REED Can Have ALL Forwards on "REED's All NBA 1st Team", if he Sooo Chooses...Also, NO Center had an "ALL-NBA 1st Team" Type of Season, in REED's Opinion...No, NOT Even Joakim Noah...Dwight Howard was AVERAGE (For Him)...Hibbert STARTED Strong, but has Played like SHIT for the Last COUPLE Months & Despite a CAREER Season, DeAndre Jordan AIN'T 1st Team Material Either...Marc Gasol has Been BANGED UP Most of the Season... BEYOND That, REED Doesn't Believe in AUTOMATICALLY Anointing a "Center" by DEFAULT... Instead of Arguing POSITION, Argue Who Should Be REMOVED from REED's List, Based on PERFORMANCE???... REEDopcorn:
REED's All NBA 2nd Team James Harden Carmelo Anthony Kevin Love Joakim Noah Chris Paul REED's All NBA 3rd Team Anthony Davis John Wall Dwight Howard Paul George Damian Lillard Honorable Mention: Goran Dragic, DeMar DeRozan, DeMarcus Cousins, Chris Bosh, Tony Parker, Tim Duncan, DeAndre Jordan, Russell Westbrook REEDopcorn:
Houston's CLINGING to the 4th Seed, Have LOST 3 Straight & Dwight Howard Will MISS Tonight's Game vs. OKC... So if Howard Ends Up MISSING "The Next 10 Days", Will it Still Be an ERRONEOUS, FactLESS Report by Some Clipper Nuthugging Writer???... REEDopcorn:
Regardless, Dude ATTACHED His Name to a Conversation he had w/Dwight Howard where HE Claims Howard Said he'd "Miss the Next 10 Days"... TexMex SCOFFED it Off as Nonsense from Some "Clipper Guy", But If Howard INDEED Misses the "Next 10 Days", APPARENTLY the Dude DIDN'T Pull that Information Out of his Ass...Meanwhile, Howard's Team is SLUMPING, Coming Dangerously CLOSE to LOSING Homecourt Advantage for their 1st Round Series, While Howard is in STREET CLOTHES...HOWtheFUCK are you "Day to Day", yet MISS 7 Straight Games???... REED:loser:
Im sure lawler didnt just make it up. what I wasnt sure of was whether howard was telling him the truth or just spewing some bullshit. are you suggesting howard is faking an injury reed?
He's Guilty of 1 of 2 Things... 1. LYING about Never Speaking to Clipper Dude & Telling him he Would "Miss the Next 10 Days", OR.... 2. FAKING an Injury... Either Way, it Goes Back to REED's Initial Point about Howard Being PERPETUALLY Disingenuous... REEDopcorn:
I envision Ralph Lawler yelling "BINGO" really loud as Hedo Turkoglu hits a NBA Championship winning three-pointer over Miami
It IS NON SENSE. He may have spoke to Dwight and got the wrong idea and wanted to break the "story" first. Problem is, he was the ONLY one. Let me break it down to you REED... 1. Kieth Jones, the Rocket's trainer, upon hearing of the 10 day rumor, stated he never heard such thing and Dwight is DAY TO DAY. He would be the first to know, unless Dwight went to Klitschko school and is now a doctor. 2. If you believe this 10 day crap is true, and it sure sounds like you're buying it, the Rockets would've put him on the inactive roster and then would be able to activate another player. Maybe you don't know that the NBA extended it's rosters to 15, but only 12 could be active. This would only BENEFIT the Rockets. 3. Being placed on the inactive roster, Dwight would not be able to wear warm ups pre game. He has been. 4. Dwight is not only still on the active roster, warming up pre game, but is also traveling with the team. NBA teams, when they have a star player and said player gets injured and know that player will be out of action for a predetermined amount of time, will usually tell that player stay home on road trips. Maybe Dwight really wanted to go to fucking Canada. :wack: So, even though the Rockets would benefit from Dwight being out for a specific amount of time, they still list him as day to day. By the way, 1. He has missed 4 straight games, not 7. 2. The Blazers still have 3 more losses than the Rockets and the Rockets own the tie breaker. They definitely are NOT close to losing home court advantage. 3. Dwight was having to have that ankle drained, so unless he's injecting his ankle with some sort of fluid and maybe he knows how after going to Klitschko school, he's NOT faking an injury. 4. Maybe the Rockets do not want to rush him back, and will determine when he will be back on a DAILY basis. After all, they do have a top 5 center as his backup. Asik in the FOUR not SEVEN straight games Dwight's been out.... 10.5 PPG 15.3 RPG
As EXPECTED, You BLINDLY Side w/the JERSEY of your Favorite Team...If a Member of the KKK Averaged 20 +, While Rocking a Pillow Case & Rocket Gear, You'd Undoubtedly Make EXCUSES for Him... What You FAIL to Acknowledge is Dwight CONTINUES to Give HIS OWN Injury Updates, Dog...Howard's Ankle "Feels A Lot Better", yet he Still WON'T Play vs. Denver on Sunday???...REED's Point is, the Clipper Guy (the Dude You DISCREDITED Last Week) Appears to Be More TRUTHFUL w/EVERY Game Howard Misses...You were FLIPPANT about it Initially, yet the Conversation Dude Claims to have Had w/Howard is Sloooowly but SURELY Panning Out... PERIOD... If Houston had LOST to OKC Friday, You Damn Sure WOULDN'T Be Sooooooo Confident they'd MAINTAIN the 4th Seed in the West...You're NOT Fooling REED... Yeah, REED was Mistaken w/his 7 "Straight" Games Talk...Thanks for Harping on The 4 Games Howard's Missed...But, Uuuuuuh, Dude's Missed 7 of his Team's Last 9 Games & they'd LOST 3 Straight, Heading Into Last Night...That Really AIN'T Worth Beating Your Houston Rocket CHEST About... REED:hammert: ps. Asik has Made it CRYSTAL CLEAR he's Not Intersted in Being Dwight Howard's Caddy...ENJOY his Numbers, but Unless Something DRASTIC Happens, He'll Be a "Top 5" Center for Some Other Squad...
