Miguel Cotto/Shane Mosley early predictions!

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by Hex-One, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. Irish98

    Irish98 Leap-Amateur

    Jan 13, 2003
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    Yeah, real dumb.
  2. Father of Muzse

    Father of Muzse Undisputed Champion

    Sep 30, 2006
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    The FEDS called pretty much everyone on BALCO's client list. People tend to forget that BALCO DID sell legit supplements.
  3. mexican wedding shirt

    mexican wedding shirt The Greatest of Are Times

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Nice sig :lol:

    I agree. Mosley even past a lie detector test, no way he was juicing.

    Mosley doesn't seem to have the knieving criminal mind required to lie his way through a test and pass.
  4. CleanYourClock

    CleanYourClock "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I'll agree. Mosely , if he was poor and found a suit case of cash , he would probably turn it in. :doh: :lol:
  5. Attraction

    Attraction Undisputed Champion

    Sep 17, 2004
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  6. dsimon3387

    dsimon3387 WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    May 23, 2005
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    dsimon writes:

    The fact is that people were talking up Ruddock. In those two losses to Tyson they were exciting fights where Razor almost stole the fight in the second half.

    No Razor was not on a par with Mosley but both guys were talked about the same way in response to their opposition. Lewis like Cotto was coming up the ranks and was considered to have some serious chin problems. Lewis like Cotto was fighting his first top echelon guy... Razor was considered such based on his performance against Tyson who had manhandled everybody else he faced with the exception of Razor. Remember Sly's comment has more to do with people's perception of both guys than an actual analysis of their skills.

    Both guys were considered veterans who could still fight. Also revisionists act like Razor was a big stupid guy but at the time he was considered crafty like Mosley. Mosley like Ruddock fights hard, is not exactly a thinking fighter with polished technique and solid fundamentals. He is fast and tough with good natural hand speed and some skills. Ruddock was thought about the same way.

    Yes, the careers of Mosley and Ruddock since Lewis fought Ruddock changed and Mosley is a more highly regarded fighter... and rightly so, but at the time, people had a very different perception. And Rudock had more skills than he is often given credit for having... I happen to think he was better than Bowe.

  7. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Just got through rewatching this fight and I must have missed the parts where Collazo was making Shane look silly and clowning him. Yeah, Collazo landed a few good shots but never anything consistently and he was mostly losing every rd of the fight. Shane never displayed that discouraged look and was in fact holding his glove up in triumph after the first few rds. As a matter of fact it was Collazo they showed after a few rds who had the unconfident face going all the while while his corner was telling him to step it up and there is no tomorrow. You need to take another look to get your memory straight.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2007
  8. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    When you first made your long post you almost had me worried, but I thought, let me rewatch the Collazo fight and see if he was correct first. So after careful review let's pick apart your thoughts. Well start here....

    He dominated a sharp/focused Judah? I'm not taking nothing away from what Cotto did to Judah, but I would describe Judah as underconfident coming into that fight. He'd just come off of 2 straight losses one of which was to a guy he was easily favored to win. He was expected to be focused for Baldomir, he wasn't, he was expected to be focused against Floyd, he fell apart in a fight he was at least fighting evenly in early. Why should I think he was focused/confident for Cotto? If anything he looked like he came to lay down.

    Actually Collazo did very little against Mosley. He did land some good shots but overall Mosley was tagging him alot more often and consistently and it was several rds before Collazo even landed double digit shots according to the crew. The 1st Vargas and Cruz fights are pretty irrelevant because Mosley was not fighting powerboxing under the training of his father at the time, nor was his confidence at the height it should be now. Mosley was on his toes, but he wasn't running. He was bouncing in place using his quick feet to evade Collazo's shots while effectively countering him. He also tied up a lot less than even I originally thought. He did not clinch a lot in that fight at all and his stamina was in fact better than Collazo's. On top of that even when he was visibly tired he never stopped throwing punches and being the better guy in the ring. One thing you did get right so far was that his jab was nothing more than a flick.

    Shane sat down on his punches well. In fact he was throwing some of the same kind of shots he used to in his prime when he would almost overexhaggerate the punch and this he did to the head and body. As far as the rest, well every fighter is vulnerable to whatever punch hits them, so I'm not sure what that really means. I mean it's not like Collazo had a patented punch he could score with whenever he wanted. Shane blocked, ducked and slipped a lot of Collazo's punches and when you think about how fast Collazo punches that let's you know how good Shane's reflexes still are. Honestly he hasn't looked this good since the 1st Forrest fight. He was throwing combo's effectively and everything.

