Eddie Chambers would be an oldschool throwback of better days gone by,..and Pedamek would be going for his 8th weight class, 'Pacquiao at flyweight' is the pardoning equivalent of his loss to Dawson. More belts, more divisions, makes for a more glamorous sport, may the sanctioning bodies make champions of us all! :bears:
You're a complete moron. What an absurd example. Height is just one factor. Floyd is not only 2 inches taller than Hatton, he is simply the larger framed man, you only need to look at them side by side to see that.
Pac might share a room with a bunch of ladyboys....super gay... but there is something fishy between Mayweather Jr and Leonard Ellerbe... <iframe title="YouTube video player" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zwkH-La-moA?rel=0" allowfullscreen="" width="640" frameborder="0" height="390"></iframe>
Yeah, weight is a really poor metric to use to determine who is the bigger man. We should do away with weight classes, and from now on just have you judge every single fighter in the world to subjectively determine which "size" class they belong in. No, he was just an inferior fighter who couldn't be effective against fighters who were the same size as him or bigger, so he dehydrated himself to compensate. Your point would be valid if Gatti was out of shape, but he never was. He never looked soft in the ring, he always had a defined midsection. All of this is obvious. Forcing others explain it to you makes you look like a moron. You should really just let this go.
Manny's advisor, Michael Koncz is claiming 2 weeks ago they offered Mayweather a 50 million guarantee to face Pac, and he rejected it. They said they recieved an offer for 100 million from a country that he didn't want to name to bring the fight there. Which they would have split 50-50, plus PPV sales if it surpassed the 100M. Anyone hearing this?
Cool, you can help Irish in his new size class creation endeavor. Your skill can be judging how big a fighter is based on your uneducated examination of a photo showing 50% or less of a fighter's body.
If anyone has an agenda or is coming across as a nuthugger, it's you, not Irish. Note what I said before, ULTIMATELY IT WOULDN'T HAVE FUCKING MATTERED, FLOYD IS BETTER. Floyd would have won at 140, fuck he would have won in his first fight at 140, coming from 135. That's not the point. The point is Floyd is bigger. Anyone with two eyes and a brain can see Floyd is the man with the larger frame, he was more accustomed to WW, and he has a frame more suited to WW. Hatton has a frame maximised at 140, he looked out of his depth at 147. Therefore, although Floyd is always going to beat Hatton, that win at 147 doesn't really mean that much considering Hatton is not a welterweight.
If you are offered tens of MILLIONS.. The most ever in. Your career and more than most make in life! All you had to do is take a drug test....wouldn't you take it??? Just take it I think Obama should show his birth cert Manny should take a drug test
I said the same thing. Floyd was better. But Floyd had no intention of fighting Hatton at 140, in fact, Floyds comp at 140 is downright outrageous. Floyd knew that he held the aces at 147, as it was a weight which maximised his physical make up. Its really very simple.
All well and good except that both men weighed the same in the ring at welter as they invariably did at 140. To all intents and purposes it was a junior welter fight, in the ring.
So why would Floyd turn down a guaranteed 50 million two weeks ago? With out any negotiations, just flat shot it down.
Exactly, he didn't make the fight at 147 for no reason. If he was so small and could make 140 so easily, he could have made the fight there. There had to be some kind of deciding factor and it was that he was at an advantage at 147. Period.
he didnt make the fight at 140lbs because hatton felt he wasnt ready for it, and he wasnt getting paid enough to get his ass kicked when the fight was available for him when both were fighting in the super lightweight division.
I'm talking about when the fight DID happen, why at 147 and not at 140? This is of course toward those who claim Floyd was so small.
First I've heard of it, but not exactly surprising IF it's true. It's pretty clear by now that Floyd doesn't want to fight Manny.
Who knows, I never heard that anywhere but here Floyd retired so if he means it... I don't know I'm just saying if you are clean, why not test?
Ricky Hatton's father said that they had been negotiating the fight with Mayweather for awhile before it finally came together. Both sides probably just wanted to build up the fight more and make it a bigger event and money-maker. Hatton then got more American and HBO expsoure. I guess it worked for both sides having it at 147. Mayweather was growing into a WW more (I think the time off helped as well), and Hatton could keep his belt at 140 regardless of what happened that night.