I think I said he "could lose this"...Mickey Vann was basically putting Bika on his "last warning" in every other round.
Holdsworth is awesome :: Darke is a tool. Too much of a nuthugger for me take seriously, plus he's not amusing in the slightest a la Merchant etc, plus I see no evidence of him even having any in depth knowledge of boxing.
:laughing::laughing: Damn, Holdsworth = awesome, I haven't watched Eurosport in a looong time so forgot about him. The guy just seems to rip everyone
Holdsworth used to take part in a boxing prediction league a fair while ago (Howitzer Boxing League) which I also participated in, he didn't do very well though, think I finished above him ::
Whats nice is that he often gets to report on shit cards but he never holds back, never tries to pretend its anything other than rubbish, whether it be domenico spada beating up a journeyman in Italy or some undercard german/soviet HWs on a universum undercard
I like Holdsworth in that he can be funny, and refreshing...he calls a spade a spade. Haven't watched eurosport for a long time, but i seem to remember his scoring being very iffy at times....but you can say that for a lot of commentators. From what i've seen, Bob Mee is a pretty good co-commentator, if a little dry.
Anyone got a link for the froch v kessler full fight? Was on youtube but only got as far as the end of round 5 and they have deleted the rest of the fight it seems. I had froch ahead by one point too up to this point.
Nah, 'Could be out of this' .. was definitely the one, which is the same thing anyway I think. I wish Calzaghe didn't retire now to be honest,.. the division is probably the strongest it's ever been, I think he woulda done alright up until 40, his stamina was top notch, coulda peppered his domestic dunce before heading off.