You're right Xplosive, Cortez should be banned from reffing. If it wasn't corrupt reffing last night, it was totally inept reffing. Either way, Cortez needs to retire.
Cortez is of limited means and has expensive medical bills for his sick daughter. That is a clear-cut opportunity for corruption.
1. Just as I thought Khan chin is not as bad as it seem vs. Prescott. Yeah he was badly hurt in the 10th round...but as early as round 1 he was being hit with hard punches and reacted well to them. 2. Khan has a lot of heart, but he is one stupid motherfucker. He could have box and moved, but on many occasion he decided to stand and trade w/ Maidana..when he didn't have to. 3. Khan even when fighting from the outside is sloppy, his punches are not as straight as other past olympians. As long as his opponent doesn't pressure it doesnt' look too bad, but as soon as he feels some pressure those punches get sloppier. 4. Khan is a BIG 140 pounder...he should stay at that division for as long as possible and take advantage of his size vs. the smaller fighters...
Khan did say he would like to fight Mayweather some the future. Knowing Mayweather he will take that as a CHALLENGE...and duck Pacquiao once again...
Question.... What was with that post fight interview?? Merchant asked Amir one...ONE..1 QUESTION...then when on to Maidana and asked him two..TWO..2 questions before Maidana walked away from the interview.... :dunno::dunno:
Admittedly, REED BANKED on Amir Khan's Chin FAILING him & even PREDICTED that he'd FOLD from Whatever Chin Checks he Received....But ALL CREDIT DUE to Khan for WEATHERING the Storms & Showing BETTER Punch Resistance than REED Gave him Credit for...REED Now Upgrades Khan's Chin from "China" to "Suspect"::... Marcos Maidana is a BETTER Fighter AND Puncher than Breidis Prescott, in REED's Opinion, yet for Whatever Reason, Khan was Able to Handle Maidana's Power & Pressure... Amir Khan is a TOUGH, PROUD Motherfucker...Sure, he MOVED & HELD when he Needed to, but he Also FIRED BACK Alot More than a Guy w/a "Bad" Chin Should or Would...REED Honestly Thought this Kid was a FRAUD, but he EARNED REED's Respect Last Night...If NATHAN Else, Maidana is a TRUTH MACHINE, just Ask Victor Ortiz...Well, Amir Khan Absorbed MORE Punishment than Ortiz Did, vs. Maidana, yet he NEVER Touched the Canvas or Quit...Even Khan's HARSHEST Critics have to APPLAUD his Performance Last Night.... Stylistically, Amir Khan is Gonna B EXTREMELY DIFFICULT To Beat for the Rest of the 140 Lb'ders in the World...He's 1 of those Guys U're Gonna have to KO to Beat, but Who Else has the "1 Hitter Quitter" POWER of Maidana???... REED:dunno:
I would suggest that the Southpaw stance of Ortiz left him open for the same rights more than Khan's taller, orthodox stance did.
Or perhaps Khan is better than Ortiz, has faster feet and kept Maidana honest with lots of fast, hurtful return fire? MTF :Chainsaw:
Merchant is the POLAR OPPOSITE of what an "Ambassador" Should Be, for the Sport that he Covers...Honestly, REED Thinks a Small % of Boxing's So-Called "Decline" Should B Attributed to Merchant's Incessant NEGATIVITY Over the Last 20 Years or So... During HBO's EARLIEST Days, Merchant WASN'T like that @ All, but he's Clearly JADED & Mostly UNinterested in Contemporary Prizefighting.... REED:hammert:
Merchant is a complete and utter dickhead. As soon as he starts interviewing boxers post-fight, I switch the TV off. MTF
The opening was just there for maidana. Right hands, Southpaws, it always is. Also Ortiz walked into the first one a lot earlier than Khan did, and it was the very epitome of walking into a shot. If you want to be honest about it, Ortiz came out with a totally different frame of mind than Khan, with perhaps not anywhere near enough respect for Maidana.
Regardless, Khan was Drilled FLUSH, COUNTLESS Times...Uppercuts & Looping Right Hands in Particular...High to the Head, Smackdab on the Chin, Crippling Bodyshots, EVERYWHERE...Despite the Intricacies of the Southpaw/Ortho Dynamic, Amir Khan LITERALLY Took Marcos Maidana's BEST Shit...& Maidana is a PROVEN BANGER....Sure, Khan had Rough Patches & Mostly SURVIVED During the Latter Rounds, but the Kid Showed that his Chin & Overall Punch Resistance ISN'T as Fragile as Advertised or Suggested by the Prescott Fight... REED:kidcool:
Oh, without doubt...for openers, he is coming in 5lbs heavier from training camp, which never hurts, so the recuperation is already more advanced. Furthermore he is now training with Freddy Roach, which has been known to do wonders for stamina and conditioning.
I think they brought in Kellerman a long time ago for this very purpose, but Kellerman's agenda laden commentary {"Jones making Calzaghe look like a washed up Tito Trinidad", for example} hasn't exactly gone down a treat, that and his terrible handling of some of the post-fight interviews {the Diaz-Malignaggi one, for example, and then that epic goat-fuck where Hopkins and Mosley started shouting each other down, IIRC} hasn't been inspiring either. The post-fight interview with Devon Alexander after the Urango fight did it for me- actually having a go at a former HBO fighter 2 years after the fact was cheap and unnecessary. Having a go at old Larry Merchant for not having faith or interest in the modern boxer is a bit cheap and easy. His own network, his direct employers, HBO, have shown what can only be described as a trite and personal disinterest in certain fighters. So be it.
I don't think you can say, "Khan's lucky Maidana isn't crude." If he weren't, "crude," or more importantly, aggressive and unorthodox, he may not have been able to land on Khan as often as he did. I think Maidana won that fight, based on Max Kellerman's criteria for judging. I think it's unfair to just say Ortiz is crap, and that's why he couldn't beat Peterson. Peterson overcame some rough moments early on and came back to control the pace in second half of the fight. I think you have to give some credit to Peterson.
The guy who's shot is Lederman. Some of the rounds he scored for Ortiz and for Khan had me baffled. Ultimately, I had to turn the sound off when his loud-mouth ass came - it was just pissing me off.
Just as Easily, YOUR Max Kellerman Slights Can B DISMISSED Based on "His Own Network, his Direct Employers, HBO", Providing him the PLATFORM to Behave in Such Fashion that STAYS UNDER your Skin.... REED:mj: