Okay, I'll finally bite. Manny is a great fighter, and a prime Manny beats a prime Diaz sure and maybe, just MAYBE, gives Hatton a handful before going down in a tough battle... Pound for Pound? Prime Manny Pac > Prime Ricky Hatton ...However, Manny has absolutely no business fighting Hatton at 140. Absolutely none. I won't go into the minutae, because you are the most biased, blind and fucking unbelievable Hatton- hater ever, so there is no point. But you boy loses. Big. Hatton is too strong, too quick and too comfortable. Manny gets stopped by Hatton @ 140. Easily. MTF
I will say if Pacman did somehow figth Hatton and STOP him...??? THAT would be impressive.. I dont think this figth ever happens and I don't think Pacman has any buisness at 140
If he did it would be the greatest win ever, but he wouldnt have a snowballs chance. Hatton would destroy Pac.