    It is true that Collazo was able to push Mosley around and looked the stronger of the 2 but he was also heavier than Mosley by 6 lbs. Mosley also did fight on the inside and had no trouble there or anywhere else the fight went and did not need to stop while having no trouble with any trench mauling warefare, it was Collazo who seemed to be taking the worse of these exchanges. Plus I'm pretty sure Collazo didn't hurt his hand until the 9th rd where Shane had long since displayed a complete dominance over him in talent and experience.

    No he isn't shot. Like I said rewatching that fight and it was almost like going in a time machine. Shane looked awesome. I was actually amazed at how fast he was able to react to some of the things Collazo did which is alot faster than what Cotto will do. He was so light and elusive on his feet that he was often able to avoid punches with his legs reminding me of his lw days. He was also consistently bouncing on his toes and his energy level was very good especially at his age. I do give Cotto a shot but I have to think that this Shane is physically at almost the same point as his prime. It's Shane's durability that will come into question in Nov.

    My prediction: Mosley by dominating 8th rd TKO. (To much foot and hand speed.)
  9. Father of Muzse

    Father of Muzse Undisputed Champion

    Sep 30, 2006
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    I stopped reading right here because it's so far off base.

    The first fight was stopped in the 7th round and Rudduck only won one round on all three judges cards (despite going down twice) and in the rematch Rudduck went down twice again (if I'm not mistaken) and basically got his ass whupped the rest of the night.

    Outside of one punch here or there, he didn't do much. The best moments Rudduck had in the rematch were in the early rounds. The only reason the scores were somewhat close is because Tyson lost one or two points later in the fight.

    Rudduck left the rematch with a broken jaw and possibly broken ribs. It got to the point where Tyson would feint and Razor would completely cover up.

    Did you see those fights?

    The only thing the Rudduck-Tyson fights proved is that Tyson had a damn good chin. Rudduck was a perceived threat more than an actual one. That's why rating him off two losses was flawed logic.

    With that said...how does that remotely compared to Shane coming off two KO wins? Hell, Malignaggi was just as or more competitive with Cotto than Rudduck was with Tyson in the rematch.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2007
  10. mikE

    mikE "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jul 20, 2004
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    If Mosely didn't juice, mY bad.
    Based on the Balco allegations and how different his body looked afterwards, I remembered it being more than allegations. Apparently not.
  11. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Well he did go to Balco to get supplements because he was weight lifting but I'm sure the fact that you saw him get bigger proves your theory; I mean everyone here knows weights don't really work right?
  12. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Agreed. I don't see the comparison. Mosley beat his Tyson (ODLH). Twice. Ruddock lost to his. Twice. Like I said if you could jump in a time machine and make this comparison with Judah, I'm right with you. Not so much with Shane. They don't even have the same styles. By the way, love the sig. :lol:
  13. CleanYourClock

    CleanYourClock "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Mosely beat DLH once and lost once.
  14. mikE

    mikE "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jul 20, 2004
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    From: http://www.saddoboxing.com/1069-sugar-shane-mosley-still-sweet.html
    by Don Caputo 4/18/05

    In an official statement, Mosley wrote, “I was told these completely legal supplements would increase my stamina and (help) my recovery time in training.â€￾ This adamant claim was backed up by the results of a subsequent lie detector test, which revealed that he was indeed telling the truth when he said that he had never knowingly consumed performance-enhancing stimulants.
    Ummm...so, if he didn't consider them 'stimulants' he can truthfully deny.
    Of course, as this reads, he clearly admits to taking 'performance-enhancing' SUPPLEMENTS.

    I've seen the before pics (like a dlh weigh-in) and the after pics (whatever fight was after the allegations) and Shane didn't look anywhere near as muscular or cut.

    I didn't say I saw him get bigger, I saw him get smaller, post-Balco accusations.

    from USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/2007-07-08-conte-cover_N.htm

    "Boxing champ Shane Mosley and Olympic swimmer Amy Van Dyken were regulars [at BALCO]."

    So, BALCO has the great, undetectable product, but Shane just wanted the regular stuff? I'm sure Fleiss' customers came to her for the legal conversations, too.

    If Shane wanted to clear (pun intended) his name, it will take more than a passed lie-detector test. Sure, it's better than nothing, but as I pointed out above, you can tell the truth and still be lying.
  15. Father of Muzse

    Father of Muzse Undisputed Champion

    Sep 30, 2006
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    Mosley Linked To Steroid Scandal

    The Las Vegas Review Journal is reporting that Shane Mosley has been linked to the BALCO Lab in Burlingame, Calif., which is under federal investigation, only because Mosley takes nutritional supplements, his attorney said Tuesday.

    "Of course, he took dietary supplements," attorney Judd Burnstein said. "Everything other than that he was fully tested by the commission and he passed the test with flying colors.

    "You look on the Web, (BALCO) sold a zillion things. He took the urine test and he was found to be completely clear. There has been absolutely no suggestions he did anything other than nutritional supplements, and the commission test proved it."

    Keith Kizer, Nevada chief deputy attorney general, said he received a call from a federal investigator saying Mosley's name was on the laboratory's client list.

    When Mosley fought De La Hoya on Sept. 13, he was tested for illegal substances, including steroids, after the fight.

    "(The agent) wanted me to check and see if we had any urine sample left," Kizer said. "We checked with the lab, but there was no sample left because it had been too long after the fight."

    Kizer said Nevada does not test for the designer steroid THG that has been eluding detection.

    "All I can tell you is we tested him for 25 steroids and masking agents and he came back clean, as did De La Hoya," Kizer said.

    "(Mosley) was tested for the same battery of tests everyone else is," Nevada commissioner Dr. Flip Homansky said. "His tests were absolutely normal."
  16. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    Jan 21, 2003
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    yeah but we all know the only reason to go to Balco is to get the good stuff - the stuff nobody tests for. so what does this prove? nothing. mosley was obviously juiced up on something for the second ODH fight - it's obvious to anyone willing to believe their eyes. whether it helped him or hurt him is up for debate, but he certainly wasn't discouraged by anything ODH had to dish out.
  17. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    Mosley is a limited speedy slick slugger that has a style which FOOLS his fanatics into thinking he's a master boxer. But he is not a juiced up cheater. :nono:
  18. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    When you give up the last 4 rds in a fight and pretty much everyone in the universe agrees with that, expect that the 1st 8 rds are going to be split up all kinds of different ways and that will in effect put you in a 4 rd hole. In other words Oscar doesn't have much room to argue and the so called "paper argument" becomes a little more plausible.
  19. CleanYourClock

    CleanYourClock "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Bro , DLH knocked Mosely's mouth piece out & across the ring in the 11th and battered him.
    And he CLEARLY won the 12th and final round.

    You better watch that fight again if you even REMOTELY think DLH lost all of the the last 4 rounds of that fight.
  20. Father of Muzse

    Father of Muzse Undisputed Champion

    Sep 30, 2006
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    "I am a diehard Mosley fan."

    - Liestaff :lol:
  21. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    You are a Mosley fanatic..as evidenced by your posts on every Mosley topic. no shame in that. However...Shane lost that second fight with Oscar, he knows it, his Dad knows it, Oscar knows it and the rest of us know it. The shock on his own face tells us all we need to know...
  22. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    DIEHARD! :cool:
  23. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Ok NOW I know for sure that Cotto will beat Shane. History has proven again & again that everytime Cow picks his favorite to win his boxer ends up getting a beating! Cow: you are Fightbeat.com's Max Kellerman! :laughing:
  24. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ignoring knowledge and indulging in echolocation.
    You'd best take heed my advice, I picked Tszyu to destroy Mitchell, then picked Hatton to beat Tszyu, two under-dog picks that came to fruition. I'm a masta blasta :cool:, all the while Tito was being tutored on the fine arts 12 - zip as I recall ~< so beware of Voodoo Panchita.
  25. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 1, 2003
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    YES! This supercedes a double jinx when a fanatic makes a pic, you know they will be wrong :clap:

    I got Mosley TKO8 :cheer:
  26. MassaCure

    MassaCure Undisputed Champion

    Nov 30, 2002
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    DC & ATL
    shane won, they took a poll of the ring siders who where boxers and the press, most had shane winning
  27. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

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    Ring siders, key word. They changed their minds after seeing it without the ref, ropes, fighters back, in their way.
  28. valdosta

    valdosta Undisputed Champion

    Dec 4, 2002
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    Interesting Mosley is guilty based on presumption with no proof. :laughing: :doh: BTW- he did say he quit lifting weights after the ODLH fight I believe.
  29. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Yeah, it really isn't fair.
  30. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Yeah, but the judges sit ringside so they shared the same view. If they want to make changes maybe they should sit the judges in a special room and let them watch the fights on video with no ref, ropes, fighters backs in the way. Until then it's no wonder ringsiders all sided with the judges.

    Mosley gets more heat for juicing while never actually being caught buying it or having it in his system than guys like Toney or Roy who did. It's amazing the level of hate the guy generates.

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