If that isn't a job for Hanzy, I don't know what is :laughing: I mean, he practically posed for a gay body switch, the bottle is a no brainer ::
:dunno: :dunno: REED's Been Trying to Size & Re-Size & Re-Re-RE-Size his Pic to Fit,to NOfuckingAVAIL... REED:doh:
Now now.....:nono: I already promised my fellow FightBeaters that I've given up the hobby of photoshopping board members. Well.....I haven't given it up entirely........just as long as I'm sober.......when I've had a few........burp......'scuse me.......I get a bit crazy......then sh*t just happens......:crafty:
I think I'm the only one who wants to be fucked with by Hanzy. That pic he made of Tyson and I is still my fave. :clap:
Well there's an assortment of issues I must face, friskey whiskey. Back then, I was in my own office, monitor turned away from all prying eyes. Now, I'm sitting in one of many cubicles with people surrounding me at all times, front, back, left and right. You know how hard it is to get any photoshopping done during work? It's cause for concern! :dunno:
I get absorbed in my work. Often, my spidey sense doesn't tingle quick enough when a lady passes by my terminal and then she wonders why I'm staring intently at a naked man on my monitor.
dsimon writes: Shit I tried to take a picture myself this morning... I was trying to use Jesus' method of holding the camera to the mirror. It didn't work very well.:dunno:
ull notice the lacking quality of my picture of my size 13 shoe. It just doesn't work unless someone else takes the picture. Is the wifey working?
dsimon writes: Yeah. And she is very hostile towards me posting a pic... double whammy!!:: I will get one some time today though.
1. Pull up your pic, then do print screen. 2. Open MS Paint, then do "edit, paste" 3. Select your pic, then do file, save as. Should be smaller, then ready to upload.
he looks like one of the guys committing driving infractions honking down 5th ave...exactly what I expected:dunno: naw too many people rip hex, COTTO FOR LIFE
Above your enter key is the backspace key. To the right of the backspace key is a button that should say this: Prt Sc ------ SysRq Hold shift, then press that key. That's the print screen key.