Ahhh.... I forgot about Amir's brother from a glass chinned mother. Yeah Haye is pretty damn fast. Although the comparison's to a prime Ali and Tyson's speed is a joke. 1. Gamboa 2. Manny 3. Berto 4. Khan/Haye 5. Dirrell
You must be kidding with Haye? Surely? Are you talking in a P4P sense? Haye is not particularly fast at all. At cruiserweight his speed was only slightly above average. At heavyweight he only looks fast because he is fighting big oafs. His right hand is telegraphed and nothing special speed wise. Even in a P4P sense, he doesn't come anywhere NEAR the guys you mentioned. Fuck, even a prime Tua had MUCH faster hands (just look at the Ruiz fight if you need reminding) and Tua was a chunky little bastard. Pagan, thanks for reminding me. I actually like Gamboa, but somehow completely forgot about him. His hands are insanely quick. Not as quick as Pacquiao's, but close. He's the only person other than Manny that probably has the edge on Khan, handspeed wise.
Haye is an afleet. His afletticism will destroy all. He has been eating goats eggs and lives near the beach. The Northern Islamic Republic of Occupied Cyprus has all the perfect facilities, no sluts, no distractions, no nightclubs. And now...there is this: <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="560" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tOiF26YEhfk" frameborder="0"></iframe>
There's some real gems regarding Khan over at ESB. http://www.eastsideboxing.com/forum/showthread.php?t=275913 http://www.eastsideboxing.com/forum/showthread.php?t=275708
"I see in Khan shades of Ray Leonard" You know something that caught my attention...the physical facial damage that Khan is sporting is only something we used to really see in Hatton towards the end, rather than the beginning of his career. For a guy with such an extensive amateur career, with a tonne of physical advantages and with such athleticism, Khan gets hit a TONNE Real marquee fighters dont get hit so often. If I were to set about a fair and objective appraisal of Khans deficiencies as an "elite" fighter, then thats where I would start. Was Ben Tackie any less relentless or any less heavy-handed than Maidana? Tszyu? Even guys like Castillo? On this point, I am not talking about composure, heart, chin, power, speed, anything- just plain and simple getting hit. Hatton, who had none of the height and reach advantages, never seemed to get that badly messed up to the face as Khan has, until his later coke/booze days, despite facing equally heavy handed dudes.
Khan has very little boxing skill including defence. Very rudimentary beyond being a superlative athlete.
:scratcher: Even an oaf like me, even me, I can throw fast shots with my hands open inside of my gloves.