IandI breast fed until he was 16 ... He was addicted to the crack laced milk .... His mom just thought it was just because she was so attractive .
dsimon writes: :: Billy Martin was from Oakland and he was the scrappiest toughest little dude in baseball. Guys from Brooklyn shit in their pants at the mere mention of him.:blobbox:
I still don't get what mego's are, I know of Star Wars and McFarlane figures, but I just do not get mego's :dunno:
Is it like a Hasbro, Kenner, or General Mills? I just don't remmeber these toys, how old are they? I didn't look too much into the site, but I thought I seen 1996
Mego Corporation was the main action-figure company of the 70s, they had the rights to everything, from Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, DC, Marvel, Space 1999, KISS, Wizard of Oz, to popular TV shows such as Starsky & Hutch, Dukes of Hazzard, Buck Rogers, etc, one of its downfalls is that they turned down an obscure guy with his own characters, they told him to take a hike, well, they fucked up big time, that unknown dude at the time was non other than George Lucas himself and his Star Wars characters, Mego was done by 1983. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mego_Corporation A recent ebay auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/Mego-Star-Trek-...08QQihZ002QQcategoryZ1169QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I had a loose one and sold it for $500 I have a great collection of Megos, Bama has seen it, took me many years and thousands of dollars. Most Mego collectors are in their 30s and 40s (like me), these are the action-figures we grew up with.
dsimon writes: Kimba when I was a kid there was a figure made of Oddjob from the Goldfinger movie. and he hd an arm you could pull back and let his derby fly. :: I remember thinking this was the first time they made an action figure that could actually do a complex motion like throw something. The best I can recall before that was the occasional GI Joe karate chop. Now remember we are talking like 1968ld:
dsimon writes: Naw you probably get that number from subtracting Jaws mental age from my chronological age. ::
Are you able to comprehend text at all? Did you read that Mego Wikipedia link? Mego was the premier action-figure company in the 70s until Star Wars eventually took over, and by 1983, Mego was outta business.
Like I said, I grew up on Star Wars in the 70's and those action figures in the 80's aswell:dunno: I never got any mego's unless micronauts and battlestar galactica were megos :dunno: Do you remember the huge robots that shot out missiles and shit in the 70's that looked like Voltron? Jesus I sound like a dork ::
Micronauts were indeed Megos (not Battlestar Galactica though, they were Mattel). http://www.megomuseum.com/micronauts/micronauts.html
I stand partially corrected then. I don't understand why you wouldn't collect Star Wars instead :dunno:
I also used to collect Star Wars but the market has saturated and has become stagnant, many SW toys have decreased in price over time, there's way too many Star Wars toys out there. I sold almost my entire Star Wars collection. Megos hold more nostalgia for me since my very first action-figure as a kid was a Star Trek Mego. Star Wars figures usually come in two basic sizes, 3 inch and 12 inches, Mego are the classic 8 inch and 12 inch figures. But like I said, Star Wars killed the Mego company.
Oh yeah, I remember the Star Trek. I had the Enterprise playset that you could put the figure in and rotate it like he got beamed away in the transporter and disappreared, was that mego and do you have that? Star Wars hasn't gone down any :dunno:
See? You were right in the middle of the Mego heydays, you just had forgotten about it, . Mego Enterprise playset (yes I have it): http://www.megomuseum.com/trek/ent.shtml Many classic Star Wars toys are indeed high priced, but I'm not into them anymore.
wtf Alabama man looks exactly like Marquez's "boyfriend" from all the pics he was posting :eeeek: :dunno: ________ Vaporizer guide