so what's the difference between today and 96? Why cant a PG be the best ball defender now, nor in the future?
ever must have begun in 2014. its amusing when some dullard spouts bullshit then backtracks like darryl green.
as much as this faggot wants to revise history, gary payton was considered the top on ball defender in the league for several years
Jordan had a career average of 30 on Payton and even when Jordan was a geriatric jump shooter his worst game in that series was about 26. Payton didn't guard the post that well do it's not like he could complete slow Jordan and his above average height for a PG is worthless against this era of super scoring 3s.
Did slightly better against old Jordan who was like an inch taller. And you say that as if Durant and LeBron arent better players than a 34 year old Jordan... Let alone being 5 and 3 inches taller, having fresh legs to get to the basket(and maintaining their peak athleticism) and in LeBrons case much heavier. I believe Durant is technically heavier than Jordan as well he just looks so gangly because he's 6'10
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just be happy we found a guy in this topic who consistently says dumber shit than you. this retard is now talking about payton's post defense :: originally he claimed no point guard could EVER be the best on ball defender in the league. didnt realize "on ball" defense refers to post defense now. "media creation" gary payton.
heres some gringo high schooler headed to duke. jumping over player of the year 6'10+ jahlil okafor
Nodoby in this thread says dumber shit than me and don't you forget it pal. That said, yeah anyone who says Payton wasn't a great defender is nuts. Right after Pippen Payton was getting more props for his defense than anyone. They didn't call the guy The Glove because of a fondness for Isotoners.
Right because post scorers don't have the ball. Considering your fondness for having no respect for other posters, and the fact that you are not nearly as knowledgeable as you think you are, consider yourself ignored.
Blake Griffin is playing hurt right now. Laboring. Interesting decision, I don't see them catching OKC or SAS
Ok we can just agree to disagree, but before we put this to rest answer me one question, if Westbrook did not get hurt during that play, would ANYONE said that was a dirty play or Beverly a dirty player?? Oh and aren't you a CWebb fan? Well he himself said Beverly WASN'T a dirty player and also said that Beverly was the best on the ball defender in the NBA. What's up with your boy completely disagreeing with you? Seriously bro, if you're going to respect Westbrook for his fire to compete, you have to give it up to Beverly too, dude was playing in Russia last year and now has people saying he's one of the best defenders in the NBA. He accomplished this with that same determination that Westbrook himself has, and that probably is why they can't stand each other (other than the injury.)
There was definitely an implication, at least from my perception. There was definitely no implication that Payton was not one of the best defenders of his time(even if calling him the best outright is highly arguable) when I stated the notion of Beverly especially, but really any point guard being the best on ball defender in the league with the state of the game being the way it is being utterly ridiculous. Beverly may be the best defender at his position by default but that doesn't say that much honestly. I'd rather have someone disruptive like Paul or Conley that gets steals at that position because no point guard in the league can defend the wings these days...and a lot of "stoppers' can defend point guards. Batum hides Lillard in Portland all the time.
Just one example.... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
'On ball' defender has always referred to defending perimeter players who possess the rock attempting to score off the dribble, with an outside shot or creating for team mates. This fucking idiot doesn't seem to enjoy being exposed as a know not
Nah, I wasn't implicating you because I didn't recall you saying it so I just wrote it open ended that way. As for Payton he was big for a point guard which is why he'd often guard shooting guards as well as point guards. Being considered the best on ball defender doesn't knock you for not guarding forwards and centers. You earn that label for how well you guard whomever you're guarding. If you go the whole season locking down 29 different point guards from 29 different teams and you do it the best you're probably going to be considered the best on ball defender. Especially if there aren't any centers, forwards or guards guarding whoever they're guarding better. It's possible a point guard can earn that label just like it's possible any player from any other position can earn it. Besides most of those type of labels are just debatable opinions anyway.
He's definitely ignorant for neglecting to mention The Glove. Jordan had his worst finals performance ever in 96, and it was all a result of Payton's great D.
Right, his age had nothing to do with it and he still averaged 27 his first full season back from the baseball hiatus.
Yes it does. Back in the early 90s Rodman could guard 1-4....arguably 1-5. That obviously makes him a better defender than someone who can only defend one position. Same with a guy like Paul George...George can guard a 1, 2 or 3 if needed. A guy like Beverly can pretty much guard other point guards....against the Heat he didn't even guard Wade or Allen despite being much bigger threats than a guy like Norris Cole.