It's rare, but it can happen. It famously happened to the great basketball prospect Len Bias in the 80s, as he was celebrating being drafted to join the Celtics.
Sorry, but we can't have the likes of "Ben" foisting some badly produced version of his failed existence onto kids who could be triggered or damaged by his misinformation. One of my angry-old-man stances is how flippant and "cool" the discussion has become about serious, life-altering stuff. It's always sneaked in to some shit TV show like Ackley Bridge etc, and always in a glib, easy fashion. "Oh, had an abortion did she, and got sepsis from a dirty needle, did she? Well who are you to judge anyone? Life's not all about conforming to somebody else's values!! ".....kind of thing.
I get your point to be fair, it's more for me a riposte to the "glamorous" depiction of heroin you get when you have these well-produced retrospectives of the lives of Cobain, Stayley, Charlie Parker etc. (no disrespect to any of them, I love 'em all). That to me is far more dangerous. The stuff is poison. I smoke and I know how addictive the shit is, from my understanding heroin is just as hard to quit but obviously way more deadly in the immediate sense. I had no desire to ever try it myself but if I'd seen a real life thing like that as a kid there is zero chance I'm ever touching the stuff. Real life hits home. I do get what you're saying though.
That was the original early treatment of it alright. The stuff of creative genius. I think Frankie Limon went the same way too.Phil Lynnott died of Septicemia from it. Pretty sure Hendrix and Janis Joplin went the same way and you'll never see any focus on how they blew it. It's always some "fierce but short flame of magic" or some bollox written by some anaemic beardy twat who thinks it's all a game.
Being a smoker myself is probably one of the reasons i've never touched coke or anything harder. It may not be the best comparison but it gives you an insight into addiction. Also when it comes to something like heroin from the bit i know it's basically impossible to not love it, whereas there are people who have done coke and other drugs and never got hooked because they thought it was overrated. When nothing compares to the feeling of heroin it's kind of hard to make it an 'occasional' drug. "Every odd time i shoot up a bit of H but i prefer having a gin and tonic and playing a few games of pool with the lads"
Some people have addiction-personalities. They just get hooked handier on famous Irish writer couldn't get off whisky because he enjoyed opening the bottle, pouring a measure and absorbing the immediate feeling a cold shot of ha4d alcohol gave him. Guys like me would find the bottle fiddly and throw it in the trash in anger.
My problem with drink is that i was born with a liking for it. Its not just that i love the taste, i love the plop as it hits the glass below. I love to listen to it.