Not really Just suggested he was in no way any kind of power puncher And compared to Jackson, he may as well be Paul Spadafora
Stanley Ketchel was a bum I'd say the guy with not only freakish power but also far more speed and vastly superior technique hits A LOT Harder
Okay, so, take Ketchel, a man who could drop Jack Johnson, and give him some training? He does appear, at the very least, to have been capable of dishing it out and taking it in return. And Bert Sugar SAW him fight- :nono: ::
LOL, If you could take Jack Johnson out of 1915 and put him in with a 154 pound Jackson from say 1988... I would take every penny I could scrape together and bet it all on Jackson
Can you imagine how fucking confused current Roy Jones Junior would get trying to call a fight between Jack Johnson and Julian Jackson??
LOL That's like the second or third thing you've posted in the past week that was completely wrong, but still made me crack up
The Allah vs Jesus thread .. on the topic of Jesus vs Muhammad and the whole staying in Jerusalem, DM/RJJ comparison thing. *shakes head* ::