DSimon, you must have a photo on your computer. E-mail it to me and I'll host it. Do it.................................do it!
even if there''s like 100 pics of me already I'm a bit crappy on the 1st pic, just came back from the gym
dsimon writes: Why would I have a photo of me on my computer? :dunno: I will email you one tomorrow you can post it. OK? My wife won't let me put any family photos on the computer. I know she is paranoid I don't agree with her.
Just cuz I like this thread, I'll post my pic, here it is, 3rd times a charm..... :flip: :flip: :flip: :flip: This one goes out to you softies, you know who U R
The pic don't lie Even from the hand you could tell this is something different than human, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers will know the sasquatch beatdown lurking in the depths of San Diego
r u serious? I mean u can't tell from the pick, but chinese/filipino + reality = approx. 5'3 in my estimation. You may be the talest filipino on earth:clap: