Marvin Hagler was a brawler. Fernando Vargas lost to Felix Trinidad simply because he chose to brawl instead of box. Oscar De La Hoya's corner told him to run against Trinidad. James Toney-Michael Nunn was a "lucky punch". Toney was getting to Nunn had won the previous couple of rounds. Actually, basically any time "lucky punch" is used. People saying that De La Hoya "clearly sealed" the victory over Quartey in the 12th makes me want to puke. Also, when people say "all you had to do was stand up to Tyson and he'd crumble". Geez, you think these pro fighters, world class contenders, would be a little tougher than to be spelled by the magic wand of fear that Tyson waved. "You have to take it from the champion and win impressively". No, you have to win more rounds. There's like a gazillion belts out there. "Champion" means less nowadays.<!-- / message -->
These days, champions are in the eyes of the people. Povetkin isn't the "champion" in his fight with Chris Byrd, but Byrd's got to do a hell of a lot more than win seven rounds to get the win in Germany.
I'll add to this that Chavez is a great comparison, and Chavez is certainly a puncher. There is a difference between having one punch KO power (like Shavers) and just being a puncher/ having "heavy hands"
The Buster Douglas that beat Tyson would be a tough fight for ANY heavyweight in history. We hear this one less nowadays but I've always found that one a bit ridiculous.
Shit, I missed this piece of shit:Quote: <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by REEDsART Duran was a "Puncher" in the Miguel Cotto, Julio Cesar Chavez Mold... WEAR U Down, Inflict PUNISHMENT, then Stop LATER Rather than Sooooooooner... Duran WAS NOT a 1 Punch, Fight's OVER Kind of Guy... But like Cotto & Chavez, his Power NEVER Dissipated as the Rounds Progressed... REED </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> This post reaks of someone who's only seen Duran against Hagler, Hearns and Leonard (the rematch).
Nah, REED has Seen MOST of Duran's Lightweight Defenses & his Welterweight Bouts... U Know, his PRIME???:dunno: ... & In those Fights, DESPITE Duran's Contant Pressure & Workrate MOST of those Bouts went into the LATTER Rounds... Sorry, but he WASN'T a "Puncher"... REED:nono:
Yeah, that SOLVES it... How Convenient that Leonard Chose DURAN,(the Guy he BRAWLED w/ in the 1st Fight, then Made QUIT in the RE)as Opposed to Say, HEARNS (the Guy who's Power Leonard was LEERY Of, the Guy who DROPPED Ray TWICE & the Guy who Made MINCEMEAT Out of his Left Eye)... U Got Any Other Quotes for REED to Wipe his ASS w/Jaws??? REED:dunno:
Chavez and Duran both had their share of fights where they landed a punch that pretty much ended the fight. How can you watch that huge right hand that sent Meldrick Taylor flailing, in the last round of their first bout, and not say that Chavez had a HUGE punch. Or that fight-ending right hand Duran landed in the last round against Cuevas, who aside from Thomas Hearns hadn't been knocked out since he was 13?!?!?!
At lightweight he KO'd guys with 1 punch. He was a punch, make no mistake. Even above lightweight, watch the Davey Moore fight and watch him bludgeon the solid middleweight Barkley to the canvas and tell me his power is no better than Cotto or Chavez. He wasn't Jackson in terms of power, but he could discourage people, hurt people, and KO people with 1 shot. Mainly the right hand of course. He hit Kobayashi with such a hard right hand his head changed shape.
Because from like the 8th Round ONWARDS, Chavez Landed SIMILAR Shots...It's NOT like Taylor's Grill Got All SWOLLEN Up & BLOODIED from ONE Shot...Though he was LOSING, Chavez Administered a BEATING on Taylor in the Latter Rounds of that Fight... Cuevas was NEVER the Same Again, after Hearns DESTROYED him...& his Chin was NEVER that Great Anyways... REED
One other thing, Leonard actually said Duran AND Hearns were the hardest punchers he faced. He eloborated and said Duran's punches felt strange, like getting hit with a baseball bat, and he was deserving of the monicker "manos de piedra".
This post is stupid and gay. That one punch Chavez landed ENDED the fight. Did he land other straight rights? Sure, but only and IDIOT would think that every punch is equal to every other punch.
Richard Steele asked Taylor if he could continue. Taylor didn't say anything. Richard Steele - again - asked Taylor if he could continue. Taylor looked at Lou Duva and acted if Richard Steele didn't exist. Give us ONE example where such behavior didn't end in a stoppage, or admit that you're full of shit, like usual. :doh:
REED ISN'T Debating the Stoppage OR Taylor's Actions...REED is Debating that Getting Dropped in Round 12 by the 700th Landed Right Hand SOMEHOW Makes Chavez a "Puncher"... REED
Yeah, he was twice KO'ed in the LATE Rounds of those Bouts... Again, Duran is MORE of a Cotto/JC Chavez "Puncher"...A Wear U Down, Stop U LATE Type of "Puncher"... But Certainly NOT an Explosive, Blow U Away EARLY, Take U Out w/a SINGLE Shot Type of Guy... REED:nono:
He probably suffered a concussion from that punch. I mean, he didn't know how to say, "yes," afterwards. He was totally out of it, and only a moron would argue otherwise. Steve_Dave: Fuck you. You openly flaut the rules and expect people to listen to you? Go ahead and ban me you piss-headed hypocrite.
So in this thread we've gone from Roberto Duran was not a puncher to Roberto Duran was a Chavez-like puncher. Are you familiar with the truthfunctional value of A or ~A?
U're like Mike Tyson, RubyHOE... When U KNOW U're In the MIDST of Yet ANOTHER Verbal Beatdown, U Get Pissy w/the Mods KNOWING they'll BAN/Disqualify your Ass... U're INCAPABLE of Dealing w/REED, so U're TRYING to Get Yourself Banned...That Shit is WEAK... REED