADED 4 their ENTIRE Boxing Lives...Their FAVORITE Whipping Boy is ERADICATING the Proverbial "Whip"...4-Ever!!!...

    & when they're WATCHING the PPV Telecast & the Camera's SHOW OUR Pugilistic LORD & SAVIOR ENTER the Building,the RJ KNIFE Will CUT Deeeeep...After Roy's Ring ENTRANCE,that Knife'll CUT Even Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeper...Then During the Actual Fight,Roy's Performance Will PROVOKE MOST of those Cats 2 LITERALLY Turn the Television OFF...

    ONLY 2 B TOPPED by the Ensuing VERBAL ASS WHIPPINGS they Receive from the RJ Congregation,if they have the TEMERITY 2 Jump On-Line AFTER the Fight...

    REED Found the Bundini Brown Quote APPROPRIATE,Because of BOXING KARMA...The Quote was About Ali vs Foreman,but it FITs this Fight Like GLOVE...

    CLEARLY,OUR Pugilistic LORD & SAVIOR is ALI,N this Analogy...Born a Couple Days PRIOR 2 Ali's Birthday...1st "Loss" 2 an Eddie Futch Fighter...Comparable SKILL AND TALENT LEVEL...Had a Fight COMPROMISED by Referee Joe Cortez...US Olympian(& Gold Medalist if there was ANY "Justice")...

    Facing an ARDUOUS,UNPRECENDENTED Task...This TASK Taking Place LATE N his Career,Serving a "Cherry on Top" of Career Purpose...N a DON KING PRODUCTION...4 the Heavyweight Title....

    N Fact,who's the LAST Fighter 2 B Soooo OUTWARDLY Disrespectful 2 Don King,while SIMULATANEOUSLY Being PROMOTED by Him???...

    ALI,that's Who...
    REEDsART likes this.
  13. D MAN

    D MAN "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 15, 2003
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    Part 2 of 2..

    The Rumble N the Jungle IRONY DOESN'T End there,Boys & Girls...

    The louise vs Jones Press Conference was Held N the SAME EXACT Room that Comprised the Press Gathering 4 the "Rumble N the Jungle"...The Fight that 4-EVER Rendered Ali as a Boxing IMMORTAL...

    If there was a Boxing Mount Rushmore,Ali's SCULPTED Face would have Been ADDED After the Foreman Fight...OUR Pugilistic LORD & SAVIOR is NOW on the BRINK of ALSO Reaching that PRESTIGIOUS Level...

    During Sparring,George Foreman Reportedly Worked on & IMPROVED his Footwork & Ability 2 Cut Off the Ring,Much like louise has Reportedly Done...

    Ali Gave MIXED Signals about his Approach 2 the Fight("I'm Gonna DANCE"...Roy has ALSO Given Mixed Signals...

    Granted,Roy Jones IS the Betting Favorite,but ONLY by a 2-1 Spread...That's NOTHING...When's the LAST Time Roy was "Favored" by THAT SLIGHT of a Margin???...He was 3 1/2-1 Over Montell Griffin N the Rematch...

    But Roy IS OLDER than Ali was @ the Time & Facing GREATER Physical DISAdvantages...

    Boxing Karma...This is WHY Roy WILL WIN This Fight...

    johnny louise is THE Fighter REED HATES...NO Other Fighters have MOVED REED So...The ONLY Other Boxing Figure REED HATES is Larry Merchant,4 OBVIOUS Reasons...BOTH R EVIL,N REED's Boxing Eye's...VILLAINOUS,N Fact...

    Clearly,OUR Pugilistic LORD & SAVIOR is REED's FAVORITE Fighter...N 1 Fell SWOOP(or Fight,as the Case May [​IMG],REED's FAVORITE Fighter will RID the Boxing World of REED's LEAST Favorite Fighter...

    Punk Ass Merchant will B FORCED AWAY from his "Negativity Schtick" & will HAVE 2 PRAISE Roy Jones,when All is SAID & DONE...

    The REST of the RJ Impaired will B SILENCED...Roy Jones will ACTUALLY B "A" Heavyweight Champion!!!!...There will LITERALLY B No Fuuuuuurther AXE 2 Grind,from the Perspecitive of RJ Atheists...NOT "Objectively" Speaking...

    & We're Just a Bit OVER 3 Days Away,my Brothers...

    Not Looooooooooooong Ago,a GUIDING Light,a Source of INSPIRATION,a MUZSE,REMINDED REED that Las Vegas was ALSO the Location of where Roy 1st Layed Claim 2 the LB 4 LB Laurels...REED Finds it QUITE Fitting that Roy is RETURNING 2 the Place where his "Best Fighter N the World" Recognition was SPAWNED...

    "From the ROOT 2 the FRUIT"....

    Fighters of the Year Get KNOCKED OFF IMMEDIATELY After Being ANNOINTED...The LB 4 LB Lists of Some of Ya'll have Become a COMICAL Game of "Musical Chairs",Lately...But 1 Fighter REMAINS,Status INTACT...The Fighter the Congregation has had
    FIRMLY ENTRENCHED N the Top Dog Spot,SINCE the James Toney Fight...

    OUR(Even the Haters)Pugilistic LORD & SAVIOR...

    "I'm the Only True PERFORMER N the Ring 2 Day"-Roy Jones....& This 1 will B BUTTER,like a Tribe Called Quest Record...

    THE Best Performance of the GREAT Career of Roy Jones...David WILL Defeat Goliath...

    Roy will B Soooooo DOPE on Saturday,March 1st,he'll have 2 ADD a Verse 2 the GREATEST Song N BOXING History,"Ya'll Must've 4-Got"....

    The INFAMOUS Virgil Hill Sig(REED's OTHER 1)Just Might Even HAVE 2 B REPLACED...

    We're Gonna "See the RJ",Come Out Saturday...The Requisite PROMOTIONAL Functions R Being DISMISSED ALREADY,Reports R that Roy has Even PUSHED johnny louise,During 2 Day's Press Conference...

    Bottom Line,Roy Jones is SALTY & he's Gonna Take a Piece of johnny louise's ASS w/Him,ALONG w/his WBA Heavyweight Title...

    60/40 My Brothers,60/40...

    REED [​IMG]

  14. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    Jan 21, 2003
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    Good lord.
    REEDsART and Azazel like this.
  15. Jel

    Jel WBC Champion

    Dec 9, 2020
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    Cheers, man!

    I think it's pretty clear at ESB who are watching fights and who are just spouting regurgitated opinions. I'll be honest, back in the day before I joined any forums and before the wide availability of fights on YouTube I used to rely pretty heavily on boxing magazines for my info and probably held a lot of second hand opinions myself as a result.

    Since I've been on the forums (only 4 years now), I've learnt a lot from other posters like yourself and the aforementioned names, including fighters I either didn't know anything about or had never heard of so it's been educational. I still frequent ESB just because it's a well populated and active forum which has its advantages and disadvantages but I think the quality is definitely variable.
  16. Jel

    Jel WBC Champion

    Dec 9, 2020
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    Now, this dwarf basketball you're talking about it. When's it on and where can I watch it because it sounds amazing...?

    EDIT: shit, just seen someone has actually posted a video!
    George Crowcroft likes this.
  17. REEDsART


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    Not Sure What Site You Saw it On, But Yeah; the RJ Congregation, Planet Roy, "Our Pugilistic Lord and Savior" Theme Originated @ Fightbeat...

    The RJ Congregation was Rather LARGE @ 1 Time:Jest:...Definitely a CULT...

    This was all Pre-Youtube Though...REED Has 2 Youtube Channels...

    REED BBS Television - REED-BBS Televisión ___ - YouTube

    Pugilism Company - Pugilism Company - YouTube

  18. REEDsART


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    60/40 Brother DMAN, 60/40....

  19. REEDsART


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    Still RJ IMPAIRED, Huh???...

  20. D MAN

    D MAN "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 15, 2003
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    Appreciate your supportive words of praise.
    Azazel, REEDsART and George Crowcroft like this.

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