Moreso, Joe Cortez DID NOT Take the Fight from Maidana Either, Despite Some of the Posts SUGGESTING as Much...Khan GAVE Some, TOOK Some & Won the Fight OUTRIGHT.... REED:shadow:
As a Khan fan I am honestly not worried in the slightest about Ortiz. Khan PULVERISED him as an amateur and made him quit on his stool after 2 rounds. I'd be confident of him having too much again in the pros
Not Tooooo Loooooong Ago, Someone Posted a Clip of Khan & Ortiz Basically "Man Loving" Each Other, Talking of their Friendship & Desire to NEVER Face Each Other as Pros...But U Could just TELL that Ortiz was the 1 STRESSING it MORE than Khan was... REED::
Precisely. Now take it a step further and compare how Max behaves with how he used to behave on ESPN. "I spit on the belts. Pooey". Oh, and they weren't slights, they were all true. :nono:
I guess following that logic you must be shitting yourself at the prospect of him fighting Craig Watson, then. <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
To REED's Recollection, Max has Rarely if EVER Been a Title Belt Advocate...He's Given the RING MAGAZINE "Title" More Sway than Most of the Sanctioning Bodies, from What REED has Seen, Heard & Read...The Problem is, You Sniff Out Conspiracies even when there ISN'T a Scent of 1.... REED:hammert:
Agree totally mate. Cortez was awful but he did not win that fight for Khan, Khan did. If Maidana had never landed that initial bomb in round ten and the fight had just continued in the same pattern it had going for the previous nine rounds, nobody in their right minds would be claiming a Maidana victory. That should tell you who won the fight. It was a great late surge from the Argie, but it doesn't wipe out the first three quarters of the fight.
Take a look at Maidana's face after the fight, compared to Khan's. Maidana has a small cut above his eye. That is all. Khan looks like Joan Rivers.
After last night's performance, I concur. Ortiz is easy pickings for Khan. If Ortiz couldnt put away the mediocre chinned Peterson, than he wont put away the mediocre chinned, but MUCH more talented than Peterson in Khan.
Conspiracy? " now Roy Jones is making Joe Calzaghe look like a washed up Tito Trinidad"- Max Kellerman. "Oh, oh, let me suck on your southpaw dick, you knocked out Urango without doing any holding, Devon, hint, Devon, hint"- Max Kellerman. "I spit on the belts. Pooey"- Max Kellerman. "Tonights IBO/WBU/WAA unification contest is brought to you by HBO"- Max Kellerman. "That's the last time you'll hear Roy Jones and Wladimirs name mentioned in the same sentence"- Max Kellerman. :dunno: This chump was brought in to replace Merchant? They need shut of both of them.
In fairness to Ortiz, he had Maidana down twice on headshots. Khan never came close to that. Also, how many southpaws has Khan fought? Don't be angry with me for asking- the press will big up the fight along the same lines, in order to sell it, so...:dunno:
That, while true, is not necessarily a reliable gauge. Raul Marquez used to finish fights looking like he had an industrial accident- his win over Keith Mullings is a classic example. John John Molinas decision loss to Roberto Garcia at 130 is another, where he floored Garcia and puffed his face up. Afterwards, Molina said "look at his face, now look at mine...who won this fight"...... My favourite has to be Kid Akeem vs Roberto Quiroga where Quiroga ended the fight looking sliced up and badly bruised. Akeem, the loser, hadn't a mark on his face. 2 hours later Akeem was undergoing surgery to remove a bloodclot from his brain, an injury which would kill him a few years later.
In regards to your first sentence, that was a different Ortiz. Maidana forever altered his style. Since that fight he's only been aggressive ONCE, against the corpse which was formerly Vivian Harris. I wont go as far to say its mismatch. Ortiz has power, and handspeed which gives him a chance. But I'd heavily favor Khan. Amir's biggest challenge now is without question Bradley.
Maidana was brutalizing Khan on the inside well before he landed the over-hand right that Khan needed the ropes to stay up from. Is it me, or should that have been a knock-down? And I wholly agree that Cortez fucked Maidana over. First of all, what the fuck was that point deduction? Second of all, how did Cortez decide when to break them? Oh yeah, if Khan were getting the worst of it. Khan did prove that his chin is far from being fragile. It appears he can handle shots he sees. And that he can recover from shots he doesn't see. Anyone else impressed as hell that Maidana got up from thay body-shot?
