The PROBLEM w/this Post is, MOST were Under the ASSumption that Floyd was "Ducking" Sugar Shane, Especially after the WWE Styled SCENE that Mosley (& BHop) Caused During the Floyd-Marquez Post-Fight Interview... REED has CRITICIZED Floyd as Much as Anybody LATELY, but U CAN'T Accuse him of Ducking Sugar Shane THEN Shit on that Win in Hindsight.... REED:kidcool:
He was....but was he consider a bigger threat than Cotto, Margarito, Williams, Clottey or Cintron?? NO....Bumdomir was a fluke of UNDISPUTED champions...a abnormality... Had he defended that Title vs. the other guys i mention he would have LOSE...Cotto would have outbox him silly...same for Williams...and Margarito would have busted him up...Clottey already show he was the better fight....only opponent I give Bumdomir a chance was vs. Cintron...
Indeed. I mean after the terrific performances against this monsters how can anyone think this fellas were not in a roll?
this is exactly what Mayweather fans get hated for, saying Floyd wins the fight without doing the fight. Cintron and Clottey lose every major fight they are in, so they are not above Baldomir. He went on a huge win streak and beat an in form Judah, not exactly a fluke champ. Mayweather beat him and if he didn't fight him, Baldomir would be listed as a guy that Mayweather didn't beat by you.
Nope..because Bumdomir was a NOBODY...and like i said before he would have lose those titles vs. the first TOP opponent he defended against... Clottey was beating Bumdomir easily before he was DQ....Judah took on Bumdomir as an easy opponent not as someone who could possibly beat hm...BUMDOMIR has always been a BUM!!
He was going into a fight w/ a guy with 9 losses...whose only recognizable name on his resume was Joshua Clottey.... Judah PROBABLY though he was fighting another Cosme Rivera....Bumdomir was nothing more than a tune up...
It is a sure thing Judah was KO'ing guys left and right including the champ at the time Corey Spinks, his biggest victory.