The BEST Basketball Player in the Wooooorld PLAYED Like It After the Pool Play Loss to France... CASUAL Hoop Fans HARP On the Fact the U.S. Team Lost to Nigeria and Australia in Pre Olympic Exhibition Games, Yet Have NATHAN to Say After They AVENGED the Australia Loss in the Semi'd... REED is Proud of How the Team SUCKED IT UP, Despite the CRITICISM After L's and SILENCE After W's.... No Win Situation Ultimately, But KD was KD... REED
Can you imagine where they would have been if Durant hadn’t committed to team USA. They may not have even made it to the medal game or even bronzed. They’re going to be in big trouble in the next one. The issue isn’t so much the other countries it’s just the US seems to be really bad at picking the players for the teams often it appears by putting politics over fit.
i think Durant will play in the next olympics to get a 4th gold. obviously by then you'd hope he is able to fall back to a complimentary role while tatum, williamson and others lead the cause. as for picking the players, cant really blame colangelo when alot of the top guys refused to play.
Huh???... The 76'ers had Just Won the '83 NBA Championship and Barkley was Drafted by them in '84...Dr. J, Moses Malone, Bobby Jones, Maurice Cheeks, Andrew Toney... Played w/Kevin Johnson, Dan Majerle, Tom Chambers, Ced Ceballos, Richard Dumas (VERY Underrated Player Who Couldn't Control his Drug Habit) in Phoenix....Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler in Houston... How Do You Figure Russ Had MORE Talent Around Him Than Barkley???... Your CONTEMPT for This Dude Knows NO Bounds and REED Doesn't Get Why You WASTE Time Discussing Him... REED
Yes, Sixers. Again, 1 Year REMOVED From a Championship When They Drafted Barkley… And 4 of Barkley’s Teammates on That Squad were Future HOF’ers… Not Sure What AMUSES You So? REED
Barkley was a rookie You can't be serious The only time a prime Barkley had legitimate help was in Phoenix. And even then it wasn't like he had a Durant alongside him.
What Does Barkley Being a Rookie Have to Do w/ANYTHING; He PLAYED w/4 HOF'ers???!!!... That's a FACT!!! Durant's 1 Player Bruh, and it's DEBATEABLE If He's Even Better Than Olajuwon...Better SCORER Sure, But Certainly Not a Better ALL AROUND Player...At All... Again, Barkley Played w/Dr. J, Moses Malone, Bobby Jones , Maurice Cheeks (All HOF'ers), Andrew Toney, Kevin Johnson, Dan Majerle, Tom Chambers, Ced Ceballos, Richard Dumas, Hakeem Olajuwon (HOF'er) and Clyde Drexler (HOF'er), Among Others... You ATTEMPTED to Find an Objective Reason to Hate on Russ and FAILED Miserably...It's Clear You Simply Can't Stand the Guy... REED
barkley had a little bit left when he first got to houston but his body was beginning to break down and he himself admits he couldnt play anymore. clearly not the same mvp caliber player. olajuwon is one of my favorites but he was declining at that point barkley got there. same for drexler. they still almost got to the bulls if not for a buzzer beater from stockton. and of the 3 barkley was actually the most efficient player in that series vs utah. nor was he the player he eventually became his first year or two in philly when erving and malone still had something left. bobby jones was done by then. the only guy of them 4 barkley really had an extended run with was cheeks. he was a solid distributor and really good defender, good for him that he eventually got in the HOF but it was iffy at best. if he's in, andre miller and derek harper should be in there too imo. barkleys cast in phoenix was over rated. kevin johnson was a really good player, but majerle was vastly over rated. he was allegedly some type of solid defender but jordan shitted on him to the tune of 45 a game or some shit in that series. dumas was was a real talent, but he had a cup of coffee in the NBA. dude played maybe 1 or 2 seasons. ceballos was trash. just a guy who got garbage buckets and gave up more on the other end. chambers was a role player at best in phoenix. these guys arent comparable to playin with durant. let alone some of these other guys westbrook has had on his team.
Here's the Problem...You're INTENTIONALLY Moving the Goal Posts Now, to SUIT Your Obvious Bias AGAINST Russ... But Here's What You SAID... Anthony and Westbrook had more talent around them than Say a Barkley so to me they are different situations That's a BULLSHIT Statement, Period!!!... You're Only NOW Talking About Barkley Being a Rookie, How Much He Had Left Or NOT Being an MVP Caliber Player Anymore AFTER the Fucking Fact, Which is WEAK AF...And You KNOW It... OWN the Bullshit Statement You Made or Merely Shut the Fuck Up About It, as Opposed to ALTERING the Shit Mid-Stream... Jordan Shat On EVERYBODY, Bruh!!! Your Boy, Joe Dumars INCLUDED!!!...How is it a SLIGHT on Majerle that Jordan Torched Him??? Tom Chambers a "Role Player at Best in Phoenix"???...The 2 HIGHEST Scoring Averages of His Career were in a Suns Uniform...His SIGNATURE Highlight, the Knees in the Chest Dunk On Mark Jackson, was in a Suns Uniform..."Role Player at Best in Phoenix"??? Even if You Feel Durant is BETTER Than Anybody Barkley Ever Played With, KD's 1 Person...His Talent Doesn't Make Up for the Totality of Who Barkley Played With... Man for Man, Player for Player, Barkley Had "MORE Talent Around Him" Than Russ Did, Period... You Just DON'T Like Russ... REED
no, barkley did not. far from it. nor did he ever have a roster around him as good as anthony had with denver. despite your claims about barkley as a ROOKIE with the sixers majerle was a very over rated player. white guy who could dunk back then that got way too much hype. allegedly some quality defender but he got completely abused, this wasnt your typical abuse. dude was gettin murdered, dumas did better checking jordan that series. otherwise majerle was a spot up shooter with no moves. he wasnt someone who could create his own shot. you wanna talk about moving the goal posts and then post a dunk from chambers that occurred YEARS before he played with barkley. sure he was once a bigtime scorer with phoenix and seattle, but lets not pretend was still putting up 20+ a night for them on the year(s) in question. dude was a bench guy/role player. i dont even remember the motherfucker playin against chicago in the finals to put this in perspective, your boy has been to the second round of the playoffs ONCE without durant. edging a game 7 vs the thunder (who no one even expected to make the playoffs) before getting slapped around in the bubble the next round. at least anthony got further
Rus has his warts and admittedly he hasn’t had the best performances in the playoffs and it’s true he doesn’t advance that far when he’s there. That said he’s still a guarantee to actually consistently get his team to the playoffs which is a lot more than you can say for several other players who many consider better than Russ. When you actually factor in their ability to lead their team to the playoffs they come up short. Look at guys like John Wall, Bradley Beal, Zach Lavine, Damian Lillard and several others. And I don’t want to hear about Russ having a strong team because if you look at that roster he dragged to the 6th seed of the playoffs during his MVP campaign you would give him a lot more respect. Also this wasn’t some easy task being done in the leastern conference, Russ did this in OKC. Even Lebron failed to take a much stronger Lakers team to the playoffs his first season in LA and I’m in no way saying Russ was ever better than Lebron. My point is simply that there is something to recognizing someone’s strength as opposed to only reflecting on their negatives and when it comes to Russ, his ability to bring it every single night at 100% max effort is a contagion that also raises the level of the guys who play and practice with him every day. That consistent fire Russ plays with is a supremely rare talent that has only been seen in a handful of other players like Garnet and Iverson. Obviously Russ’s strength is also a big reason for his negatives but if the negatives are all you’re going to focus your energy on every single time, then it isn’t debatable, you are a certified hater.
