Manny Pacquiao 54-4-2 (38 Ko's) vs. Juan Manuel Marquez 54-6-1 (39 Ko's) Round 2 They meet in the middle of the ring...Marquez throwing the left hook/jab. Jabs by Marquez keeping Pacquiao at a distance. NOTHING much...Righ thook by Pacquiao, Pacquiao trying to catch Marquez with uppercuts, Lead left by Pacquiao, right/left to the body by Marquez. Right hand, left hook by Marquez, Left by Pacquiao....HARD LEFT HAND BY PACQUIAO, but Marquez takes it. Jab, jab by Pacquiao.. Right to the body by Marquez,..Left hook by Marquez...Left to the body by Pacquiao... Round 2: Pacquiao
Better body shots for Marquez and better head shots for Pac. Manny landed a nice straight but it didn't effect JMM at all.
Marquez took a thudding left hand but didn't get hurt at all. Still, Pacquiao's round clearly, Marquez just didn't do enough.
I wonder if Pac's legs hold up with all this movement. I doubt it. Marquez's body punches are great investments.
Manny Pacquiao 54-4-2 (38 Ko's) vs. Juan Manuel Marquez 54-6-1 (39 Ko's) Round 3 They meet in the middle of the ring...left by Pacquiao, right to the body by Marquez. Jab/left by Pacquiao, partially blocked, left to the body by Pac. Marquez not throwing much, looking to counter but isn't letting them go..Jab/left hand down the middle by Pacquiao. Another left by Pacquiao...alot of upper body movement by Pacquiao...Jabs by Marquez, left to the body by Marquez....OVERHAND RIGHT HAND DOWN GOES PACQUIAO.....he is up fast......Right to the body and head by Marquez, Pacquiao covering up......Marquez goes back to countering...jab/left by Marquez, left by Pacquiao, right by Marquez.....they war down the round... Round 3: Marquez 10-8
Marquez can see all of Pacman's punches. Pac can't surprise him with anything it seems. Gonna take a lucky shot.
I had a funny feeling that would happen, that Marquez would really hurt Pacman for the first time, as he just looks fucking huge now ::
If that was Trinidad that went down, nobody would give a sh*t. It's like "Ah, the fight's started now!" ::
Yeah man. Either Marquez is on peds or that physical trainer is a fucking genius and should be sought out by every boxer in the game.