Is Barack Obama the perfect candidate?

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by jaws1216, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. toomuchsol

    toomuchsol Undisputed Champion

    Dec 6, 2002
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    Today, at the White House, President Clinton announced that the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of the Treasury have released figures showing the largest budget surplus and the largest pay-down of debt in history The President urged Congress to keep our nation on course by passing his budget plan that protects Social Security, pays down the debt, and meets the nation's priorities in the areas of education, health care, crime, and the environment.

    Clinton-Gore Economic Plan Is Working. In 1993, President Clinton put in place a three-part economic strategy of fiscal discipline, investing in people, and opening markets abroad. Today's figures provide even more evidence that the Administration's strategy is working:

    The Largest Surplus in History:
    • The $123 billion surplus in 1999 is the largest dollar surplus in history, even after adjusting for inflation;
    • The surplus, expected to be about 1.4% of GDP, is the largest surplus as a share of the economy since 1951;
    • 1999 is the second year in a row of surplus, marking the first back-to-back surpluses since 1956-57;
    • This is the first time in U.S. history that we've experienced seven years in a row of fiscal improvement.

    The Largest Debt Reduction in History:
    • Over the last two years, America has paid down $140 billion in public debt, the largest debt pay-down ever;
    • The debt held by the public is $1.7 trillion lower than was projected when President Clinton took office;
    • As a result, in 1999 alone, interest payments on the debt were $91 billion lower than projected.

    What Debt Reduction Means for Americans. Paying down the debt means:
    • Lower interest rates cut mortgage payments by $2,000 for families with a $100,000 mortgage;
    • Lower interest rates cut car payments by $200 for families with a car loan;
    • Lower interest rates cut student loan payments by $200 for a person with a typical student loan;
    • Businesses have more funds for productive investment;
    • Rising investment has contributed to an increase in productivity.

    President's Budget Pays off Debt in 15 Years. Under President Clinton's budget plan, the publicly held debt would be paid off by 2015, resulting in:
    • elimination of interest payments on the debt;
    • more funds available for increased Social Security and Medicare costs for baby boomers;
    • more funds available for investment;
    • lower interest rates;
    • increased worker productivity and income.
    Urging Congress to Stay with What Works. President Clinton warned that proposals by Congressional Republicans for irresponsible tax cuts, spending the Social Security surplus, and across-the-board spending cuts would threaten our continued prosperity. The President urged Congress to keep America on this course of progress by passing his budget plan, which pays down the debt, protects Social Security, strengthens and modernizes Medicare, and invests in national priorities like education, health care, public safety, and the environment.

    ILLUMINATI Roberto Duran

    Nov 29, 2002
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    A nice-sounding bill called the "Global Poverty Act," sponsored by Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Barack Obama, is up for a Senate vote on Thursday and could result in the imposition of a global tax on the United States. The bill, which has the support of many liberal religious groups, makes levels of U.S. foreign aid spending subservient to the dictates of the United Nations.

    An euthanasia program in africa/asia/southamerica/europe would be a better help poverty...
  3. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    That sentence doesn't make any sense, so I'm not sure what you're asking.

    But if you're just arguing semantics, the bill is called The Global Poverty Act, but people are calling it a Global Tax because the near Trillion dollars we would be forced to pay would be raised through higher taxes.

  4. toomuchsol

    toomuchsol Undisputed Champion

    Dec 6, 2002
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    I'll Post this again:

    Some Key points from that article:

    A release from the Obama Senate [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]office[/color][/color] about the bill declares, “In 2000, the U.S. joined more than 180 countries at the [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]United [COLOR=blue! important]Nations[/color][/color][/color] Millennium Summit and vowed to reduce global poverty by 2015. We are halfway towards this deadline, and it is time the United States makes it a priority of our foreign policy to meet this goal and help those who are struggling day to day.â€

    The U.N. says that “The commitment to provide 0.7% of gross national product (GNP) as official development assistance was first made 35 years ago in a General Assembly resolution, but it has been reaffirmed repeatedly over the years, including at the 2002 global [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]Financing[/color][/color] for Development conference in Monterrey, Mexico. However, in 2004, total aid from the industrialized countries totaled just $78.6 billion—or about 0.25% of their collective GNP.â€

    Jeffrey Sachs, who runs the U.N.’s “Millennium Project,†says that the U.N. plan to force the U.S. to pay 0.7 percent of GNP in increased foreign aid spending would add $65 billion a year to what the U.S. already spends. Over a 13-year period, from 2002, when the U.N.’s Financing for Development conference was held, to the target year of 2015, when the U.S. is expected to meet the “Millennium Development Goals,†this amounts to $845 billion. And the only way to raise that kind of money, Sachs has written, is through a global tax, preferably on carbon-emitting fossil fuels

    How does Jeffery Sachs writing something about a global tax equate to Obama wanting one?

