idk, my biggest enemies are prolly Sly, REED, CYC (now) and Joony. And if I met any of them in person im sure we'd be able to talk away from the board. Its almost like the people are very different, but it takes a certain demeanor and nature to spend 3 hours+ a day on a message board
dsimon writes: Yu had said that you were half Chinese and filipino, but I didn't know if you meant you were an ethnically Chinese Filipino or literally half Chinese and half Filipino. Since many Filipinos come from ethnic Chinese stock I didn't know what to make of it.::
Matchup_Analyzer huh, well thats some tough talk, gladys next time meet me at ben and jerry's and at the drive through...
dsimon writes: I never met an internet person in real life either, but you guys will see me when the resturant opens...of course what I didn't tell you guys is I am really the dishwasher.:: ::
DSimon, the wise Jewey Kung Fu dishwasher. Philosophiser and washer of dishes. I can respect that. :bears:
dsimon writes: I have to take one and I guess get one of those services. You guys will get to see me soon enoughopcorn:.
:laughing: :laughing: with more of john travolta's build, and whatever disease Robin Williams' arms have