Yeah people even on the phone think I sound white. But that's probably from 6 years of academia. :dunno:
dsimon writes: What? :: I have a great photo program for the appraissing and I hate making copies because when you apraise they get mixed up and you don't know which version is the final one. My son is smart with all that stuff. :dunno:
I always thought A_M was a white fellow too. A baseball cap wearing white dude. Well I guess I was right about the cap at least.
Snap the photo, upload the photo to photo-hosting service, copy URL link and paste on here! Easy! :clap:
Alabama, why you posting pictures of your little cousin on the internet? You know how many pedos are around here? :nono:
I can't explain why such and such can and can't happen, but I can lay out the process to get your photos out into e-land quick and easy.
:: Yeah, now I'm starting to believe Alabama Man is faking. I don't think that's his real pic either.
I'm a mutt. Chinese, and Flip. People thought I was half black on because Caligula posted a picture of a person who used to work on a video game website I was involved with, and I never corrected them. I just thought it was hilarious people kept trying to guess who I was for over 7 years. To this day the only person who even knows my real name is Rabid Kimba because we used to trade stuff(action figures) through snail mail. Kimba, if you reveal my real name, I'll go to Oakland and hunt your ass down. :nono:
Well people can believe what they want, I've never met anyone from the internet in real life. But I don't BS.
My full name, if typed into Google, leads directly to the website of the company I work for, and I honestly think some of the people who have been following me throughout the years from website to website would probably use that against me. It's part of the reason I let people on the internet think I was other people for so long.
So what you're saying is that "It's not a good time to be Alabama_Man on a boxing message board", is that right? ::
You see this is Ike's mentality as well, and I just think this is a place where most of us come to shoot the shit and hang. I've met alot of people from the board, and everyone seems pretty chill. I mean in some ways u really don't know who people are behind the screen, but I think being on here with the same people for years like we have been lends a kind of family atmosphere maybe:dunno: With all your Pacquiao love I knew you were at least part filipino without asking::
I think 90% of the people are cool on here, but there are 1 or 2 posters here who would literally try to fuck you over just to get a laugh or because they're seriously crazy in the head.
Yeah I knew this was coming. Get it all out now. I might post another one before bed depending on how bad it gets.