Oh, and MMA fans refuse to admit that all their fighters have two left feet and can't move worth a damn. "How doez you exepctz to st0p A takedown!?" "Um...move away properly." Notice their king, Liddell, gets KOed by a guy who can keep his shoulders tucked and looks more like a boxer than anyone in the organization. Their fighter of the future. George St. Pierre, the person with the perfect style and look for the UFC's next generation, gets stopped because he has no clue what to do on the inside or move out of the way when a smaller opponent is winging punches. Did you see the 6'8 guy the other night? The guy had no clue what to do when he had his opponent on the gate except for to hold. Meanwhile, Lennox knows how to use his body properly. UFC fighters, while very talented, are overrated.
Tito Ortiz went on the Howard Stern show some time back and Howard asked "Could you beat Lennox Lewis?" Tito said something like: "I'd whip him in 2 minutes easy."
I think the story is false. Somebody just made up some crap and it got overblown and spilled all over the net. It's publicity in order to get people to watch the show.
Hey man, I think MMA guys should definately be favored in a streetfight, but 10.5 times out of 10? They need to get real. How many streetfights have you seen end with a gogoplata? MMA rules or Streetfight, every fight starts stand-up, favoring the boxer.
And every good mma fighter has to set up their takedown in order to avoid getting hit by a good striker. Nobody just blindly goes for a takedown, especially on the street where anything goes. Speaking of, remember when Gilbert Yvel pushed his fingers into Don Frye's eyesockets when Don had him clinched? That's street fighting, not MMA.::
You thought Lewis looked adept on his back? He looked clueless, like most people would. Actually, I should word it like this for you...You thought Lewis looked "like a skilled jiu jitsu blackbelt" on his back? Why?
We'll see how Tito looks when he's on the floor staring up at the former Heavyweight Champion of the world.
mikE, it's not so easy getting a 270lbs Hasim Rahman off you in that situation bro.:: The fact is that boxing and mma have rules. Street fighting has no rules. Therefore umpteen scenarios can occur.
The thing that makes me laugh is these IDIOTS, like the sherdog losers and even mIKE on here thinking MMA fighters are invincible and would take a boxer 10.5 times out of 10 - look at MMA. Look at some recent succuessful MMA fighters and their fighting style. Chuck Liddell, how does he win his fights - by really sloppy, basic boxing, nowhere near the level of a world class, or all time great boxer like Lewis. Gomi - again, essentially a sloppy puncher, his hand techniques not even close to a boxer. Serra - how did he beat one of the most highly regarded and well rounded MMA fighters? Boxing, yes landing a sloppy punch. Rampage - again, a lot of his fights are won essentially by boxing. Punches have proven to be incredibly effective in MMA, after some good training for defending a takedown. And let's face it, the level of boxing is not even fucking close to actual boxing. Boxers punch, they train in hand techniques only, their punches are on another level of speed, power and accuracy to MMA fighters. Chins are also on another level. They train to take punches, they take punches round after round in sparring, that's what they do. And they often take hard punches for 12 rounds. You think Lewis or any decent heavyweight would have been KO'd by Lidell's shitty punches like Ortiz was? :: Or 1 punch KO'd by Jackson's sloppy haymaker? :: Not a fucking chance. The fact that relative bums like Butterbean and Botha have had success in MMA speaks a great deal really, about what would happen if a prime, world class boxer learned some takedown defense and entered MMA. They'd fucking clean up. Of course, that's never going to happen with the absolutely pathetic and disgraceful level of pay they receive compared to boxing.
dsimon writes: It is intreresting the polarlity of opinions in this situation. The MMA Guys are absolutely sure Ortiz would win, while the boxing guys are absolutely sure the boxer would win. Meanwhile as of yet no real info about what happened appears to be in the horizon, which might tell us a lot. The first important point is that a street fight is very different from both scenerios. It is neither an MMA nor a boxing match. But certain things an MMA guy does can work well in a streetfight. But the real effective things that come from MMA were originally part of Gracie Ju Jiutsu and a lot of those things are no longer part of MMA because the Gracies were masters of first neutralizing a fighter and then submitting them. iN MMA now the Gracies strategy is not really used anymore for a lot of reasons. There are tapes of the Gracie guys fighting some hard punching streetfighters though and one can see how they could use those to fight a boxer and win. But in MMA now the fighters are more interested in having a punching game and not exclusively in stopping a puncher. This makes MMA guys suseptable to a boxer because when you try to punch you can get punched. Most of the MMA guys I have seen do not have the skill of the Gracies to neutralize an expert puncher.
You're comparing a street fighter to a boxer? Don't go CYC on me dsimon, the difference is monumental. If you've ever sparred a decent boxer you should know this dsimon.
Right most boxers hang out with bad dudes too. They ain't gonna be standing there watching there boy getting armbared they gonna be stomping them.
Most of these guys start off with other disciplines then have to learn boxing at a old age. Pro boxers have been fighting from a young age. So your right if these sloppy punches are doing damage Lennox's right hand would put a hole through 2 guys at once.
The whole point is that (until I hear differently) there is no reason to assume Lennox can defend against a takedown. ....... You think Lennox gets hit in training round after round with hard shots? Well, putting aside that I doubt he even spars these days, I'd guess that Lennox didn't get hit all that much in sparring. Certainly not hard shot after hard shot round after round. Not getting hit is why he was so good. ........... Yep, they'd clean up just like Lance Armstrong did in the marathon.
Have you ever watched sparring? Almost all they do is load up on punches. Stop underestimating movement.
LOL...MMA clowns make me laugh. Lennox held back he should've beat his ass to unconciousness. Tito probably thought he could punk Lennox and found out what it felt like to get hit by a HW boxing Hall of Famer.
I don't believe Tito Ortiz is confident enough in himself to be picking fights against other world class fighters outside of an MMA environment, especially against a man much bigger than himself. This story is complete crap. It's just a rumour somebody started.
LL is a gentlemen, but he ain't no bitch :nono: LL KO1 Ortiz. Gosh I really hate MMA...got to be the gayest thing ever watch those dude roll around on the ground in their freaking underwear. I like to see dudes stand up and fight like a man. If some MMA dude took me to the ground, the rules are off then. I'd literly bite a freaking chunk out them, go straight for the eyes, punch them in the nuts, whatever...
:: Nah. That's physical assault and if unprovoked, could land Lewis in a lot of legal trouble, perhaps imprisonment. Besides, have you noticed that this 'Lewis hitting Ortiz rumour' has been discussed for the past 2 weeks? If it really happened, it would be a bigger deal than this. It's all BS, made up by some fool on a message board.
The Gracies are done, history. Besides, all their opponents were hand-picked and tailor-made for them. Fuck the Gracies. :flip: