Just Watched 'The Smashing Machine'...

Discussion in 'General MMA Discussion' started by D MAN, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. tko1

    tko1 Scrub

    Nov 30, 2004
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    actually eye gouging might have been legal. I remember seeing some fighters profiles and seeing that they won by chin to eye.
  2. Dpl198274

    Dpl198274 Leap-Amateur

    Dec 1, 2004
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>

    Here's why I don't like him, in no particular order...
    1) The guy disowned his family as soon as he got famous, and most of his friends.

    2) He had no respect for his body, and abused illegal drugs, and no doubt pumped tonnes of steroids.

    3) He complained about his wifes drug use, yet had no control over himself.

    4) He did not have a high level of skill, relied mainly on (roid induced) strength and overbearing size to jump on his opponents and ground-and-pound them.

    5) When showing one of his earlier fights, he GOUGED SOMEONES EYES WITH HIS THUMBS !!! IS/WAS THIS LEGAL ??? What a sick fuck...

    6) When he lost his fight, he cried like a fucking little baby, whined and moaned to the ref, and showed grudging respect for the smaller, yet far more skilled opponent who beat him.

    7) He wouldn't stop doing drugs, even the parts of the movie where he was "clean" I have no doubt he was still using.

    8) He disrespected a great fighter in Bas Rutten by training with him, but clearly was not prepared to fight in his comeback.

    9) He showed actual anger towards his opponents while fighting.. you could see it in his eyes.

    10) He probably works as a drug collector and uses heroin regularly nowadays.
    It was a pretty good movie though.. but it really is hard to have any respect for this character.
    <div align="right">[post=21987]Quoted post[/post]</div>

    1. Many people dont have a high level of contact with his family and at no time does it say that he lost contact when he started making money. He could have distanced himself long before that, like when his mother died.

    2. A lot of people do a lot worse to their bodies.

    3. He was trying to better himself and she was OBVIOUSLY a NEGATIVE influence on his life.

    4. He was a GREAT wrestler, wrestling is a skill.

    5. When Ali held the back of someone's head was that legal?

    6. The movie made it clear that what Igor did was an illegal tactic. They showed Kerr talking to Igor after the fight and showing a GREAT deal of respect towards him. As far as crying, thats life, its happens all the time.

    7. No doubt, huh??? Whatever, dependency isnt as easy as some "perfect-worlders" make it out to be.

    8. Bas didnt seem to hurt by it and you shouldnt be either. Kerr honestly LOOKED like he was in much better shape in the comeback fight.

    9. :D :YeahRight:

    10. He is dealing on my block right now.....if you would follow the sport you would have known that he was still working with other fighters trying to help them with their ground game for some time after that, and may still be today
  3. Orion

    Orion Not Ordinary

    Feb 26, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>1. He was a total addict he injected the stuff up all the time in between fights, this was obvious, he checked into rehab for several months = heroine addict.

    2. Was gouging eyes legal ? This is an honest question, I seriously doubt it was...

    3. Yeah nothing wrong with just crying, but he was a crying like a baby cries when they don't get what they want for christmas, out of pity for himself, blaming everyone else... even though afterwards people affirmed that he trained very little for the fight.

    4. Sounds to me like his relatives and especially friends were all trying to reach out to him, but he was too self-indulged with his addiction and high lifestyle to bother with them... thankfully they were good people who came to his side when he was in rehab.
    <div align="right">[post=22438]Quoted post[/post]</div>

    Again, two sides to every coin, you apparently see it YOUR way.
  4. D MAN

    D MAN "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 15, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>answers....

    1. Many people dont have a high level of contact with his family and at no time does it say that he lost contact when he started making money. He could have distanced himself long before that, like when his mother died.

    2. A lot of people do a lot worse to their bodies.

    3. He was trying to better himself and she was OBVIOUSLY a NEGATIVE influence on his life.

    4. He was a GREAT wrestler, wrestling is a skill.

    5. When Ali held the back of someone's head was that legal?

    6. The movie made it clear that what Igor did was an illegal tactic. They showed Kerr talking to Igor after the fight and showing a GREAT deal of respect towards him. As far as crying, thats life, its happens all the time.

    7. No doubt, huh??? Whatever, dependency isnt as easy as some "perfect-worlders" make it out to be.

    8. Bas didnt seem to hurt by it and you shouldnt be either. Kerr honestly LOOKED like he was in much better shape in the comeback fight.

    9. :D :YeahRight:

    10. He is dealing on my block right now.....if you would follow the sport you would have known that he was still working with other fighters trying to help them with their ground game for some time after that, and may still be today
    <div align="right">[post=22689]Quoted post[/post]</div>

    1. It doens't have to say it explicitly it is obvious that he didn't care to stay in touch with his former family and friends and they were upset by it.

    2. Uhm... is this the best you can come up with ?

    3. This is hard to say for sure, both at times were "clean" while the other kept using, and both acted as if the other was a bad influence. Both had issues and neither helped each other, but both seemed eager to lay blame for their addictions on each other..

    4. Yes he did have very good wrestling skills apparently (this I'm just going off what I'm being told because I didn't really see alot of great wrestling in the fights they showed of his...), however, he did not seem to win fights with wrestling, but rather with overbearing size and ground and pound.

