Yeah, it's tough to keep everything straight. Eventually we learned that the random drug-testing Floyd has been using (USADA) is in Golden Boy's pocket. No one (including team Pacquiao) knew that at the time though. But the conversation is evolving. That's a good thing. Now we're learning what's proper testing and what isn't. Who's credible and who isn't.
Extra tests? Like, extra beyond peeing in a cup? I guess. There is essentially zero drug testing in boxing right now if fighters don't demand it.
With all the negotiations back and forth I can easily see team PAC refusing out of principal, just another obstacle from the PBF camp. Then again Im of the view PBF didn't want the fight.
I'm of the view neither side wanted the fight. I have a hard time believing a truly clean athlete wouldn't jump at the chance to prove it. But that's just me.
Who knows for sure, from the outside looking in I saw PBF demand one thing after another. It came across like he didn't want it.. For what ever reason.
He didn't want to share the money, I agree with you there. This thing goes so much deeper than athletics.
If Pac WANTED the Fight & WASN'T Using PED's, there's Absoluletely NO Reason why he'd have Refused Out of Principal...So Pac Allowed "Principal" to Get in the Way of a 50 MILLION Dollar Fight???... REED:mut: ps. Floyd DIDN'T Want the Fight, but Simultaneously, Pac was DIRTY...Pac Could've EASILY Called Floyd's Bluff & Potentially Made him Look even WORSE than he Did, by Agreeing to the Testing...Pac Didn't, Because he KNEW he Couldn't Pass Random Drug Testing...
agree... also, the "nobody accused Pac of anything until Floyd demanded testing" angle is the msot blatant nonsense I have ever heard
That's just COMMON SENSE... After Hiring Victor Conte, Nonito Donaire Subjected HIMSELF to Random Testing, when NOBODY Was Asking him to, to DIFFUSE Any & All Rumors BEFORE they Could Get Started... Manny Pac's Reputation has Been SLIGHTLY Sullied by PED Allegations which WOULDN'T have Been There @ All, had he Simply PROVEN he was Clean....The Sports World is Waaaaaaaaaay PAST the Point where Athletes Should Be Afforded the PRESUMPTION of CLEANLINESS.... REED:mj:
Ill say it again, who knows what happened during the negotiations but I believe Floyd did NOT want that fight. 50 million to a guy in his position is nothing really.
REED's Gotta Call BULLSHIT Here... OFF THE TOP, Manny Pacquiao is TAXED Anywhere from 42-47% of his U.S. Earnings, Because he's a NON-Resident of this Country...THEN, Arum, Roach, Ariza, Koncz, etc., All Get their Cut...All the While, Manny's Been Known to BRING 50-100 of his "Closest Friends" w/Him from the Phillipines for EACH Fight...Flights, Food, Rooms, Board & Fun Money for 50-100 People???...Shit ADDS UP... Manny Pacquiao CANNOT Afford to Be FLIPPANT about 50 MILLION Dollars, Bro... You & Z Cut Pac More Slac Because you LIKE him More than you Like Floyd....It's Your Prerogative, but just ADMIT it... REED:mj:
I dont participate in the Floyd / Pac threads. I've made my position clear and that bolded section (making out like I'm hiding my position :dunno:) tells me this thread has descended into the usual Floyd / Pac BS. Manny could earn that 50 million in 2 possibly 3 fights. If you think he wouldn't tell Floyd to piss off for the sake of 50 we shall agree to disagree. By the way Manny had that same entourage when he was earning a third of his current earning, probably less.
Floyd's demand for testing came in Dec 2009, people were talking about it all through the latter half of 2009 before that. Aside from that, obviously the rumors are going to intensify when Pacquiao refuses to take tests based on bullshit excuses like he's scared of needles or whatever. Z reminds me of Larry Craig's son still thinking he's not gay.
We've been here before Loaded, I know where you stand on the issue...... Right under Floyd's ballsack.
Again, REED has to Call BULLSHIT... Have You SEEN Manny Pacquiao's Entourage???...Not On Television, Because that DOESN'T Do it Justice, but IN PERSON???...REED is Talking about BOATLOADS MORE People than just those who Walk Pac to the Ring... Case in Point, Manny's Back to Back Fights in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area...In Addition to the Televised Entourage, Pac had Roughly 50 People w/Him, that he Flew in from the Phillipines, for the Clottey Fight...They Stayed @ Perhaps THE Most EXPENSIVE Hotel in the Area for about 7 Days...A "Cheap" Room w/1 Bed was $150 PER Night @ this Joint...Again, Pac had about 50 ADDITIONAL Peeps w/him & there's NOfuckingWAY those Rooms were COMPED...They were On Pac's Dime... So that's Flights, Room, Board, Food, Fun Money, etc... For the Margarito Fight, Pac's Entourage DOUBLED (Minimum), from the Numbers REED had JUST Seen 7 Months Prior...AGAIN, he's Being TAXED about HALF of his GROSS (EACH American Fight), THEN he's Gotta Pay Roach, Arum, Koncz, Ariza, etc (EACH Fight)...It's Simple Mathematics...Manny Pac is Generous to a FAULT & he CANNOT Afford to Be Flippant about 50 Mil....The Margarita Fight was about 4 Bouts Ago & No Question, Pac has ADDED MORE Members to his Entourage Since Then.... Manny's "3rd World Rich", which is ALOT DIFFERENT from REALLY Being Rich... REED:nono:
If Bradley manages to get by Marquez (sans any controversy), who would you guys rather see him fight of the two?
I'm sure you can do a search for threads Many of us were suspicious of him for a long time... if your head hadn't been up his arse, you would have noticed