So we have 100+ years of tradition of 90 % of the best athletes in the world participating in Olympics, and now you'd like to throw them all out. When has there been an Olympic winner who is NOT a professional (or who trains like one) A sane person should have the opinion that doing one sport should not be a reason to disqualify an athlete from participating in other sports
Says the king of Clickety-Click. Too bad the facade slipped and the feigned respect for Vitali was shown to be false.
How? By fiddling with an account? Tracking an IP? Abandoning your Mod duties or banning people on a whim? Reducing the forum to farce and jocularity? Please do expand, sire.
That's mighty white of you. Venting? Is that like banning, on a whim? Or changing user-account details? You seem a little fucked up when it come to the concept of self-control. Buddles is right. You may need psychiatric attention.
Angry? Is that like when you lash out and ban somebody for 4 hours and then your boss says that you need psychiatric help? That kind of angry? No. I am not angry. Just curious as to why you insist on lowering the forum to your own personal level of tinkering infantile bullshit.
You seem angry. Anger is fueling that curiosity. I was hoping we'd get a new, happier Irish now that he's working with his hands, learning new skillz.
Any chance of answers there, Ex-Mod? Buddy is right. You lack the maturity for such a heavy-duty number. You are not mod-material.
Okay, English fail aside, you are admitting that you flaunted mod powers to effect your own personal agenda, which backfired when Buddles exposed you as a dangerous psychotic incapable of any responsible execution of your duties? Banning people on a whim isn't "fucking with them". It just makes them look good and makes you look like an utter bell-end.
:: You're still fuming about something that happened months ago. Banning you for a few hours in no way excuses the impersonation at Eastside.
I am not fuming at all. I was delighted when you did it, it has given me ample hours of fun at your e-xpense. Why you think I would then commit a similar error is beyond me. Of course, you can't bolster your argument without looking like a total control phreak so that's that.
Now now, lets not try to wiggle and crispy our way out of it.......give us a small slice of the evidence, show them how you e-roll baby!!!!! Click-Click Ban!
I don't dislike anyone. What I dislike is childish, dog-in-the-manger behaviour. Buddy dislikes it too, which is why he rolled the fool on out of his moderator position. :ant: