Yep, this is something I noticed in the Perdermo and Ward fights. Kessler looks so sloppy and uncoordinated lately. Even his reactions to incoming shots looks like the makings of a guy whose severly lost a step or 3.
Froch got nailed with alot of hooks tonight, but Kessler's left hook was never good. If AA is able to nail him like this, we'll see Froch on his back.
Arabham didn't look exceptionally powerful against Dirrell. My guess is Frock takes his shots just fine. Sure he'll get buzzed once or twice, but on his back? Frock is tough and recovers quick, and in his 2 fights at 168, Arabham doesn't seem like he has enough power to KO someone like Frock.
A mere Con is talking all types of shit about Froch on his twitter.:laughing: I'm no Froch fan, but at least Carl doesnt get KTFO in under a min by a bum. Heres to hoping that Froch catches the Con man on the street, and lays him out.
Who the F knows. All I do know is he doesn't look like the same guy who beat Andrade or lost to SlappyJoe. All I know is Kessler looks diminished as far as his technique is concerned. It could just be a natural errosion brought on by age even if he isn't necessarily that old.
Kessler aint "shot", but he damn sure isnt the same fighter he was 3 years ago. He doesnt pull the trigger nearly as quick, and his footwork is more ponderous. I really think that the Kessler that beat up Andrade woulda put a serious ass whuppin on Froch.
No fucking way, Trashkhan is talking shit about Frock? Hahaha. Me too, I hope Frock sees at him at a fight or something, and lays this jug eared cunt out. And yeah, someone who gets KTFO in 60 seconds by a scrub has no right to talk shit about someone losing a close decision to a former world champ ::
froch gave away some close rounds just because he held his hands down and took his foot off the pedal. not sure if has stamina issues fighting 3 minutes per round, but it cost him dearly tonight. i agree w/ those that say kessler is past he's best. he's not as quick or accurate w/ his punches as he once was. round 11 was pretty close. i had kessler winning 115-113.
Well, I guess it's time for Kessler to get in contact with Pacquiao's strength and conditioning coach, he'll fix him up alright.
froch's a tough awkward fighter. his late surge and kessler's retaliation in the last 4 rounds made this fight fun to watch. i think froch beats abraham.
His footwork is identical, his footwork has always been ponderous, which was more evidence than ever against Slappy Joe. He might have lost a step or two, but that's normal for fighters 30+. He does seem a little less accurate than before. Actually, I thought he looked shit against Ward (even when Ward wasn't really doing anything) but he looked far better and more motivated tonight. The Frock that beat up Jean Pascal would have put a serious whuppin on the Kessler than beat up Andrade ::
You're kidding me. What a fucking disgrace. :shit: The day Froch fights a C level guy and gets lit up light a Christmas tree is the day that little bastard has a right to talk shit. In the meantime, he should stick to trawling the world to fight the most pillow fisted, credible fighters he can. Dickhead. MTF
Heres what the Con man is sayin: "Carl Froch got his ass whooped from an opponent Joe Calzaghe beat with ease. Where will he go from this. We all knew he ain't world class," Khan sounded off on his personal Twitter page. "Carl Froch, poor guy was whooped before he set his dreams in America. Every American promoter hates him and no TV wants him, I hear." Khan supports every British fighter - except for Froch. He knew the day would come when he would get his revenge to throw some verbal jabs at Froch's first defeat. "I'm 100% behind British fighters but he just likes to dig at others, [so] now he can have back his own medicine," Khan said. "I'm an honest guy. I don't like Froch, I thought he was a nice guy till he started trash talking bout me and Calzaghe." "Froch fans, nothing against you but he digged at me when I was defeated and I always said what goes around comes around."
I think its the same fighter that fought Ward. Ward is just quick, and skilled, and Froch is well.... not. The Kessler that lost to Sloppy Joe was much better then the Kess of the last two fights.
What Amir said is particularly retarded regarding "whooped before he set his dreams in America" whatever the fuck that means, seeing as Carl has beaten Pascal, Taylor and Dirrell, and therefore has accomplished far more than Khan.
Even though I don't like Kessler, honestly I thought he looked worse than usual against Ward. Don't get me wrong, Ward would beat any version of Kessler, he has the perfect style to win - but I think either Kessler's confidence wasn't there, or he took Ward lightly, but I thought he looked crap even before Ward really got into his rhythm and started whupping him.
Trashkhan is a stupid little cunt, I can't wait to see him knocked out cold again, if he actually nuts up and fights a puncher. Even Maidana would knock him out.
I've defended that little cunt in the past, but that is disgusting. Who the fuck is that chinny little bastard to mock Froch, who has put his balls on the line and took on whoever is thrown at him, whilst Khan runs around fighting Hatton's leftovers? :dunno: Fuck Amir Khan. MTF
That's a very bold pick, REED. I think Green has a puncher's chance (and his hands are quick enough to land that one shot) but you gotta figure Team Ward is aware of this. They gameplan well and Ward has shown a lot of maturity in his past couple bouts, executing gameplans to near-perfection in both. Against two fighters Green could only dream of having on his resume. Yet I can't shake that nagging feeling that this fight is much closer than the odds would suggest.
It seems history reflects Kessler's victory,.. the vikings grubbed into Britain and lopped off the heads of the Irish, Scotts, and English, and jammed thier dicks into the underaged and widowed girls all over the place,.. but they never really touched Wales,.. The english people used to be slightly darker in appearance like the modern day Welsh, but since the vikings sprayed thier semen onto ya like a firehose, ya'll turned into crystalised albino's, apart from the Welsh,.. the welsh had the vikings number,.. like Calzaghe illustrated.
I still got a lotta love for Froch man, and props to Xplosive for sticking to his guns with the prediction too. I have to say, Kessler should always have been the man to win this, too much talent and skill, I thought if Froch could drag him into a war that he would prevail via mental strength and toughness, but fair play to Mikkel, the guy showed true toughness for the first time and pulled it out. Much love for that. I did think that if it went to points Kessler would win by a country mile, however that was NOT the case, to my surprise Froch made it a close, tightish fight which I thought would never be possible when up against a guy with Kesslers technical ability. I think Froch will beat Abraham, I've always thought so and I stick to my guns. I don't think he will beat Kessler or Ward, I don't even think he'll beat Dirrell to be honest with you in a rematch, but he deserves to be there in the semi finals without a doubt. The thing which annoys me is that he stands off and admires his work way too much, he hardly throws any combinations and doesn't seem to care about giving rounds away. He has decent power, and he has faster hands than people tend to give him credit for, but he just doesn't DO ENOUGH. Incredibly frustrating for someone who has turned into somewhat of a fan of the fightin' farmer from Nottinghamshire. GREAT fight though, fantastic action, Kessler fought fantastic but I never see him beating Ward, who really shouldn't lose this tournament. I think he would have a hard time against Dirrell too.
By the way people know I'm probably the biggest Khan fan on this site, maybe the only one, but Amir was out of order to say that stuff tonight
Nah man, fuck Froch,.. he pre-emptively strikes other British fighters at will, just cause he's a funny delusional moron who'll 'do up' the odd shack, doesn't make him the type worthy of please and thank you's.
I have to admit it will annoy me that Calzaghe will be ripping the shit out of Froch in the coming few weeks/months over this. Joe is obviously the better fighter, always has been, but Froch has put his balls on the line far more than Joe did at this stage of his career.
no doubt. those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. and as hegel said, history always happens twice: first as tragedy, then as farce.
Oh Roost, it repeats itself because humans are as linked to the dirt as much as your rare self contained plant, leeched of life by an unruly strangulation of weeds.