BULLSHIT... U've NEVER Said ANYTHING Remotely Positive about Roy Jones...Or did your Roy Fandom PRECEDE the Internet???.... REED:boohoo:
No, it's NOT O.K... "However", if BOTH Guys R Roided Up, NEITHER of them has an Unfair Advantage...The Playing Field is LEVEL... REED:hammert:
I really can't believe steroids are being discussed again, old habits die hard I guess Both fighters testing positive in a state boxing organization that really has no policy against steroids, what are the odds it was accurate
It's all they have to complain about now that the've seen Roy lose, show heart, and "fight a good opponent":boohoo:
Thank you for that Rooster. Fightbeat should put the Chinese Youtube link up as a Sticky in the forum as there are a ton of fights on there and they are all full length. Margarito/Cotto, Hopkins/Pavlik, Calzaghe/Kessler etc. Although the site is all in chinese, it still comes up with the correct search results if you type in English. Brilliant. :hammert:
yeah it is pretty useful, but it wasn't streaming all to well for me....it would only load so far until i carried on watching it
REED has ALWAYS Thought that Incident Said More about the BOXING COMMISSION of Indiana than it Did about Roy or Hall... BOTH Guys Failing Makes U Wonder if the Testing ITSELF was Fucked Up... REED:hammert:
Yeah, it did. In fact it was pretty early when I first started becoming a big fan of boxing. However it isn't true that I've never said anything positive about Jones. There's a lot about the guy that is positive, but there is also a lot that is frustrating.
It depends on if they're taking the same type of roids. One might be using roids to recover from injury while another might be using roids designed to increase stamina.
precisely... and to my knowledge, it's the only time either guy failed a drug test. Are we to believe that the Indiana Boxing Commission is the only group that has their shit together? (Though I will say, their current commissioner Jake Hall is a good commish and a stand up guy)
Anthems are just fucking gay, do you really care about your national anthem? I couldn't give a toss. If a bunch of drunk, fat Yanks with baseball caps, buckets of chicken nuggets and ice cream - came to England and started booing our national anthem, I would think it was funny. I couldn't care less.
They should do away with playing national anthems. It ruins the flow of the whole fight package. it bores me to death.
Here's the thing, Indiana doesn't even give a shit about steroids, they turn a blind eye to it (at least did back then). To my knowledge, they don't have any rules against it (meaning there is no disciplinary actions for it), so why would a double positive test have any meaning, especially NOW? I guess Roy needed roids against Hall, but not anyone before or after :doh:
These are two different scenerios, but reflect the competency of drug testing in this state(maybe many).....I know two people who work for the Firehouse here and they BOTH have failed drug tests several times in their career, and one of them had to be tested twice from the same specimen because of the implication of taking barbituates while being a driver. The government has gone through MANY independent companies for testing, with the same results, sometimes you get a false reading because they get it mixed up at the lab or do not have a good procedure to help prevent contamination or mixups.
Don't blame me for your inability to make sense of a pretty obvious point. Roy's last prime fight = on steroids. When Roy's skills were at the peak. The opponent didn't matter one bit. It wasn't about 'perceived advantage', it was about Roy and Roy alone. And he happened to be juiced. You drifted off into irrelevant land.
No friggin way. If Roy had been innocent, he would have sued and done a lot more complaining. Steroids disgrace a legacy and no one with Roy's kind of money and ego would take that kind of hit if it wasn't true. No one.
Sued for what? They didn't take his title away, in fact they did nothing. The only people tarnishing his legacy are message board haters who won't let it go.
ONE Poster Said HE Thought Roy's Last PRIME Fight was Hall...REED has Said that he Thought it was PRIOR to that, Around the Time of the Harding & Harmon Fights... "Ya'll Musta Forgot" OR just Flat Out IGNORED when REED Made this Point EARLIER N this Very Thread... YOU Tried to Insinuate that Roy was a "Juicer" when in Fact, he's ONLY Failed a SINGLE Drug Test N his 20+ Years of Boxing...Is that REALLY Enough of a Track Record to Lable a Guy a "Juicer" (It's NOT like Roy's been Linked to BALCO or Anything of that Sort)???:dunno:... The Mere FACT that Roys Opponent ALSO Failed the SAME Drug Test, Brings the Test ITSELF, as Well as the Commission that Administered the Test, Into Question...Roy WASN'T "Alone" as the Only Fighter who Alledgedly "Juiced" that Night...THAT's the Point... Basically, U were Trying to B a PRICK, so REED CLEANED UP Your Mess... U're WELCOME... REED:hammert:
As soon as I found out he tested positive for the Hall fight, I wondered how long he had been using. Usually if this type of information leaked out to the media and wasn't true, it's hard to believe we hadn't heard more stink about it. I suppose it will always be a mystery...
The Thing is, the POSITIVE Test WASN'T Even Made Public Until Richard Hall Revealed it HIMSELF, a Couple Years LATER N an Interview... & Even Then, there WASN'T a Big Deal Made about It...WHY???...Because BOTH Fighters Failed the SAME Test, which AGAIN, Makes a SENSIBLE Person @ Least QUESTION the Legitimacy of the Test Itself... But HATERS Take it Upon Themselves to Run w/the ONLY Postive Test Roy's Had N 20 + Years & EMBELLISH the Truth... REED:boohoo:
Roy fought Harding and Harmon after the Hall fight, not prior:notallthere: And Roy Jones Jr is linked to Balco along with DLH and Mosley.
U're Right... Hall was JUST PRIOR to Harding, & Harmon was After that...REED Got his Fights Out of Order... REED Knew about Mosley Being Linked to Balco, but NOT the Others... Basically, U have ONE Positive Test that U're Clinging to & NOT So Coincidently, U've NEVER Been Much of a Roy Jones Fan...Go Figure... Perhaps THAT's why U'll Soooooo EASILY Accept ONE Failed Test as Opposed to the 20+ Years of NEGATIVE Test Results... REED:hammert:
DLH and Jones was linked to BALCO? This is news to me. I know they interviewed Mosley, but other than that.....I didn't hear anything of the sort.
You didn't answer the question. And I don't recall a lawsuit because Mosley spoke publicly on HBO in an interview about it. What would he be able to sue for? They usually put a gag order when there is a lawsuit.