Louis vs Dempsey

Discussion in 'Mythical Matchups' started by Hut*Hut, Sep 13, 2018.



    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    RE-REED the Typewritten Words VERBATIM...REED Hasn't Edited Them Either...

    "Tunney was an Excellent Heavyweight Champion "For His Day", But He WASN'T Max Schmeling or Billy Conn Either..."

    The Fuck Are YOU Talking About Bruh???!!!:Dont:...Is the Phrase "For His Day" FOREIGN to Your Dumbass???...Are You NOT Aware of the Fact Schmeling and Conn were Contemporaries of Joe Louis???...

    REED's Response Couldn't Have Been MORE Consistent w/His Initial Point...REED's Point Is What It Is; the Fact it Escaped YOUR Feeble Minded Ass is a Personal Matter You Need to Resolve Internally...

    You Ever Noticed NO Poster On This Site REPEATEDLY Misinterprets and/or Misrepresents the Words Presented To Him to the Degree YOU Do???...You're Perpetually CONFUSED, Yet Flexing Like You Actually KNOW What the Fuck You're Talking About...

    And Spare REED Your Lame "Weak" Argument BullShit Bruh...REED's Wiped His Ass w/YOUR Flimsy Boxing Opinions for 20 Fucking Years Now, Which is Why You Go OUT of Your Way to Be a DICK, Hoping to Get a Degree of Payback...It's OBVIOUS...

    "Julio Gonzalez Will Beat Roy Jones....Rocky Juarez is a Hunter...Antonio Margarita is a Subtle Scientist...Phylum's..."...That's All YOU Bruh!!!!

    Rest Assured, When Posters Remind You of Your Idiocy They're Laughing AT You, Not WITH You...

    You're the Fucking PINATA of Fightbeat, Getting Slapped About Thread to Thread, Forum to Forum...If Debate Records were Tabulated, You'd be a Fucking JOURNEYMAN in the Sub-.500 Vicinity...

    The WORST Part About You Is You Never EVER Admit When You're Wrong Or Say "My Bad", Even AFTER Obviously Speaking Out of Your Ass...Instead, You Sit Back and Await the Next Opportunity to Be a Prick...

    Fuck You Doub...For Real...

  2. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    Jan 21, 2003
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    "w/All DUE Respect to Jack Dempsey, His Legacy, His Role in the History and Evolution of Boxing, He LOST to Gene Tunney...

    Old Jack Dempsey, Inactive Jack Dempsey, Whatever...He LOST To Gene Tunney:Dont:...Tunney was an Excellent Heavyweight Champion "For His Day", But He WASN'T Max Schmeling or Billy Conn Either..."

    Whatever dude. You're so argumentative and defensive. It makes having an actual adult discussion with you impossible.

    You said it, I didn't. It's clear you're referring to Dempsey's loss to Tunney as the basis for picking him to lose to Louis. Don't get so pissed. I politely said I don't subscribe to arguments like that. And you have a temper tantrum. :Jest:
    Jesus of montreal likes this.


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    Correction, REED Recognizes When a SMARMY Asshole is Being a SMARMY Fucking Asshole...

    REED Makes a Living Co-Existing w/COWARDLY Pieces of Shit Like You, Doub…"Oh, I Didn't MEAN It the Way You Took It"...Shut the Fuck Up Bitch...When You Step Out of Line, Which You CLEARLY Did In Your Last Post, REED'll Damn Sure CHECK Your PunkAss...

    You've NEVER Talked to REED as Such and You Fucking KNOW It...You Didn't "Politely" Say Shit, Bitch...You Simply Lack the BALLS to Admit the Obvious. A Big Part of an "Adult Conversation" is OWNING What You Said, Instead of RUNNING From It Like a Trolling Pre-Pubescent Boy, the Way You're Doing...

    REED CLEARLY Spoke of Louis and Tunney as Fighters of Different Era's, Thus the "For His Day" Tunney Reference, Juxtaposed w/the FACT "He Wasn't Max Schmeling or Billy Conn Either"...

    w/the Exception of YOU, Anyone Reading That Could EASILY Glean What REED was Saying...

    Maybe You were Dropped @ Birth, Resulting in Comprehension Difficulties, But You REALLY Need to Take Accountability for Your UNCEASING Knack for Completely MISREPRESENTING Words that Are LITERALLY In Your Fucking Face...

    It's NOT a Coincidence You've Had Issues Like This w/a Multitude of Fightbeat Posters...It's YOU Doub, Not Fightbeat...

    Again, CHECK Yourself Motherfucker...

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
    Ugotabe Kidding likes this.
  4. Jesus of montreal

    Jesus of montreal WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Jan 5, 2006
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    I know people don't like it, but dempsey was only the white HW champion of the world. It's cute and everything to act like he was the real WC, but his reign deserves at least an asterix beside it.
  5. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    Jan 21, 2003
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