My man :bears: I was thinking the exact same thing. They don't know wtf they are talking about, literally every left hook thrown was a "check hook". ::
To be honest I thought it could have gone either way, but the scoring was nowhere near as bad as Taylor Vs the little Tajiki girl. Incidentally, is Katie related to Jermain? She also has a pretty jittery style, constantly hopping up and down, wasting energy.
Guess what......I think the Russian bird herself thinks otherwise. Her body language was very bad at the end. Horrible fight, CP vs CP. Only thing worse was the Check Hook Commentary.:tick:
Really hate to say it but I would have shaded it for the Russian, but it was 50/50. First round even, second for the Russian, third for Taylor, the last for the Russian - thought she buzzed Taylor, even if it was by a forearm to her head and a box to the ear which caught her off balance. What I didn't like was the feeling that it was all a bit set up for taylor to win the goal, even Barry McGuigan (I think) spoke to the mike in the arena about how ameeezing it was immediately afterwards.
Even the commentators acted like they knew she had won before the decision was announced. And at that point, it was very clear it was a fight that could have gone either way, and quite possibly to the Russian girl.
McGuigan and Fence Post Boy didn't waste any time did they :wack: Close fight, I can't see how Katie won the third so big, but I don't think the Russian did enough to draw the opener either- Katie needed a long flush just to draw that one. Russian chick was one sour looking broad. Arms folded throughout ceremony.
That's because she had won the third so clearly on the cards {not in my mind though} and I said to myself that whoever won the third would win the fight, as their opponent would have to come forward in the final round, which was anathema to the Russian, as she is a pure counter-puncher. The 4th was too close considering the width of the gap and so I felt Katie had it, but it was a close fight for sure...I never felt Katie had lost it, at any point.
Apparently you couldn't get tickets for London 2012 for love nor money, yet the boxing stadium is packed with Irish, it looks 90/95% - get in there.. What score was the last round? I had it even if not one up to the Russian. Very close fight but Katie won R1 and R2... Delighted for her
I felt Katie won the 1st, Lost the 2nd, Won the 3rd, and 4th was very close, hard to call. Draw would have been fair, but Katie probably would have won on countback in any case.
First round was 2-2, second round was 1-2, I think Katie won the 3rd 4-1 and the final score was 10-8 so that means the 4th round was 3-3 2-2 1-2 4-1 3-3 ______ 10----8 So Katie won the third round bigger than the Russian won the 2nd round, and thats what swung it.
I hope to see Scrubby Josh and Shitty Gogo flattened in their next fights. It would be a crime if either of those bums win a Gold medal or even a Silver.
I've given up watching their fights, fed up of them winning fights they never won. Ogogo reminds me of Courtney Fry. Flash amateur, big name, big deal.....battered as a pro.
I think KT wanted it more and showed that in the ring, I know the Russian likes to stand off and counter but she was negative until the 4th.. At best the final Round was 3-3 however I didnt think she lost r4 by more the 1 point... close but clear in my mind
Yep...the key was whoever was ahead by the final round. If the Russian was ahead, Katie would have gotten check-cross-hooked-straight-uppercutted to death by the slick-southpaw-unorthodox-left-handed Russian girl/woman/female athlete.
bbc sport website.. we're on the medal table - front page, back of the net... Ortho, one other thing I noticed. Her Dad looked very confident after the fight (I know, thats his job) but the guy knows the score
Must have employed extra people to help them run the tape back so fast. :kick: HEAVE!! HEAVE!!! :bears: at their chauvinism...its been a long time coming, since Michael Smith fucked up on us.
So did everybody else, it was after the fight. Dead easy to look confident after the fight, like..... :scared2: Peter Taylor SR, or Pete Taylor, a man whose mobile phone number I had to get off a Sinn Fein Councilor {John Brady} in order to find out when training was. issed: He's a hard man, knows his business, and is a big fan of hit-and-don-get-hit philosophy. He used to tell us that 1-0 is better than 22-21.
Seriously, she completely blitzed that Chinese girl. The middleweight medal context was horrendously bad.