That was different because Hatton initiated a lot of those clinches..not all but a good number of them. Hatton is just a grimy roughhouse fighter. Maidana rarely clinched and Floyd was reaching for him.
Ugly fight. Floyd doing way too much clinching and Bayless having a bad night. I was surprised and impressed by Mayweather's legs though. I didn't think he was still that agile and had the legs at 37.
regarding bayless being a cunt, i dont think it would have made a difference to the decision. however a paid off ref is still exactly that
Maidana wasn't going to win, most likely, but he was still prevented from mounting an offense by Floyd cheating and bayless allowing it
I wonder if this fight will harm Mayweather from a business standpoint ... There's not going to be a lot of waxing poetic about this fight
What a disappointment. Mayweather at least being honest about his C performance in the post fight. He looked as bad as I've seen him. And to think there's nothing on tap for the year except the Kov-Hopkins fight in November.
Boxing was on the come up last year. Lots of good cards and great fights. This year it's gone back down. Mismatches, weak cards and bad fights.
Yeah he was clinching a lot. But maidana is a fucking animal who comes in with his head and swings wild. Win today, look good the next fight.
You're right about that. Boxing seemed pretty exciting for a year or two, this year has been largely shit. The one recent shining star in boxing is of course Gaybox.
Have a great reffing career. Build yourself up as the best ref in the business and fair and honest. Have one bad fight and you are a corrupt piece of shit who has taken money to fix a fight that was being dominated despite who the ref would be.
It doesn't sound like it all to me. Showtime should be able to force him to fight pacquiao with their 32 million per fight deal.
Even GGG is fighting mismatches. Obviously not his fault because nobody worth a damn wants to fight him.
That was a shit under card too.The only good fight tonight apparently came on at 7 PM and wasn't even on the fukn card?