Not really, besides, he got up and won that fight. I don't put TOO much stock into amateur fights (DeGale will beat the shit out of Groves in the pros for example) but as Reed pointed out, there DOES seem to be a kind of air of inferiority about Ortiz when it comes to Khan. Khan has said numerous times he would be happy to fight Ortiz although they are good friends, yet Ortiz has never once shown any real desire to fight Khan. Ever.
So Basically, your Opinions of PARTICULAR FIGHTERS Differs from Kellerman's, Thus your CONTEMPT for him...Got It.... MORE Times than Not, Max Kellerman is a POSITIVE VOICE for the Sport of Boxing, Something Merchant HASN'T Been for DECADES...Given the FRINGE Nature of Boxing, a Guy like Merchant Actually Convinces Casual Fans to Find Something Else to Watch...Say what U Want about Max, but @ Least it's Apparent he Actually LIKES Boxing, which is Something Merchant HASN'T Exhibited in the LIFETIME of Some Fightbeat Posters... More Specific to the Quotes U Referenced, @ the Time Max Compared Calzaghe to Trinidad, Roy had Just DROPPED Calzaghe, as he Did Trinidad...U're Speaking as if Max Made that Comment in Round 10 of that Fight or Something....& Are YOU HONESTLY Telling REED that Wladimir Klitschko Belongs in the SAME Sentence as Roy Jones Jr????... The FACT is, You Hate the MESSENGER Moreso than his Message...Shit, If Max Heaped PRAISE Upon a Fave of Yours, U'd STILL Question his Motives... REED:hammert:
Not really, besides, he got up and won that fight. I don't put TOO much stock into amateur fights (DeGale will beat the shit out of Groves in the pros for example) but as Reed pointed out, there DOES seem to be a kind of air of inferiority about Ortiz when it comes to Khan. Khan has said numerous times he would be happy to fight Ortiz although they are good friends, yet Ortiz has never once shown any real desire to fight Khan. Ever.
The shot that Prescott did Khan with was a tin-opener, a real rasping ripping shot, across the head, rather than a blunt force into the head. I think the 10th was a 10-8 for Maidana. I posited the 10th round of Briggs vs Botha as precedence for my belief that the 10th and 12th were 10-8's for Maidana. However, when you have one judge giving Khan the 12th, then....well....figure it out.
It was from Khan-Maidana, if REED's Not Mistaken...Roy was Speaking of the Fact that Maidana HADN'T Recovered from the Bodyshot AND had Quite a Bit of Time Left in the Round... REED:hammert:
One of the best spats I ever heard was George Foreman arguing with Larry Merchant over how long a feeling out process should last. It might have been Norris vs Taylor.
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I rated Sutherland. Good fighter. I don't think he had the mentality of DeGale though, to be able to shrug off criticism. Too nice to be in the game imo. Very talented though, I'd say he originally made the transition to the pros better than James, don't know if he could have ever reached the levels DeGale is getting to now though, we'll never know sadly
Khan is talented. A pretty boxer. And seems to have heart (or at least the a lot to lose and the will so far to hang onto it). But he didn't win that fight. He got beat up. His boxing dominated Maidana for about three rounds, at which point Maidana proceeded to mug Khan, as if he'd been paid to kill him. Maidana is a helluva fighter. Can't wait to see him fight again. Can anyone imagine Maidan vs. Torres of 4-5 years ago? Who do you pick in that fight?
I know your point REED, but from my perspective, Larry is affable and amusing, and Kellerman is a detestable little twat. I hate his voice, I hate his face, I hate the stupid fucking things he says. I'm not a negative person, I generally like more upbeat people etc, but despite that, I find Larry a million times more likeable than Kellerman.
Taylor really did have freaky fast hands. Strangely stationary style for such a fast guy. Like his sexy shorts too. Looks like Rachel Welsh's jungle fever.
I feel exactly the same. Though I also understand REEDs point.....surely there's a 3rd way out there.