Ladies & Gentlemen N Attendance & Boxing Fans Joining Us Around the World, iiiiiiiittttttssssss SHOWTIME!!!... :cheer: :cheer:
Litzau has Buddy McGuirt & a Corner Full of White Cats...Guerrero has a Corner Full of Panama Jack HAT Wearing Cats... REED::
Guerrero's CLEARLY BIGGER than Litzau:eeeek: ... Guerrero's Trying to KNOCK Litzau's Head OFF w/Every Shot...He's TALLER, THICKER & STRONGER than Litzau... Litzau Looks TENTATIVE, but he IS Fighting Smart Thus Far... Guerrero's Round... REED
Round 2... Litzau Starts Move Aggressively...More Flat-Footed:doh: ...Successfully, thus Far... GOOD Bodyshot from Guerrero...Litzau COULD Do Himself a Favor by JABBING, but he ISN'T... COUNTER Bodyshot from Guerrero...Straight Left from Guerrero... Litzau Gets MACHO & Trades...Not Doing BAD, Actually...He's LANDING but ISN'T Affecting Guerrero as of Yet.... Guerrero's Round... 2-0... REED
Round 3... Litzau Fighting "Braver"...Slight Cut Over his Eye... Honestly, Guerrero Looks a FULL Weight Class THICKER... Good Shot from Litzau, but it just Pisses Guerrero Off...Guerrero Chases Litzau for the Next Minute or So... Good 2-Fisted Combo from Guerrero... DESPITE REED's Prediction, Litzau's Looking DESPERATE, Guerrero Looks like he's Got @ LEAST 10 More GOOD Rounds Left N him... REED:doh: ps. Guerrero's Round... 3-0...
Round 4... Litzau Staying INSIDE w/Guerrero & Getting PUNISHED...Now his NOSE is Bleeding... It Appears that Litzau has "Superficial" Boxing "Skills"...He's FAST, QUICK Handed, Moves Well, is ATHLETIC, but REED has YET to See a JAB or FEINTS or the DOUBLING of Any Shots... WORSE than that, it's as if Litzau is OBLIVIOUS to just HOW Talented he Is... Guerrero's Round... 4-0... REED
Round 5... Litzau's Nose is VERY Bloody & he's Looking @ his Corner N btwn Shots... The Kids Got HEART, but he's Being PUNISHED...If Guerrero had POWER, this Fight would've Been OVER a Round Ago... Litzau Tries to Touch Gloves w/Guerrero after a Break, Guerrero DECLINES... Litzau Lands 2 Nice Hooks @ the End of the Round, but it Seems to B Only a Matter of Time... Guerrero's Round 100-0 REED
Round 6... Guerrero's OUTMANNING Litzau PHYSICALLY...Litzau's Definitely NOT Used to That...Guerrero's HIS Height & BIGGER N the Body... Litzau's Straight Up SLUGGING w/ Guerrero Now...& he's NOT Doing Half Bad Either... Either Guerrero's Power BLOWS or Litzau's Chin has IMPROVED... Litzau MIGHT have Won that Round...Or Maybe REED is TRYING to Give him a Round... Guerrero 100-Litzau 1:tease: REED:dunno:
Round 7... Guerrero Fighting More CAUTIOUSLY...Actually Moving AWAY from Litzau @ Times, which is a FIRST... Litzau Jabbing Decently this Round...Nose Bleeding PROFUSELY...(Litzau N WHITE Trunks, Blue Gloves...Guerrero N Red Trunks, Black Gloves by the Way...) BIG Right Hand from Litzau...Guerrero's BOTHERED by Litzau's Jab this Round...Litzau's BEATING Guerrero to the Punch this Round... CLEAR Round for Litzau... 6-1 OR 5-1 & 1 Even REED
Round 8... Litzau STALKING Guerrero....He's Gaining Confidence & Guerrero Appears to B Fatigued, Catching his Wind or Something... 2 Lefts DROP Litzau!!!...Looked like an Uppercut/Hook Combo... Litzau HURT but Refuses to Run...He's Right There STILL Holding his Left LOW:doh: ... BOOM!!!... Litzau Down AGAIN, Flat on his Back, ala his Last KO Loss... Fight OVER...
On the 1st Knockdown, Guerrero COUNTERED Litzau's Left Jab w/a Left UPPERCUT, Straight Left Combo... GORGEOUS Combo!!!:clap: Finishing Salvo was ANOTHER Left Uppercut,Followed by a Left Hook/Right Hook Combo... BRUTAL... Litzau's MOUTH was Dripping Blood & his Nose ALREADY Appeared to B Broken, Several Round Ago... GOOD Win for Robert Guerrero... REED:clap:
Litzau is WELL on his Way to FULLTIME Medical Assistance...If he Can Wipe HIS OWN Ass by the Time he's 30, REED'll B SHOCKED... Not Cause he CAN'T Fight, but Because he Gets Beat BRUTALLY... REED
What a shame... Litzau has great skills. He just gets caught in the trap of fighting STUPID. Man he needs to pick a new trade before he gets killed.
"Reed typically wanted to build whitey up, with clear and transparent ridicule, to draw focus on him, and add an impressionable impact when he comes crashing down, he tried to do the same thing with Pavlik, but adverse circumstances thwarted his agenda. Thankfully for him, his elusive method is one of comfortable consulation, he is able to lean back on the 'I told you so' factor, during the depressing moments where race based agendas, fail to converse." - Orthadox Cruisader :stir: !!!
Damn, I almost forgot how dirty Guerrero is. He'd make Bernard blush with his style. It's effective though, Litzau didn't belong in the same ring as him tonight. Litzau might be talented but his jab is simply awful and he obviously cannot fight going backwards or even off his back foot. He showed a lot of heart but it looks like he's heading down the road of Augie Sanchez.
Fuck my Twin Citites homeboy got smashed again. DAMN DAMN DAMN! He can come back I have faith in St. Paul. I'll Holla 5000