1. He's such a fucking moron. He was on tele saying his career has been on a constant upward swing since he beat Kindelan. 2.No chance. What's he going to say? I deserve the decision because......scrubby josh is being laughed at online? Nah.
:dunno: Unlikely. Besides.....that doesn't mean he didn't deserve the decision tonight. I can't see scrubby josh turn pro either just yet. Only chance he has of making any money right now is if Medrudgomersalahemedicoov and Corolla turn pro with him.
yeah I had a feeling 'bout that too. When asked if he was going to turn pro he couldn't answer the question.
:: Referee was lifting his arm before the colour of his vest was even announced. He looked the exact same before and after the Cuban fight. It's all a little embarassing for him, he didn't ask for this, I am sure, and like most youngsters he is twittering and tubing most evenings, and knows what people think. In addition to that he's a fairly understated,low key sort of dude, if it was Haye he'd be telling us all how he had won so big. Joshua is probably looking and is quietly glad that the games are over. Its probably only fair to remember that he's probably as embarrassed as everyone else is delighted.
Well.......that's reasonable. He probably wants to discuss his options...and his options are pretty limited right now. He's missed the boat regarding Haye/Chisora/Fury/Price, Vitali and Vlad are way beyond him, Camaro and The Azeri might not turn pro, so there's no ammie rivalry to spin a buck out of....he's got not a lot going for him talent-wise, he's not likely to get any faster or any more fluid.
The BBC are showing the Joshua fight now, and guess what, they just showed round 1 and 3, they conveniently left out the 2nd round :: Biased arseholes.
I don't think there was much wrong in the judging, Joshua turned it around in the last round. Cammarelle wasn't as good as he was last time and Joshua has shitload to learn in his pro career
Cdogg should read this, its a classic example of what I am talking about. :dancingBaby: The Yanks won't show it twice. The Brits won't show all of it. The Germans will show it, but won't talk about it. :dunno:
Pretty much yeah. Obviously they didn't show the 2nd, but Wop Lump nicked the 1st and scrubby Josh nicked the 3rd. It was Camarelle's dominant 2nd round that won it in my opinion. How about you?
indeed, it's a damn shame he probably will never turned pro. The way he iced David Price in Beijing was impressive ( yes, I know, Price was basically a kid but still )
I admit, he did dominate Pricey, but I don't think big Dave was too ''out of it'' and the ref did wave the fight off rather quickly.
If its the case that the BBC actually didn't show the 2nd round {no doubt for reasons of brevity :wack:} then....you know...I do fear for scrubby josh down the road. He's probably likely too start believing his own hype before too long.
The BBC did show the first which, IMO, contained the worst 20 seconds of the fight for scrubby Josh. If they were trying to edit favourably for him then I would have expected them to skip that rounds and instead show the second, where SJ was potshotted and lost the round but never sustained the kind of punishment as he did when trapped in that corner in r.1 MTF :dunno:
This is unfortunately the ultimate fate of the vast majority of the British and probably the Irish team too. Paddy Barnes is probably the closest guy of all of them to being ready for the pro game, just as Darren Sutherland was 4 years ago. Scrubby Josh. Shitty GoGo. Even Nevin, probably...all too easy to hit. I've never seen two teams of guys that were so easy to hit clean.:dunno: