Heavyweight's a division unto itself because you have so many guys deliberately trying to get as heavy as possible to compete with guys like Vitali. If there was a 220lb class Williams would be fighting in it and Vitali would be fighting exactly where he is. It's a different dynamic to lower classes.
"It is disappointing because we worked out who the heaviest ever had been and it was our intention to beat it," said Williams (at the weigh in vs Vitali). Nae joy Danny, better luck next time ::
Sure, it is an exaggerated example. personally I always placed a premium on things like fist size, tricep, chest {unexpanded} and neck size as to who was truly the "Bigger" of two fighters.
ajaja. I hear you. But having proportions like that is like long arms or long muscle bellies or finding out somebody has more fast twitch muscle fibers. There's nothing that's even contrary to the spirit of weight classes in any of it, I cant see any reason to score against a guy like REED does with Donaire
Rios simply gets hit too often and too cleanly. He'd last a bit because of his chin but he'd eventually fall. I think Garcia vs Matthysse is much more interesting.
I can't believe we're all getting this excited about a guy who lost to Devon Alexander and Zab Judah. Lean times.
Honestly, anybody who had him losing to Judah is questionable. ANYBODY in the world who thinks he lost to Alexander is simply blind, or retarded. Alexander-Matthysse was one of the worst decisions of recent years. Matthysse is an undefeated fighter.
The quality at 140 isn't there, for sure. Lucas is essentially a sloppy banger who hits like a motherfucker but he is possibly the best of a pretty grim bunch. There is a fair bit of competition around the division, but the standard is poor. MTF
Nobody is calling Matthyse an all time great. But his power at 140 is pretty rare. Comparing him to Jackson is a stretch. Matthyse has a better chin than Jackson had, but that's about it. Jackson is the biggest P4P hitter of all time, and had better skills and handspeed than Matthyse has. However, Matthysse DOES have underrated skill, has a helluva chin, has good stamina, and rare power. That's a pretty nice combination of traits to have.
I agree with this, I consider Lucas undefeated. He beat Scrubbyzander clear as day. And I think having a close, distance fight with Judah is somewhat of an aberration. He'd surely stop Judah in a rematch.
Who would you guys pick out of Lucas and Broner? It has to be said, though he looks sloppy and basic, Lucas sure is good at landing his big shots. Peterdude is very average at world level, but he's solid and fairly crafty, not that hittable - and Lucas just walked through him and landed flush, making it look easy.
Depends on what kinda chin Brone has. It must be said, Broner is far more talented than Peterson and Garcia. However, his defense isn't on par with his daddy Floyd. Not sure who I'd pick in Broner-Matthysse to be honest.
He'd KO Alexandra in a rematch as well. ESPECIALLY if it's a 12 rounder, which the first fight was not.
I wanna say Broner, but I dunno. Perhaps Lucas could be Broner's version of Castillo. Only Lucas is a bigger puncher than Castillo ever was, and Broner is no Floyd.
i doubt broner would beat matthysse. he seems way too hittable in all his fights and he's shorter also. id like to see matthysse in with provodnikov next at 140 or 147. provodnikov is a free agent with no ties to top rank as far as i know.
Maybe, but Castillo was much more compact and better and protecting himself coming forward. Lucas is pretty sloppy and Broner shouldn't find his bombs too hard to see coming.
Like Xplosive and Neil said, Broner is actually pretty hittable. Sure he tries to replicate his sugar daddy to a tee, but he'll never have defense anywhere near as good as Floyd. I'd slightly favour Lucas, unless Broner has an iron chin.
Sure, but that implies he has defense good enough to do that, which I'm not sure he does actually. Even a scrub like Rees was able to tag him cleanly. Floyd never got hit clean by crap fighters, even if he was barely concentrating. Rather than trying to all out avoid getting smashed clean, Broner might be better off landing some meaty counters in order to tame Lucas's offense, make him tentative.
the alexander robbery is up there with the worst robberies I've ever seen. lucas whupped his ass. clearly won 7 rounds and scored 2 knockdowns.
Lucas would take his greasy mongoloid rat heart and make him fold quicker than Hatton did, I think in my mind.
LOL. Not sure I'd agree, but I'd at least give Lucas a legit chance. Unlike Rios, who'd have zero chance against Tszyu.
yeah, cause a guy can never improve or have a "bad" loss. you're a kid with a lame pessimistic schtick.
Especially after seeing in the Alvarado rematch, where being weight drained was no excuse, I'd have to agree Tszyu would beat him up. Rios is really fun to watch and is a little war machine, but he's not very good.