The Atlanta Hawks, a team that is openly tanking to avoid making the postseason, is shitkicking the Pacers in Indiana
23 Point 1st Half for the Pacers...Roy Hibbert was LIVID @ Halftime and BENCHED for the Entire 2nd Half...Here's Some Notes on the Situation from Yahoo Fantasy Basketball... Sun, Apr 6 Roy Hibbert was late to exit the Pacers' locker room after halftime on Sunday and he didn't play in the second half despite being healthy. Advice: Hibbert finished scoreless with zero rebounds in nine minutes, and he was visibly frustrated and didn't even pretend to engage his team during timeouts. He called his teammates "selfish" a few weeks ago, saying he'd grown accustomed to rarely touching the ball on offense, so it's possible that he erupted in anger after Indiana's horrible 23-point first half. He should remain in the starting lineup for Wednesday's game at Milwaukee, but owners should keep an eye out for updates. <cite style="font-style: normal; display: block; margin-top: -5px;">(</cite> New Player Note Sun, Apr 6 Roy Hibbert is not in the Pacers' starting lineup to begin the second half on Sunday, and Ian Mahinmi has taken his spot at center. Advice: Hibbert isn't on the bench, either, and the reason for his absence is unclear. The Pacers set a franchise-low with just 23 points in the first half as their late-season implosion continues unabated, so it's possible that he did or said something in the locker room to cause his absence. Stay tuned.
This Team is LITERALLY Self Destructing...Funny Thing is, They HAVEN'T Even Accomplished Anything, So there's No Reason for ANYBODY on that Team to Think their Shit Doesn't Stink...They're Now 2 Games BEHIND Miami in the LOSS Column...REED's Hard Pressed to Think of a BETTER Team that's (Apparently) Had Such PITIFUL Team Chemistry... It's SHOCKING, Really... REED JOKINGLY Said the Pacers Might Get UPSET in the East Playoffs BEFORE Reaching Miami in the East Finals, but Now that Seems PROBABLE... Thoughts, Neil???... REED:jaw:
Kieth Jones, the Rockets trainer is giving the injury updates, that's how I know about the draining of the knee etc...Whatever Dwight spouts, it's coming from Kieth first, as it's pretty much his call as to when he's going to play. They are going to make sure he's going to be fine for the playoffs, especially with having Asik in for him, 18 pts and 23 rebs 3 blk 3 stl tonight by the way, yeah top 5 center. Yes I know Asik isn't going to be a backup forever, but he is for this season and next, unless he's traded. He's upping his value right now, some may have forgot how good he is, he's reminding them. The 4th seed is locked up, even without that win against OKC, Blazers have too many losses + Blazers aren't playing well + tie breaker + Rockets ass tissue soft schedule for the remainder of the season. I don't like everyone just because they play for the Rockets Reed. But I do know my team very well, and other teams also. Especially in regards to salary cap, the new CBA, and how I see other teams future panning out. It's very interesting.
I'd pick Brooklyn to upset the Pacers right now. Too bad that in the playoff picture as of today, they will not meet up. It actually looks to me, that the Heat, if playoff seeding stay the way they are, will have the harder road to the ECF.
OKC Loses to Phoenix, but Kevin Durant BREAKS Michael Jordan's Record of 40 CONSECUTIVE Games of 25 or More Points... Wilt Chamberlain has the OVERALL Record w/like 80 Consecutive Games...Just Over HALF Way There, KD!!!... REED:mut: