I don’t think Kidd putting the ball in Gianis’s hand was going to make much difference in his career taking off. Gianis’s work ethic was going to see to that regardless. I think it was Molly Qerim Rose who said Gianis doesn’t have regular work ethic but he has immigrant work ethic which is on a whole other level. I heard Voulgaris give his side of the story on a podcast and according to him he said Nelson wouldn’t communicate with anyone he felt was a threat to his job and that Nelson’s sole ambition seemed to be ensuring he kept his job and position in the Mavs organization. Voulgaris also said he did something he often did which was leave a court side game once to go to his office. The difference was that during this particular game the Mavs were getting blown out, so when Voulgaris went to his office before the game was over someone told him that Luca took it like Voulgaris had quit on the team. I don’t recall what he said about Carlisle but Voulgaris also said that he was actually glad he (Voulgaris) got fired because he never wanted that job in the first place. Sounds like BS but that’s what he said.
Don’t watch anywhere near as much ball now as I did then so it doesn’t bother me. League is basically full of showboats now so not worth getting irritated at.
I still remember that story where Bob Voulgaris gave eventual World Series of Poker finalist Chino Rheem what he thought was a $5,000 chip (I think Bob was backing him at the time) but it turned out he gave him a $50k chip and Chino attempts to run out of the hotel room so Bob had to tackle him
The Fire That Forged Giannis Antetokounmpo REED The Article Above (Loooong, Yet Interesting), Which DETAILS Kidd's Impact on Giannis... The Bucks Had Just Drafted Jabari Parker # 2 Overall, After Drafting Giannis 15th the Year Prior...It was Pretty Much ASSumed Giannis Would Be Robin to Parker's Batman... To Everybody BUT Kidd, That Is... It's Not that Kidd Just Put the Ball in Giannis' Hands, He Taught Him HOW to Create Space, How to FLOURISH in the Open Court, How to Change TEMPO, How to Be VERBAL (Which Helped Giannis' Leadership Ability), How to STUDY Film, etc... Back When Giannis was Still SKINNY AF, Kidd was Telling Him NOT to Settle for 3's and Jumpers, But to Instead Go Coast to Coast and PUNISH People Inside... Kidd Made a WORLD of Difference in Giannis' Career... Brought Some ASSHOLE Out of Giannis...Granted, Dude Would've Still Made an All-Star Team or 3, But Giannis AIN'T a Top 75'er and Arguably THE Best Player in the League Currently, if Not for Jason Kidd... REED
Everyone's Entitled to Their Opinion, But "Trash"???... SHOOTING and BALLHANDLING is @ an ALL-TIME High in NBA History, Bruh...Reggie Miller and Isaiah Thomas FREELY Admit This...& Obviously, ATHLETICISM Has Only Increased... If it Just Ain't Your Cup of Tea Anymore, Cool, but the League Certainly ISN'T "Trash", by Any Stretch... REED
If you still like the league, by all means, more power to you. I dont like the direction it went in, personally.
Nah, I think there was a really nice balance in the league around 08-10, as far as post play and perimeter play. It was just a much more entertaining league to watch then imo. Kobe, Wade, Bron, CP3, all at their peaks. Guys like Harden have contributed to turning me off from the league. To each his own tho.
agREED on the League Being Tooooooooo RELIANT on the 3-Ball, But that's Because it's a Copy-Cat Ass League and Owners/GM's Treat Analytics as the BE All to END All... The FACT Analytics Tells You Kyrie Irving Isn't an "Efficient" Player Tells REED ALL He Needs to Know About Analytics...Kyrie's a Selfish Asshole, But There AREN'T 10-15 BETTER Players in the World...Not Even Close... In Due Time, Another Shaq or Wilt WILL Materialize and it'll Be Interesting to See How Coaches Use Him... If You Can Feed a Guy 20-25 Times in the Post and He MAKES Nearly 60% of Those Shots, WHY Would You Want Him Shooting 3's @ All???... On the Flipside, You Have to Appreciate the RANGE of Guys Like Steph, Dame and Trae Young...They're Draining 3's from the Fucking Half Court Logo... REED
I like Steph, Dame, and Trae. I like Morant too. One day, when the balance returns, ill go back to hardcore following.
Yeah, the League HAD to Switch Shit Up Because Those Type of Games were Basically UNfuckingWATCHABLE... The Detroit Pistons Ushered In That Style of Play, but it was Because MJ Reached a Point the Pistons COULDN'T Beat Him Otherwise... But the Knicks and Heat Adopted That Philosophy REGARDLESS of Opponent...SKILL Didn't Matter as Much and REED was Glad Rules were Changed to De-Emphasize Physicality... REED
Morant is becoming unstoppable. No one can stay in front of him and he has continued to add to his game As for the pistons it's hard for me to blame them for the way the game deteriorated. They still got in transition and were scoring over a hundred points a game. In fact pretty sure they were among the league leaders in scoring per game. Riley was the one who really mucked the game up trying to deal with Jordan
Harden Turned Off a LOT of NBA Fans, Admittedly, But Props to the League for FINALLY Addressing it... This Season, Refs Have Been Advised to NOT Call Fouls on "Non-Basketball Moves", Most Notably When an Offensive Player Head or Ball Fakes a Defender Into the Air, Then HURLS His Body Into Him to Draw a Foul...Always Been a SHIT Call that REED's Never Liked... But the Rule ALSO Addresses Hooking of the Arm and Off Hand Usage to Create the APPEARANCE of a Foul...This Aspect in Particular Has Resulted in a Slooooow Start to the Season for Harden... After His First 3 Games, Harden Shot a TOTAL of 9 Free Throws...This, for a Player Who's Shot 9 FT's by HALFTIME in Many Instances... It's Not Like REED WANTS Harden to Struggle, But Dude HAS Thus Faaar...And it's Because His Game Has Always Been REF RELIANT...Harden BLATANTLY Hooked a Player's Arm the Other Day, Then Bitched to the Ref About the No-Call... Shit was HILARIOUS...Just PLAY BALL Bruh!!! REED
Youre better than me. I sure as fuck want him to struggle. Harden's one of the worst things to ever happen to the league.
Yep. I’m actually glad Brooklyn keeps getting all these issues which prevent them from succeeding. The injuries, Kyrie, Harden’s struggles, Kyrie, I hope they miss another finals this season. Those guys have so abhorrently stacked the deck they would have deserved an asterisk next to their championship had they been healthy and won it all.
Honestly if the nets didn't get harden they win last year with a healthy Irving Even without Aldridge. If they had him they win without Irving and with a gimpy harden
Watched Philly vs Bulls. Bulls have a nice starting unit but their backups are lacking. Derozen is super underrated and borderline disrespected. He is money from midrange and is just automatic at getting his shots off. Bulls could have won this game if Derozen had had some help tonight as Vucevic didn’t show up and Thybul had Lavine in a straight jacket. Watched Clippers vs Timberwolves. I wanted to see Anthony Edwards. Not only did he not disappoint but he might be my new favorite player in the league. The problem is Minny has such a terrible bench unit they will be hard to watch. Paul George has always been one of my favorite players to watch because he has such a smooth style with how he gets to the rim. He has a beautiful high arching shot and is a great defender and underrated passer. His incessant pushing off to create space however really annoys me and he started this game off doing it right away. When Edwards gave him a taste of his own medicine and PG had the nerve to complain about the non-call PG really dialed back the pushing off. PG and Reggie Jackson both had outstanding games shooting the Wolves eyes out.
Nothing about this fucking virus makes sense anymore. I'm not anti-vaxx at all - I got the Pfizer shot back in April. However, new data show that vaccinated people are just as likely to spread the virus as unvaxxed people. So the whole notion of "You HAVE to get vaxxed to protect others" is now horseshit. It should no longer matter if a person chooses to get vaxxed or not - it doesn't confer safety to others, only yourself. So if a person chooses to go unvaxxed, I say fuck it, let em. It has no bearing on anyone else, it's only protective for you as an individual. I'm not even on the right, but my feelings on this are becoming more and more right leaning by the day. This fucking virus is not going anywhere; it's endemic now, like the flu and the common cold. Time to start treating it like the flu, and get back to normal fuckin life. It's ridiculous at this point the shit that Kyrie and Rodgers are going through. And I don't even LIKE Kyrie and Rodgers, just being objective.
Because of a stupid rule that visiting unvaxxed players to NY could still play but local NY unvaxxed players couldn’t. Is Beal unvaxxed? Also, I believe that is a NY rule not an NBA rule.
Clippers are looking good. I think they may wind up being number 2 in the West behind Golden State. Reggie Jackson has followed up his outstanding play from the playoffs and “Push-Off-P” AKA Paul George is already getting his annual MVP mentions before he gives us his other annual habit…the fall back to earth.