Fucking HDPPV almost made me go postal ... Have company over and it's about to start and I get the message to call my provider. 1 months payment was 3 days over due and they fucking want to play games with me. :flip: My wife was sick and mailed the payment on the 3rd instead of the end of the month like she'd normally ... these motherfuckers piss me off. :bangh: Pathetic how desperate for money they are. They had to do me a favor and "over-ride" the block ... Times like these I wish they had competition in my area cause I'd tell them to suck my dick Monday and switch services. :flip:
So BOTH Guys Got BOOED????:: Do U KNOW what "BOOing" Means, Cupey???... They BOTH Got CHEERS...Roy's SLIGHTLY Louder and Extended than Calzaghe's... "U Heard it Here 1st...I GOT THis!!!" - Roy Jones Jr... REED:kidcool:
Calzaghe's light complexion is easier to see against a dark background, Calzaghe has shorter limbs, slower twitch muscle fibres, pointier facial features, blood vessels closer to the surface of his face which means his racial design is meant to withstand a colder climate, not baking under the heat of strong lights,.. Roy may very will WIN,..... by way of SKIN..:cheer:
He's Certainly NOT Living Up to the "Hype"... REED has KNOWN of this Cat for a FEW Years Ago... It's Pretty EASY to See why he HASN'T Faced Anyone Yet, after 28 Fights... Not a BAD Fighter, but Not SPECIAL Either...He's SKILLED, yet MUNDANE, N that Sechew Powell Kind of Way...Not Saying they Fight ALIKE, but they're Both Equally BLAH... REED::
I have no idea why Roy signed him. He can't sell tickets like he used to and he's gotten tons of gift decisions. I can't stand this fucking bum
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I'd share the stream I'm watching but the owner changed the name of the channel so no one new can enter the room.
you using this thing right now? dont wanna log into something not knowing what im getting myself into
Yeah I'm using it right now. If you sign in you can write/participate in the liveblog. It's a legit app I use to blog on Wordpress.
REED's N the Comfort of HIS OWN CRIB, Watching the Fight on BIGSCREEN... Just PRIOR to the Main Event, REED is Off to the Lazy-Boy Chair...After a Patio Pit-Stop... Sorry to RUB it N... REED:bears: