I've been saying for years, Duke McKenzie is an intolerable fucktard, he literally has the IQ of a fencepost. Which one of you fellow Brits said he was a good commentator/analyst? Whoever you are, I want to give you a beating ::
REED - as you know I don't really like Kessler, and thought he was overrated too. Which he was. At the time, some people on this forum were saying Calzaghe had "no chance" against Kessler :atu: I mean really, based on what? But to be fair, he showed heart tonight, and gutted out a win. Like Feebs, I thought Frock would be too much man tonight, but Kessler fought for that win, and showed courage. Frock was also strangely lethargic and tepid.
Surely the fight must alter your opinion of Kessler REED. You said that Kessler is "Perhaps THE MOST OVERRATED Fighter EVER", yet he just beat a guy who you thought would knock him out. Furthermore, you said " it's NOT All that Hard to BREAK Kessler...", yet he just won a war of attrition against a the guy who you said was gonna K.O him and who "BACKS UP his Braggadocio w/IN RING DETERMINATION...." and is "MORE than Willing to Go Out On his SHIELD" How now can your opinion now not change about Kessler? How can you still consider him "NOT All that Hard to BREAK", when he didn't break (and won by toughing it out, not by running) against a guy who you considered tough. How can you still consider him ""Perhaps MOST OVERRATED Fighter EVER", when he just beat a guy who you said would knock him out?
To B CLEAR, REED is Only "Clinging" to Allan Green Based on How his STYLE Matches Up w/Andre Ward's...It's NOT like REED is Predicting Green to Win the Super 6, Because he Isn't... But he WILL Beat Andre Ward.... REED:mj:
He Won a CLOSELY Contested, Back & Forth Fight In his OWN BACKYARD...This is the FIRST Time Kessler Hasn't FOLDED In a Big Fight...Sorry, but 1nce ISN'T a Trend... Again, this is a Guy that MANY ON THIS SITE Labeled "Great" & Basically Called a Shoe In to Win the Super 6... If Kessler had DOMINATED &/or KO'ed Froch, THEN U'd Actually Have a Point...As Is, U DON'T... REED:hammert:
That is harsh. As I said, I was clearly willing Froch to pull out the win, and after rounds nine and ten it looked like the fight was going as you, I and others had predicted. BUT Kessler fought like a MAN in that 12th round. I know you haven't seen it yet but when you do, I think your position will soften. Froch came out like a man who knew he had to score the KO to win, ala the Taylor fight. Kessler, to his immense credit, met Carl in centre ring and traded shot for shot for the full three minutes. Had he not done so, Froch might well have pulled it out of the bag. That round was so close as to ensure that Kessler could win the fight, close as hell but without controversy. MTF
REED Values your Opinion, Mr. Feebles...But SOME R Acting as if REED has Been Completely OFFBASE about Kessler All Along or Something...As if REED Needs to Do a 180 on his Opinions of Him... NOT!!.... REED:nono:
Did you manage to catch any post-fight comments Feebs?.. I've been looking for em' ... I want to know what Froch said,...:crafty:
REED, I don't think people are talking about ability, more heart. Does this fight make me think Kessler is significantly better than I thought? No, he looked the same, ability wise. But he DID show more heart than I thought he had, and for that he deserves credit.
Carl went up against someone that he could not intimidate, and that was one of the greatest final rounds I think, since Chacon-Limon IV and even Holmes-Norton. Great fight, a truly great effort by both men, and this is what boxing is all about. This fight will be talked about and debated for years to come, a true time capsule epic of a battle.
Brah I'm just sorry Ward got injured, and post-poned the fight. You woulda been proven wrong TWICE tonight.
Ward Got "Injured" Because he WASN'T Ready to Face Allan Green...N Fact, Ward was BITCHING Because he DIDN'T Get his Expected GIMME vs. Jermain Taylor... So he Got "Injured" to Buy More Time for Green...Andre Ward is CONCERNED, Brother X...VERY Concerned....REED has RARELY Been More SURE of a Fight than he has Green vs. Ward.... REED:hammert:
I did. Froch said that if the fight was in Nottingham he might have gotten the swing rounds which would have given him the decision. I agree,although the corwd was in full booing mode as he said it (they also booed the UK national anthem, which I thought only a British disease until tonight). The first four rounds and the last round were as close as hell and could have gone either way. I gave Froch rounds 1 and 3, Kessler 2, 4 and a very, very close 12. After that, he was very magnanimous. He gave Kessler credit for fighting (instead of that Dirrell bitch who ran and ran) and wished him well. It is obvious that he and Kessler get on very well. Immediately after the fight, he walked to Kessler and said "good fight motherfucker" :: He also said he he a fight against Abraham to win now and that he was confident he would do it. Also, his bitch is pregnant, so he is taking some time off. MTF
Ok,.. I wasn't sure if he'd have a bitch-fit or not,.. I think he might have one at a later date though, through his incessant press releases,.. since Haye has gone completely silent funnily enough,.. the UK press will use Froch for a bit I'd dare say.
I think MWS is right on the mark. Technically, did we see a different Kessler? No. It was the same Kessler that many thought, me included, prior to the Ward fight that would tear Froch up. In terms of styles, Ward and Calzaghe are hideous for Kessler, who is technical to a fault. Froch, on the other hand, is a staright line, rough and tumble brawler. Made for Kessler but game as fuck and looking to fight as he always is. But in terms of fight, did we see a different Kessler. The answer is yes. Perhaps being at home spurred him on, or perhaps the knowledge that this was the LAST chance saloon, but whatever it was, for the first time Kessler found himself in a REAL fight and he rallied. Froch won 9, 10 and 11 pretty clear for me but just as he looked like he might go the way of Taylor, Magee and others, Kessler found the middle of the ring and threw leather like his life depended on it. That final round was a TREMENDOUS three minutes- one of the best rounds I have seen in many a year. As I said, I think you will soften your position a little when you get to see it, Mister REED. A real, blood and thunder epic it was. Froch loses little stock in my eyes for the close. It was close as hell and in England he would have won. His chin held up great, again, and he hurt Kessler on numerous occassions when he landed. He just wasn't his usual, exhuberant self for some reason. Perhaps the flying, or the illness or even the fact that he was fighting a guy he considers a friend. Who knows... :dunno: Kessler's stock, on the other hand, rises after this. He showed a new side to him. He has always been a world class front runner, but he has shown weakness when confronted with an elite guy who isn't frightened of him. Tonight he stood his ground and fought. And credit to him for taking a gusty motherfucker like Froch and trading toe-to-toe. It doesn't make him a better technician, but it makes him a better fighter. MTF
I highly doubt Ward is any more concerned about Green then he was Miranda, or Kessler. We'll see. IF Green does win by KO, I wont be upset. I'm not too fond of Ward.
I doubt it. As I said, it is VERY clear that he and Kessler are good mates. That is why there was very little trash talk before the fight and I can't see there being much afterwards. A few British scribes had Froch winning by a point, but even the BBC had him down by one and I had it dead level (and as a result knew he had lost with him being in Denmark). It was the kind of fight where Frcoh didn't lose much in defeat, so I don't think he'll bother with any kind of recriminations. Sorry to disappoint you, brother Kauki. MTF ::
He also praised Calzaghe and wished him well in his retirement once,.. about 3 days later he blew up again,.. so wait for it,..:crafty: ,..an outburst may be on it's way. By the descriptions of the fight,.. I'll have to get a hold of it,.. I do notice alot of UK websites noting 'woulda been different had it been in England!' ..and there's a slight scent of a bitter ring about that, but the best thing I could do is watch it and see for myself,.. I will score unbiasedly,.. aggressor + throw more + land more,..
It was very close my good man, but honsetly, in England, Froch would have won. The first four rounds were VERY close IMHO. In England, Froch (as champion) gets them. In Denmark, Kessler gets them. They swung the fight, because for me the rest of the rounds were very clear bar the 12th, which was a GREAT round and could have gone either way with no real complaints. Let me know how the scorecard goes. MTF
Kessler surprised me tonight.I didn't think he had the stomach to hang with a fighter like Froch because he's folded in the past.Props to Kessler for proving me wrong.
What point is it that you think I was trying to make and failed? I was querying the fact that you said this fight did nothing to change your mind about Kessler, despite the fact that the result of the fight contradicted not only your prediction of the outcome, but also your characterisation of Kessler quite considerably. I would have expected a response more akin to BTG's response (directly above this post), given the strength of your prediction.
kessler has slipped, thats for sure. he isnt nearly as sharp as once was. froch aint the slickest guy around
I also wanted to add that the fight was very VERY damn close.It came down to home court advantage and that allowed Kessler to get the swing rounds.Not to take anything from Kessler but Froch looked sluggish and gassed today.I think the issues Froch had leading up to thefight might have caught up to him.
Yeah, but don't you think you should at least watch the fight before you go backing up your earlier opinions of the guy? Otherwise you come off looking a bit closed minded, or worse..(gasp)..biased.