BULL LONEY Tyson passed up bitch ass Lemmon to fight the REAL DEAL they were tryin to shaft Bowe so he threw it away, it was more about the WBC than Lemmon's gay ass
Tyson only wanted the Real Deal cause he'd had been diagnosed as a very sick man with very poor performances in his most recent fights. Tyson got brave and decided to cash out but found out the Real Deal wasn't quite as dead as was reported.:: As for Bowe, how did they try to shaft him? Dude was gonna make millions fighting Lewis but instead fought for much LESS money against a couple of dead guys in Dokes and Ferguson.
:clap: Word Maloney offered Bowe a fortune to fight Lennox- I posted the link earlier in this thread. Bowe threw his belt in the bin instead... :: Tyson didn't overlook Lewis- he PAID HIM OFF!! All so he could fight a supposedly finished Holyfield and cash out. Bad idea... ::
In fact Tyson passed Lewis to fight the dangerous Bruce Seldon. As he captured the WBA title he lost the WBC belt which Lewis then won
hilarious that people like esk are criticising lewis for not fighting JOHN RUIZ and CHRIS BYRD :::::::: Really reaching with that one esk
Evander ducked Lewis for 2 years before he finally agreed to the fight. Evander's stance on the subject was "Nobody cares about the fight!" Holyfield wanted $20 million, then $25 million then eventually $30 million. This caused a tremendous delay in contracts being signed. Lewis received $15 million. The fight went on to produce over 1 million ppv buys, making it in the top 10 all time. The rematch brought in almost 900,000 buys with the 2nd biggest gate ever. Holyfield was also once offered the Ruddock fight but decided against it because it was too much risk and not enough money.
no matter how much people wanna bring up Tyson or Holy or Bowe Lennox never fought Bowe, Ruiz, Byrd, or even Seldon! Seldon would have knocked Lemmon the f out
According to you, so would: Prime McCall Prime Rahman Prime Zeljoy Mackerl Prime Mercer (or old Mercer as we saw) Prime Tyrell Biggs Prime Shavers Prime Moorer Prime Wlad Prime Herbie Hide Prime Jimmy Thunder
Bowe not fighting Lewis hurt his legacy as well. I don't see a lot of people rating him very highly in an all time sense. It was up to Lewis to secure a fight with Bowe. If he was not able to do so, then his legacy was hurt by it. You blame Bowe for the Lewis fight not happening. Then you excuse Lewis for not fighting Ruiz and Byrd. You say it's ok because Lewis fought Grant instead or some other guy that *you* believe is more worthy. If I wanted to be inconsistent like you I would say it didn't matter that Bowe didn't fight Lewis because he fought Holyfield instead. Holyfield fought everyone and I never saw him knocked out cold against McCall or Rahman with one punch. The only thing that stops me from rating Bowe through the roof as he only lost one fight is that I can't get by the cold hard facts. He simply failed to face many top fighters. The same is true about Lewis.
You're right about the reason Tyson fought Holyfield. His people didn't want him to rush into a big fight. I know he was champ but obviously he fought scrubs to get his titles. The plan was a test against Holyfield who was supposed to be past his prime and then a fight against Moorer then Bowe or Lewis. As it turned out Holyfield had a lot more left than anyone thought and the rest is history. And yes Bowe was going to get shafted by fighting Lewis. Why should the champ take less money to fight Lewis than he would make to face Holyfield? You have to be crazy to fight for less money than you can make when you are the champion.
no doubt they were trying to Shaft Bowe. IMO Bowe is still the better BIG man.. he really had it all.. the night he fought JLG he would have destroyied any Lemmon
The money Bowe was offered to face Lewis was a lot less than what he could make fighting Holyfield again. Only a crazy person would take the fight for less money. I know you are dumb but are you telling me you're so dumb that if you were the champ, you would fight someone for millions less than you could get for fighting someone else? As far as Tyson paying Lewis off, he had nothing to do with that. Don King payed off Lewis. It's not as if Tyson made that decision then reached into his wallet to pay Lewis for not fighting. It was a business decision. They payed Lewis 4 million to sit and wait because they wanted to maximize profits by fighting Holyfield, Moorer and then Lewis. It was a good business decision because by paying Lewis 4 million dollars they stood to make millions more in profits. They didn't pay Lewis 4 million dollars because they were terrified of him and then made peanuts to face Holyfield with no plan other than to run away from Lewis. It seems to me as if you have no clue that there is big business surrounding boxing. It's not just a bunch of neighborhood kids meeting on the railroad tracks to settle matters with their fists.
Lewis actually got up at the count of 4 against McCall but the ref stopped the fight. He wasn't out cold.
Don King paid Lewis $1 million and a Range Rover to give up his IBF title and avoid Chris Byrd. I guess, according to you, it was a good business decision. Who wouldn't accept such a deal? To give up a crappy belt in exchange for a million bucks and a nice big car.::
It was a bad business decision because the IBF heavyweight championship is worth more than one million dollars and a range rover. Don King is the one who made a great deal there.
JLG whupped Bowe in the AM's Lenny beat Bowe in the AM's Bowe utterly destroyied JLG in the pros Bowe would have.... you get it
Lewis was willing to fight Ruiz after the Grant fight. It was Don King and Holyfield who got Lewis stripped in court. Since we all know Don King is in bed with the WBA and Holyfield would sell his own mother just to get a belt around his waist. Lewis never ducked Ruiz. The same way, according to you, Tyson never ducked Lewis. It was all a bunch of sh*t done in the courts. The politics of boxing. Lewis also never ducked Byrd outright. Byrd's promoter waved a million bucks in Lewis' face and said "F*ck Byrd, here's a car and a million bucks, just give me your IBF title!" Because of situations like this, Byrd no longer employs King as a promoter. ::
The point still remains. Holyfield never got blasted in the second round only to get up all wobbly. Whether you think it was an early stoppage or not, Holyfield was never in that situation.
Done or not, he was on his feet at the count of 4 and put his gloves up to his chin to signal "I'm fine, let's fight!" That's not the same thing as being knocked "out cold".
You said that Lewis was "willing" to face Ruiz after the Grant fight but he was mandated to face him INSTEAD of Grant. If he hadn't ducked him in the first place he would not have been stripped. But Lewis was in a hurry to fight Grant because he knew that any fight Grant had he was vulnerable to be exposed again as he was against Golota. Lewis knew Grant was a joke but Lampley kept singing his praises and the fight was made.
thank you Lemmon was beat up like a bitch.. wobbly and begging the ref . saying he was ok. :: that's like Zab telling Nady he was ok after dancing across the ring:: I wish the ref did let it go on so McCall could have really put Lemmon out cold and sure enough.. Lemmon's MO get a rematch when the guy is on the verdge of a mental break down you know, Lemmon managed to fight more guys that were either sick or had some issue going on.. I'll give Lemmon credit for that, always timing it so he gets people when they are at their worst