it's a close fight. paulie better hope that they don't stop this fight on cuts. diaz will certainly get the decision.
He is a German. He is as Mexican as you are. Honestly, Paulie is running too much. He is making it ewasy to get robbed.
I have identical scorecard. Only one round (2nd) to Diaz..."Boxing After Dark and the moon is coming'::
The rounds are close mostly. Diaz has only won 2 or 3 really, but it won't matter. Paulie has as much chance as a Black man acussed of ass fucking a white woman with 12 kkk jurors.
Paulie's doing more running than punching now. It's almost like he's protecting some perceived lead even though he should know he's going to get robbed. He has to fight every second of every rd.
Round 11 another EASY one for Paulie. I am more concerned about his trunks falling than Diaz hurting him.
He is still the only one landing a punch. It is a shitty boring style and they need to change the rules, but under the current rules, PM is winning 8 to 3 right now.
yep, paulie is starting to school him in the last few rounds. Weird that a guy with a so call pressure style, always fade down the stretch. Diaz is pretty light on the heart departement