Richard Hall's Urine ALSO Came Up Dirty That Night mikE... Considering the Fight was Held in INDIANA, You Certainly Have to @ Least QUESTION the Testing of the Indiana Commission....BOTH Combatants Pissing Dirty Initially and BOTH PASSING on the Re-Test???... REED
Jones/Hall was a hilarious beatdown in the most dominant manner. The announcers Lampley and Merchant were going ballistic over the ref for letting Hall get years knocked off his life.
No, Reed. Jones was a juicer. Refute this stuff with something real, please. Flashback...Roid Jones, Jr: The Steroid Scandal
Is ESPN "Real" Enough for You? Mulvaney: Steroids in boxing part of a looming problem Jones and Hall BOTH Failed the 1st Test and BOTH PASSED the Re-Take, like REED Said...The "Source" You Posted is as Credible as EastSide Boxing, Which ISN'T a Compliment... Consider that Shit REFUTED... REED
I didn't realize until the Cormier fight that Stipe's stand up/boxing was so flawed. Chin sticking straight out, stiff as a robot, no head movement, no speed really. Amazing that he got as far as he did let alone became champion. Basically got by on his physical attributes while dominating a division full of old men and washed up fighters. Dude's getting tagged left and right by Cormier of all people who isn't even a boxer. LOL