I had a feeling Linares would do a lot better than most of you expected, but at this point he's definitely doing better than I expected. We're used to freakish exceptions like Pacman and Floyd, but this shows size really does matter.
I guess this is a perfect illustration of Linares as a fighter - he is good, he has speed, power and skill but simply lacks durability. Got 1 punch KO'd by a fw without exceptional power. Loma looked vulnerable at times but still an impressive win.
Linares definitely deserves more respect than he gets on this board. Many here consider him a bum yet he’s always displayed a high level of toughness, skill and effort and he put up a much better fight than Wolters who quit like a bitch and Rigendeaux who never even had the heart to actually try against Loma. Both of them get twice the respect on this board that Linares does. I disagree Linares lacks durability. That was just a perfectly placed body shot and could happen to anyone.
Lol, of course he lacks durability, every one of his losses has come from a lack of durability. I agree with the first part of your post though, it's weird he gets talked about as a bum here, he is obviously a good boxer, and like you said he put up a way better fight than guys who are afforded more respect.
As expected Linares size and hand skills posed some problems but his age and lack of durability showed up down the stretch. I think the way Loma was hitting him at will with the jab set up the body shot.
Makes you think about Loma vs Mikey. Mikey Garcia has better timing and much more power than Linares. If Loma fights the same aggressive fight he will be there for the right hand at times. If he fights conservatively he will have problems with Garcias jab
He’s been a world class pro for a long time. That’s not going to make his chin, skin and body any more durable. He’s clearly at the end of his career.
I’ve seen Linares take a lot of damage and keep coming so I disagree he lacks durability. One KO was due to a cut, one was due to being caught cold early in the first rd and one was due to a great body shot. I don’t know the particulars of the second round ko but if this is all you’ve got out of 48 fights and as often as I’ve seen the guy go to war and absorb lots of damage in fights he went on to win, he looks pretty durable to me. Anyone can be stopped on occasion so I wouldn’t go so far as labeling one flukey cut, one rare body shot and a couple ko’s as lacking durability. If anything I think there’s probably a stronger case to be made that he kind of has a weak chin than that he lacks durability.
I thought Loma did his thing but he looked vulnerable in there. I think Mikey should be a slight favorite.
I can’t lie I am no longer sure Chenko dominates Mikey and give Mikey a far better chance. Still picking Chenko though, I still feel he’s the best fighter in the world.
Let’s not forget that many were saying the same about Mikey in his last 2 fights. I still seeing Loma winning a close decision.
This is true, and a very good point too. Fighters are not superheroes, though they might appear that way if they choose to fight Robert Guerreroes
SO as suspected, Lomachenko had a little problem with a big angular guy who came to fight, but prevailed in the end. Linares is just not physically rugged enough for the elite fighters, Lomachenko doesn't even hit hard. Linares has pretty much everything else apart from inner core resistance. I am not surprised he had his moments.
Mitchell was never a "bum" per se, I think that's harsh. Crolla was never a bum either, he had his skull fractured by burglars and still made a career of it. Limited guys for sure, but not bummage.
Never been toooo familiar with Crolla's career, but from what I've seen, he was an extremely slow, limited type. Mitchell could have been a possible contender type if had a chin. But he didnt. His chin was quite shit. But like a lot of guys with shit chins, he did have a lot of heart.
Mitchell had skills and was a good fighter, but yeah he was fragile as hell. Crolla was never all that really, I respect what he made out of his career but he really wasn't very good.
Exactly, and part of that was probably for the same reason Loma didn't look as dominant yesterday. Fighting a bigger guy. Every time a P4P fighter doesn't win every round all of a sudden we need to revaluate them or jump to the conclusion they're overrated. Loma-Garcia is probably the best fight to be made in boxing and a case for either winning can be made.
I really hope Chenko - Garcia happens soon. They both looked vulnerable in their recent fights, and the thing is - it was mainly down to size in both cases. Linares is also far more skilled and more experienced than Limpnuts, he just happens to also be more fragile. Linares is also clearly the biggest of the 3 even though he also started his career at 126, and I always see him as a 130 pounder. He's grown into a decent size lightweight actually. As we've seen them together, Chenko and Garcia are closer to the same size. Lomachenko still wins clearly at 135.
Exactly. In my case, I didn't think it proved Garcia was overrated at all, more just that he does not belong at 140+, that much was very clear. He looks proper elite at 135, and just 5 pounds north looked fairly average in comparison against two guys who are really nothihg special. But at 135 it's an interesting fight, I don't think Garcia has much of a size advantage at all, they both have featherweight frames. I think Lomachenko is simply better - faster, more skilled, more unpredictable. Garcia is more measured and more powerful, that's his advantages, I think Lomachenko is better in pretty much every other area.