Over a guy whose best win was achieved only 1 fight previously, with illegal wraps. The significance of beating a Margarito who had been rumbled in the dressing room..........:dunno: The significance of beating a Margarito who had been rumbled in the dressing room and in addition had lost his best weapon, the wraps?? :dunno: Not only was he shaken mentally by what had happened, he was a lesser "fighter" for it. Upstairs and downstairs the guy was shaken. All Shane did was beat the shit out of a guy who was nowhere near as good as we had thought he was. Viva Welterweight, Viva Wraps, Viva EPO and Midget Catch-Weights!!!
the manner in which he defeated a formidable foe like margarito was more impressive than when he defeated delahoya. sheer domination vs a guy who wouldve given delahoya all he could handle.
Not shit....just nowhere near as good it was felt he was. And was probably better, or more of a challenge to Floyd, at 147, than Sharmba Mitchell, Zab or Ricky Hatton. Its not even an issue of how good or bad he Margarito was....its more a question of how we now re-evaluate him in light of the wraps.
How formidable? With the wraps, knowing he had the wraps, and knowing nobody else knew it, Margarito was "formidable". Even at that, he needed 11 rounds to beat down Cotto. How formidable did he feel without the wraps? How formidable would he have felt knowing Mosley knew he had used wraps, most likely, but would not have them that night Just a few thoughts.
Wraps or no wraps Margarito came with a whole lot of pressure how would Mayweather handle so much pressure from such a big opponent..was one of the main reasons people wanted to see that fight....
Okay, I can live with the basic premise. But......did Margarito fight that way as he had the confidence of a man who knew the wraps would do the job for him?? Getting caught by Nazim Richardson was a double whammy. 1. He knew he hadn't got the wraps. 2. He knew that other people knew what he was about. That took away his wraps and took away his heart. He went into that fight like a guilty man goes to the gallows.
I can't tell if this is a joke or not. Prime De La Hoya would've torn Margarito three new assholes. Beating a prime DLH is by far the best victory on Shane's ledger, especially since he was the first man to do it convincingly.
Shane's best win was against De La Hoya in 2000. His 2nd best win was against Margarito. Mayweather beating Mosley was a good win for Floyd. Unfortunately, it's the only thing he's done of note since the end of 2007. And since that fight, almost a year ago, he hasn't done shit but beat up women and make stupid videos, and has no fight scheduled.
Hey let's agree to a catchweight and then I'll come in way over the agreed weight and get an even bigger advantage over a guy who is naturally way smaller than him to begin with. Impressive stuff there.
Agreed. The fact he wasn't considered Fighter Of The Year is one of the biggest robberies in the history of sports.
It's not worth responding to RJJ or Neil in Floyd related posts. They are blind Floyd nuthuggers. Those two and Sly seem to think Floyd vs Marquez is a really legit win, treating it as if it happened at 130 against a prime Marquez. And :: at the Plasterito Shane faced being a "formidable" opponent. Not only did he get his magic wraps taken away, but I doubt his mind was really on the job after getting busted in front of the entire world. There was nothing formidable about him, he was a downright scrub since the first round. Nice performance by Mosley, beat the shit out of him, but he was fighting a walking heavy bag.
care to provide some evidence where i made such a claim? margarito beat several welterweight contenders whether you choose to ignore it or not. the guy is the best victory of mosley's career. if not, he is easily the second best victory of mosleys career with a huge gap until #3.
Neil, unless you choose to give Mosley a HUGE amount of extra credit for his age when he beat Plasterito, saying Plasterito is better than the Oscar win is fucking absurd. Mosley won a clear 8 to 4 decision over prime Oscar. That same Oscar would have fucking schooled and clowned the Plasterito that turned up against Mosley. I'm a Mosley fan and even I was dubious of how much credit to give Mosley straight after that win because of how awful Plasterito looked. First off, he's obviously scrubby as fuck without his magic wraps, and second, you could see his mind wasn't on the job. He was just plodding forward vacantly, getting battered. And no I don't choose to ignore it Neil, Plasterito DOES have some legit wins on paper at 147 without a doubt. But with the magic wraps revelation, every one of those wins comes into question.
delahoya never "fucking schooled and clowned" any welterweight opponent the level of margarito. if you want to choose to write off the guys career thats on you.
Do you not understand what I am saying? What I am saying is simple. The guy that turned up against Mosley was not the same guy that turned up against Cintron, Cotto etc. He looked like a total scrub and was clearly not with it mentally. The same Plasterito with loaded gloves that showed up against Cotto etc.
i understand what you are saying, i just think it is foolish. was the margarito that showed up against pacquiao more focused mentally? i guess you are able to determine fighters mind states. since you are omniscient maybe you can tell me exactly which bouts margarito had these illegal hand wraps?
Again, at 147 the DLH from the first Shane fight would have absolutely kicked the shit out of a wrap-less Margarito. The gulf in class and skill there is immeasurable. Anyway, some might not agree but I think the manner in which Floyd beat Marquez was not only awesomely impressive, it could've been repeated at any weight. And I also think that Marquez could give Pacquiao hell and probably beat him (again) at 140, and Pacquiao/Roach know it.
Of course he was not the same guy. He had been caught, he knew he had been caught, he knew everyone else knew it, and he knew he was going into the fight without his best weapon. Even if he could have beaten Shane fair and square, he did not believe he could, and thus fought like a man just going through the motions, waiting to get KO'd. Same with Shane. When Shane was forced to fight without his special drugs, his father had to urge him on, telling him "forget about that stuff, you are still strong". Even if it is just a placebo, even if the wraps and the EPO were just placebos, their mere withdrawal, combined with the negative mental effect of them being withdrawn and having 3rd parties know the truth, was enough, when combined with the right circumstances, to have a considerable effect. As it happens, plaster wraps and EPO are very real things.
Like Irish said, he looked like a beaten man from the opening bell, going through the motions. Use your noggin Neil, you only need two eyes and a brain to see how awful Plasterito looked and that he clearly didn't show up, mentally. I said more or less the same thing after the fight, though I do believe Mosley probably beats Plasterito even WITH wraps. It's a good style matchup for him, but nowhere near as dominant as the beating he gave the chump that just got caught red handed. The Plasterito that showed up against Pacquiao was more with it mentally yes, he showed up to win, but he was just as scrubby without his wraps. That win is only impressive because of the huge difference in size. The Cotto win is much better for Manny. :: at the idea of Marquez beating Manny at 140. That would be like picking Castillo over Floyd a few years ago at 147. Just absurd. Marquez has declined, Manny has improved, and Manny is clearly much more suited to going above lightweight. Like I said LG, if that fight happens, I'll be happy to bet with you.
Mosley beats Margarito -> Floyd fights Mosley, Pacquiao fights Margarito Floyd beats Mosley Pacquiao fights Mosley this sort of pattern has been consistent since Pac fought David "lost to a damaged Erik Morales" Diaz at 135 and then went up to 140/147. MWS I'll take that bet in a heartbeat. The only possibility Pac has of winning is if Marquez were to get robbed (again). But would you also be willing take a bet if Floyd/Manny came off? ;)
im not asking about would haves. Im asking when did it actually occur where delahoya kicked the shit out of, schooled, clowned , etc a welterweight the caliber of margarito?
You're right, Margarito would've been the first. Oscar didn't fight a lot of cheating, mediocre-without-their-wraps champions at 147. Though it's pretty doubtful as to whether a 147 lb Margarito is better than a juiced 154 lb Fernando Vargas.