Funny you say that because if the IBF title is worth more than one million dollars, why was Byrd fighting for no more than a million dollars as the IBF champion? :laughing: After Don King's cut, Byrd didn't even take home a million bucks for an IBF title defense.
Yep, the same way Mike Tyson was in a hurry to destroy the presumably sick "Holyfield" but got ktfo instead.:: Tyson gave up his WBC title and 4 million bucks to get to Holyfield first, while Lewis was standing in front as his mandatory challenger. Funny how boxing works, eh esk?:laughing:
Don King payed the million not Byrd. He made a lot of money on his investment. Even to Byrd the title was worth more than a million and a range rover.
Yeah but at least Lemmon fought in the pros. Unlike armchair sh*t talkers on here who talk about how bad and tough they are while doing yoga and riding bikes and sh*t. Can't dog a heavyweight champ.
And that move would have hurt Tyson's legacy as well if it weren't for the fact that those years were pretty meaningless as far as his legacy is concerned. The difference with Lewis is that his legacy was defined by those decisions.
Yeah, Don made a lot of money on his investments throughout the years, at the same time ruining the careers of many quality boxers in his wake. Good going, Don.:clap: As for Byrd, he gave two sh*ts about any heavyweight title. He only wanted the title as a way to get the best competition. Otherwise nobody would've cared about fighting Byrd. Which is why today, Byrd has almost been erased from existence ever since he lost his title to Wlad. Who the f*ck is Chris Byrd now? Where is he? He's vanished!:dunno: To Lewis, that IBF title didn't mean squat. Lewis was making millions with or without it because Lewis had the name and the rep intact already. He was the man at heavyweight and the one everybody needed to go through. Bottom line.
:: Really? Lewis' legacy is defined by not fighting a latino bum and a woodpecker? :laughing: Very good!:clap:
He made money sure, but legacy wise he ducked some of the best fighters in the division and even dropped 2 belts to avoid fighting them. That simply is not good for a legacy. It hurt Bowe's legacy a great deal. It would've hurt Tyson's legacy if those years weren't already a joke. How many times did you see Ali's belts being stripped? And he was the ultimate money man in boxing. But he always cared about his belts because they are meaningful.
That is actually what stands out on his resume. He never faced Bowe, Ruiz, Byrd and never rematched Vitali.
Holding Bowe's unabashed ducking of Lewis against LEWIS is among the more ridiculous notions you have treated us to...and that is saying a lot.
On the bright side, neither of these 4 fighters will ever be mentioned in an all-time list of any sorts. I think Lewis' legacy is secure. What did Bowe amount to after ducking Lewis? His career went to the sh*tter and now is brain damaged, kidnapping his kids and making a mockery of himself with silly comebacks. Dude even said he wants to go to MMA.:: Byrd has vanished ever since he lost his belt so forget him. And even then, while champion, he got his ass handed to him by Oquendo in his first IBF title defense and lost to Golota. Both fights he got gifts and kept his belt by the skin of his teeth. Ruiz is trash, losing to f*ckin' blown up middleweights and is a boring bum! And Vitali, the man who could've saved the division, pretty much was finished after the Lewis fight. How many delays against Rahman? How many injuries? How many comebacks delayed, period? Even now he's talking crap about comebacks. Pathetic! Dude's hitting 37 now. Wasted his best years.
somehow I got the rep of doing yoga here:: I took a class like 2 years ago, I think I went 4 times in my life::
Lewis is favorite to beat both guys and is about even money against Bowe. I personally think Bowe would've beat him. Also Ibeabuchi would've destroyed him.
That's not true. They fought, and we know the result...and more importantly, Riddick Bowe and Rock Newman knew the result.
In your opinion. I think Ibeabuchi was overrated highly. Dude went the distance with several punchbags. Took him like 9 rounds to deal with the dying Everton Davis.
:bears: Zelijo was almost dead also!! SERIOUSLY DEAD! right before the fight Manny proclaimed "NO Heavyweight can even last 8 rounds with Lennox" and then he went 12 with Zelijko who was deathly ill::
:: lewis beats bowe, then bowe duck him publically, then esk blames lewis for bowe ducking him :laughing:
It's obvious you haven't seen the fight. I don't understand why ignorant people love to engage in conversation.