Why bring James into the equation? That was hardly a strong laker team and they were on track to get a top 4 seed before James got injured and missed a third of the season They were both young teams with some role players mixed in That thunder team actually had 3 future all stars in sabonis, oladipo and Grant
Whenever You Want to Actually ELABORATE On WHY Barkley's Rookie Year Shouldn't Count or is DISQUALIFIED from the Discussion, Please Feel Free... Because From REED's View Point, He's SHITTING On the Hate Fueled "Logic" of Yours... Charles Barkley Played w/4 Fucking HOF'ers His Rookie Year...Dr. J, Moses Malone, Mo Cheeks and Bobby Jones...He PLAYED WITH THEM, PERIOD!!!...YOUR Lame Ass Claimed Russ PLAYED WITH Better Dudes, and as REED Types, That's Simply NOT TRUE... Speak on HOW Barkley Being a Rookie is a NEGATIVE or Shut the Fuck Up About it, Once and For All... Dan Majerle was a 3x All Star and 2x All Defensive Team...Again, MJ Torched EVERYfuckingBODY - He's MJ, You're Only Minimizing Majerle to Aid Your CRIPPLED Ass Argument Bruh... As for Chambers, REED Wasn't "Moving" Shit...Once Again, Allow REED to Whip You w/Your OWN Words: chambers was a role player at best in phoenix. That's What You Said and What REED Responded To...That Statement Gave NOfuckingINDICATION Whatsoever That You KNEW How Good Tom Chambers Really Was, So REED ELABORATED On Him...Simple As... Not Sure What Your Infatuation w/Melo Is Either...REED Never 1nce Mentioned Him... Bottom Line, You Just DON'T Like Russ, Which Ain't a CRIME, But Just Fucking ADMIT It...You're INCAPABLE of Speaking Objectively About Him...And the More You ATTEMPT To Do So, the More OBVIOUS It Is You CANNOT... REED
Uuuuuh, YOU Brought Bron Into the Equation WEEKS Ago, When You were HATING On the Trade, Suggesting Bron DIDN'T Like Russ Just Because He Blocked His Shot and STARED @ Him Afterwards a Few Times...LAME Ass... You MANUFACTURED Some Make-Believe Bron-Russ Beef In YOUR Hate Fueled Mind, When There was NATHAN to See There All Along, Folks... REED
do better reed. try to keep up with what is being discussed. out of curiosity, reed, do you consider westbrook as good a player as barkley was, or perhaps better?
Did You or Did You NOT Say That???...REED Didn't Misrepresent NOR Alter What You Said, Neil...YOU SAID IT!!! You Simply Don't Know What the Fuck You're Talking About...Your CONTEMPT for Russ is Resulting in Non-Sensical "Logic" On Your Behalf... And for the 50th Time, WHENEVER You Want to Actually ELABORATE On How Being a "Rookie" Diminishes the FACT Barkley Played w/4 HOF'ers in Philly, Feel Free... REED
Because LBJ was still considered by most to be the best player in the league during the season he failed to take a much better Lakers team to the playoffs. So it was just a comparison point. None of the guys you mentioned had shown their full potential during Russ’s MVP season. Nobody knew Sabonis was good until the following season when he went to Indiana because OKC’s Billy Donovan miscast him as a stretch 4. Olidipo had ONE all star season after he too went to Indiana the following season whereas he himself credited a lot of his improvement on seeing first hand the work ethic of Westbrook. Grant was a solid inconsistent role player who wasn’t even a starter yet and who will never make an All star team. So like I said Russ was playing with a shit roster that season and didn’t have much help. And for the record, other than the Chris Paul season, Russ’s MVP year was the most fun exhilarating season I’ve been an OKC fan of. That’s probably surprising to hear but in all honesty the Durant years were super frustrating because Durant wasn’t the same Durant he is now. That guy didn’t become a real killer until he got to Golden State. But during those years, OKC used to play halfassed as if they felt they were above teams and both Russ and Durant were a part of that.
Possibly. The only difference being we know Olidipo did because he said so. On the recent Draymond Green podcast that went viral I do believe Durant mentioned something about maturing a lot more once he left OKC and that was a big reason he had such a significant jump in his game.
Ben Simmons’ mouth may have just torpedoed his trade value even more than his playoff performances did. He recently requested a trade to Philly and sources also claim he’s threatening not to report to training camp. In a way it’s probably a smart move on his part. After-all you don’t want your new team to give up too much for you.
Draymond will not force Wiggins to get vaxxed
The League has Stated Any Unvaxxed Player That Misses Games for Covid Related Reasons WILL NOT Be Paid... REED