legal issues. Ike is a lawyer, he's going to take action against anybody who displays his image publically. And steve is the owner of the image and will not allow anybody to forward it without his authorization.
I can't believe it still. Ike is so f*cking weird looking. What the hell is that thing on his lip, is that a f*cking felt pen or a birth mark???? :doh: ::
Not bad. I think I can find an adequate spot somewhere here in my 'man on man porn' gallery for you D Man. Hold on, I'll check......
Did Propecia worked for you DMAN ???? I remember you posting a thread about how you were going bald a few years ago but, from this angle, it doesn't seem to bad.
Anybody notice Strangelove has spent more time on this site lately "not posting" then he did when he was actually posting? :: He's going to start soon and when he does everybody better watch out. It's going to be like Mount Vesuvius erupting pent up molten lava all over the landscape which is FightBeat.
My bald spot is starting on the top / back so you just can't see it in front pictures I would never use hair products or anything like that.. I'm fine with going bald and chicks don't care at all.
:laughing: someone showed Ike the photo and he sent it to me. There is gonna be some fucking hell to pay
REED could Never Size his Pic to Fit N a Post,so REED just Switched Avatars... This is REED's License,Updated a Week & a Half Ago... REED
:eeeek: You're black? I thought you were a white dude all these years. This pic posting thing is great!!!!!!! :clap:
:: Dude,REED has Had @ Least 3 Pics on this Site,Over the Years... 1 of REED Wearing a Skull Cap,the 1 of REED w/Floyd & 1 of REED N High School,Flipping the Bird... If U're just NOW Figuring Out that REED was BLACK,U're N the DARK (pun Intented).... REED
dsimon writes: That is part of Oaklands charm. It still has parts that are gritty and hardcore. I like those parts of a city. You will never hear me disrespect Oakland... the people are more real, polite to each other, etc. If people did half the shit they do here in San FRancisco, they would got shot in Oakland.
man ya'll can get the fuck outta here wit' that. When you white you cna't be talkin' that kind of bullshit. Jus' cause Eminem is big don' mean we all talk all black and shit :eeeek:
Ike is f*cking crazy-looking. Did you see his hair? What's that sack of sh*t lying on top of his scalp? Looks like fur of some dead squirrel.
dsimon writes: I thought you were a nice Jewish boy from the Bronx!:: :: You took a good picture bro. At the DMV by the time they want to take my picture I am usually ready to kill somoene they they say "smile." So my picture always looks a little funny.
Dsimon your pic is very funny to me :: You look like a sleepy ex surfer dude. I HONESTLY thought you would look more like this...
REED has PERFECTED his "DMV Look"...Just Bite Down on the Inside of your Lower Lip,Slightly... REED's Perfected his SMILE as Well...Wide Grin w/a Trace of the Lower Teeth Showing... REED's Got it Down to a Science... REED::