    5. When you j-walk is it legal ? No... but j-walking isn't the same as gouging someone's eyes with your thumbs..

    6. Yes Igor pulled an illegal move.. but the fight was clearly in the bag for Igor before that occured. I can see why Kerr was pissed about it...

    7. I'm sure dependency is hard to deal with, but most self-respecting people will not get themselves into that situation.

    8. Yeah I agree.. this was a weak point.

    9. I think he did...

    10. He's dealing on your block ?? Good.. at least he's not selling crank on MY street corner.
  5. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    1. He didn't disown his family, but he minimized contact with them. If you come from a bad or abusive family, this is usually the way to go. I don't know if it was in his case, but he didn't do it when he got "famous". Also, his friends were people who he knew when he was younger. One of those friends also trained with him and competed against him. That friend was Mark Coleman. They spent a fair amount of time together and Kerr was even working Coleman's corner from time to time. He didn't desert his friends.

    2. If you are going to get up his ass for abusing drugs, then you have to do the same for everyone who smokes or drinks alcohol. Alcohol is a drug that poisons your body, and many people abuse it.....that's what hangovers result from.

    3. See #2. He wanted her to stop because it was a bad influence on him when HE was trying to stop. What's wrong with not wanting family members to not use drugs when you are trying to quit? :wacko:

    4. He had a VERY high level of skill and was a great wrestler who also crosstrained and learned other combat disciplines, including knees, punches, and muay thai clinches.

    5. He didn't gouge the person's eyes! He opened a cut deeper, and that happens all the time in boxing when fighters target a cut. They also target the nose and eyes, so he wasn't exactly biting someone's ear off. He was competing by the rules.

    6. He lost because he was illegally struck with knees behind the head. Vovchanchin kneed him three times, and knees were illegal from that position. If you have never cried after a loss, then you were never that emotionally involved. It is natural to cry sometimes...like RJJ did when he was cheated in Seoul.

    7. He tried to stop...and even if he wasn't successful, he had the same problem that millions of other people have when they are trying to stop using drugs. The drugs that he abused were the ones that were painkillers...and if you have a lot of bodily pain, they are hard to stop.

    8. How did he disrespect Bas? By training with him? Training with someone means you respect them enough to seek their experience and help. You're wrong about this one from the get go, dude.

    9. MANY fighters show anger towards their opponents while fighting. It is natural to do so because you are stressed out by the fact that the other guy is trying to beat you in a combat sport. Why WOULDN'T you show anger? Anger is a great motivator....remember Cus D'Amato's "fear and fire" philosophy?

    10. As for your assumption that he is a drug dealer/drug collector...it's untrue and you're just looking to flick shit at the guy....unclassy! He has released training tapes and has continued to compete in MMA.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>I just watched this movie, and Mark Kerr was such a fucking asshole that I absolutely wanted to see him have the pulp beaten out of him. Fortunately, I was not dissapointed, and he did in fact get the crap beaten out of him in every big fight he had.

    I did not know anything about Mark Kerr previously, but I can honestly say I have zero sympathy for the guy.

    Here's why I don't like him, in no particular order...
    1) The guy disowned his family as soon as he got famous, and most of his friends.

    2) He had no respect for his body, and abused illegal drugs, and no doubt pumped tonnes of steroids.

    3) He complained about his wifes drug use, yet had no control over himself.

    4) He did not have a high level of skill, relied mainly on (roid induced) strength and overbearing size to jump on his opponents and ground-and-pound them.

    5) When showing one of his earlier fights, he GOUGED SOMEONES EYES WITH HIS THUMBS !!! IS/WAS THIS LEGAL ??? What a sick fuck...

    6) When he lost his fight, he cried like a fucking little baby, whined and moaned to the ref, and showed grudging respect for the smaller, yet far more skilled opponent who beat him.

    7) He wouldn't stop doing drugs, even the parts of the movie where he was "clean" I have no doubt he was still using.

    8) He disrespected a great fighter in Bas Rutten by training with him, but clearly was not prepared to fight in his comeback.

    9) He showed actual anger towards his opponents while fighting.. you could see it in his eyes.

    10) He probably works as a drug collector and uses heroin regularly nowadays.
    It was a pretty good movie though.. but it really is hard to have any respect for this character.
    <div align="right">[post=21987]Quoted post[/post]</div>
  6. You act like people get born with size and strength. I was around 120 when I started lifting 6 years ago, I'm 240 now. He worked as hard for his strength as any BJJ fight.

    He complained about his wife's drug habits, because he was trying to get clean and her goin' out drinking, doing lines, etc. is not the best atmosphere for a former addict.
  7. Dpl198274

    Dpl198274 Leap-Amateur

    Dec 1, 2004
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    Just watched Pirde FC 4, where Kerr fought Duarte..... :D

    What a fuckin embarrasment.......anything interesting said about that at the time it happened?
  8. D MAN

    D MAN "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 15, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>Again, two sides to every coin, you apparently see it YOUR way.
    <div align="right">[post=22701]Quoted post[/post]</div>

    Brilliant observation.

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