    You're getting the whole "global tax" thing because of what Jeffery Sachs is saying, not what is in the Global Poverty Act.

    Whatever, it's not a big deal. I just keep hearing people talk about a global tax when what's being proposed is foreign aid.

    Let's just go with Illuminati's euthanasia plan and call it a day.:clap:
  5. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    The bill is sponsored by Obama.

    The number decided by the U.N. (.7 of the GNP) is what the Global Poverty Act is.

    So a near trillion dollars of foreign aid, in addition to what we already pay is 'no big deal'? Not having a say in how our money is being spent is 'no big deal'?

    Works for me.

  6. atomicdOGg34

    atomicdOGg34 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Jeffrey Sachs, who runs the U.N.’s “Millennium Project,â€￾ says that the U.N. plan to force the U.S. to pay 0.7 percent of GNP

    force us to pay the UN??

  7. Black Market Baby

    Black Market Baby International Degenerate

    Dec 1, 2002
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    Once again, lack of reading comprehension will get you in trouble. Try reading the whole quote of where he stated he would do something in Pakistan.

    Who is the real sheep here Petre, you are basically parroting what John McCain said, which was inaccurate in the first place.

    Once a dolt, always a dolt.

    ILLUMINATI Roberto Duran

    Nov 29, 2002
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    HELL YEAH EUTHANASIA it IS!!! :warning::warning::clap::clap:
  9. Rock on

    Rock on Undisputed Champion

    Mar 1, 2003
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    :bears: GOP party of low taxes and low spending hahaha.

    In recent decades, GOP presidents have been the biggest spenders ... Reagan was reputed to be one serial spending MF.

    All the facts are public for anyone wanting to learn. Reagan and the 2 Bushes should be charged with a felony for mangling the US economy.

    Clinton's economic achievements were mind buggling. He was one of the best US presidents ever.

    Obama would definitely be much, much better handling the economy than the past GOP presidents.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2008
  10. atomicdOGg34

    atomicdOGg34 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Nov 29, 2002
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    since when is it the federal govts job to to these things

    tell me where the govt gets the power to do these things?
  11. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Good answer :bears: Yay Obama :cheer:

    I predict he will not answer again. I am a puppet master on a prediction roll
  12. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    you'll notice that no support for Obama and the Obamanation contains any real substance. :doh:
  13. phonetap

    phonetap Undisputed Champion

    Jan 2, 2003
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    and your ron paul ramblings do? :laughing:
  14. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    That's ok Petre. Because there will be 'change', and 'hope' and 'inspiration' when Obama is president!!!

  15. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    I will say that the fact that Clinton got us out of Debt and bushy put us in crazy Debt makes me debate some.. it is not out of the question that Hillary would do some of the same things Bill did and get our ecomny in better shape
  16. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    Jun 18, 2004
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    Seriously, and this is JUST an observation, but I don't see anyone on here that isn't black openly supporting Obama...
  17. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    I don't want to make it a race thing , because for me it seriously is not the issue , but yeah , that's a pretty accurate observation.

    Many are supporting him simply because he's BLACK. :doh:

    It's also sad to see how clueless many of his supporters are on his policies and history or the lack there of. Obama has nothing to offer to make a bad situation better , but a lot to offer to make it worse.
  18. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    I still wanna know who you pick Petre?

    out of Hillary, Obama, or McCain
  19. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Hey LOK , don't confuse DEBT with budget DEFICIT.

    We were trillions in debt with Clinton too. But Clinto was the first president in I don't recall how long that was going to actually get the debt to reduce. But Clinton did it through higher taxes and controlled spending.

    One of the main reasons I'm so heavily in favor of Paul , is he'd reduce the debt , but through huge spending cuts and lower taxes. It can be done ... but no one seems to want to leave FAT CITY in Congress and tighten the spending belt.
  20. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Honestly , I cannot support any of them. I'll write in Paul or God Forbid I'd vote for Huckabee if he managed to overtake McCain.

    I think he's a lying flip floppin hypocrite , but he's an evil I could live with over any of those three.

    They're going to spend us into bankruptcy. Only Paul was offering the real , sound economic solution to halt the train before it wrecks.

    I have no Idea who's 3rd party , I wish Paul would change his mind about that.

    I also hold out the slim hope that McCain becomes disqualified for the Presidency through birthright as is being discussed. But I doubt that will happen. Or that McCain shoots himself in the foot through some crazy outburst or .... Fuck it ... I'm praying for a miricle. :doh:
  21. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    Jun 18, 2004
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    It's amazing that other candidates haven't read his Economic Revitalization Plan and grabbed some of the ideas, or at least concepts, for their own.

    Paul's plan still has holes. For example, his number one spending reform is in pulling all troops and bases from non-American locations. That sounds great and the spending that would be cut is enormous. But what about the over 1 million American (troops & support personnel) that would be immediately out of work?

    1 Million is a huge number to immediately add to the unemployment ranks. Even if the move is phased over a period of time, the burden on the economy will be significant and delay any stimulation to the economy that the reduced Federal spending might otherwise create.
  22. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    Take race out of it and he's the best of the three. Imagine Obama was a young white handsome man with a young white wife and with the same charm, stature, intelligence, likability, views and oratory skills.....and more white people on this forum would be on his bandwagon.

    It's the OTHER way compadre!

    If it were just about blackness...why wasn't myself, phonetap or anyone else supporting Al Sharpton for President when he ran last time out or Alan Keyes (who is BLACKER than Obama) this time around?

    Answer that or shut up on this race issue!!! :kick:

    With all due respect.....:cool:
  23. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    Man.. I'm with you, believe me.. I like Paul and his thoughts on the ecomony but he is not going to win

    just tell me out of the 3 which one

    Hillary, Obama, McCain

    I know you don't like them.. but one will be pres, out of the 3 which would you prefer??
  24. admin

    admin has left the building

    Jan 9, 2003
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    Dude, I respect you but this has to be the stupidest thing I've ever read.

    I guarantee you that 99% of those black kids are Christians. What greater role model than Jesus?

    Problem is simple, their role models are gangster rappers, fancy cars, and the fast life. People like Floyd and Zab throwing tons of money and living the crazy life. When that's what you strive for it makes no difference who's the president kid.

    What I really hope for is that people don't vote based on race/color/or affiliation. We need concrete plans to help this nation. Personally I think this country is full of racist who wouldn't vote for Obama because he's balck. That's ridiculous. But just as ridiculous is voting for him because he's black or seems like a nice guy. Let's break down the problems and their ideas to fix them and then see who's the better candidate.

  25. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    Terribly embarrasing "rebuttal" my friend, made even worse by you laughably calling my post the "stupidest thing you've read".

    you know as well as I that there is a big difference between growing up in a church-going family and actually being a Christian.

    Secondly...Chist for most poeple is abstract and intangible, barack is a physically, living role model that everyone can see (besides Jesus is WHITE according to most people, including blacks). Youths cling to tangible role models....which in the black community up to this point mainly consisted of sports stars or music stars.

    With a Black man being President of the US, black Americans would start to view themselves differently.

    And they wouldn't look at Floyd and Zab as much for a role model if Barack is teh president. Barack would be the most famous black man in america, the most talked about, to most covered by the media etc. He'd be the top role model.
  26. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    And actually , many are saying the reverse is true ... that Obama could create a new race war in America and increase racial tensions.

    Also , just think what could happen if that Nobel Prize winner's prediction comes true that Obama would be assassinated . :doh:

    Personally , these are issues I'm not going to worry about , the bigger picture is what is happening to this countries economy and how are we going to fix it.

    Obama Clinton and McCain are all acting like there's no problem and all 3 have absolutely no plan. They'll depend on answers from the same assholes that got us to this point of insolvency in the first place. :flip:
  27. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    I think Paul's plan isn't to put these men out of work , simply to keep them here at home. Also , many of these kids have gained very valuable skills in the military as pilots , engineers , medical , mechanical et etc. I think many would come home and enter the work force which is what we actually need to stave off the SocSec/Medicare disaster looking from the baby boomer retirements coming. Hell 1 million is a drop in the bucket compared to the number that will be leaving the workforce. :doh:

    If you think about it , with the problems we're having with gettng new enlistments , and the troop shortages being reported by generals in what is fast becoming a broken military , it makes sense to bring them home and rebuild and regroup. It's a lot cheaper to have them here at home then maintain bases over seas. But that's really just one aspect of Paul's plan which has a much broader spectrum of fiscal revamping across the board.
  28. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    How could an Obama Presidency increase racial tensions? This makes no sense.

    1. Obama has never played the race card, and that wont change in office.
    2. For him to be President, it would be because the Whites voted him in (they are the majority of the electorate).

    So why would there be increased racial tension?

    Sure, the KKK would be PISSED (:lol: ) but they're in the minority.

    What will happen is that blacks would have less and less grievnaces against whites, because they'd realize that Whites voted for a black man. As such there'll be less complaining, less race card playing and less crime from blacks.

    Whites on the other hand would respect blacks more for two reasons:

    1. They'd have a black president
    2. They'd see a change in the attitude of blacks

    As for Obama being Assassinated:

    It's possible, but that's just life.
  29. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    You know , I would really have to think about it .... all are so equally bad for different reasons :doh:

    I'm praying for a miracle ... seriously. Because the coming years are going to get bad , IMO.
  30. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    Hillary is the worst though. If Hillary is the Democratic nomination I'd be rooting heavily for McCain.

    Hillary is too emotional, petty etc to be President. The World would be a sad place with her in Office.

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