Here's REED's VERY 1st Post on the Matter of Duran "the Puncher", Jaws... Now KINDLY Shut the Fuck Up... REED
Ban coming? oh and your first post was "Duran was a PUNCHER..." so again, are you familiar with basic logic rules, such as A or ~A is always true?
REED DOESN'T Consider Cotto or Chavez as "Punchers" Either... Joony Replied to REED Listing "Duran was a Puncher" on this Thread, so REED ELABORATED on what he Meant... U're INSINUATING that REED has Somehow ALTERED his Stance, but NATHAN of the Sort has Transpired... Sorry to PISS on your NUTHUGGERY of Duran, but Get OVER it... REED
Stick to the subject. Taylor was obviously concussed in that fight. He was clearly confused. Why blame the loss on Steele when Taylor was unable to respond. Steve_Dave's all talk. Stick to the subject.
Again, REED ISN'T Debating Taylor's State of Mind OR the Legitimacy of the Stoppage... REED is Arguing Whether or Not Chavez was a "Puncher"... U're Sooooooooo FAR Up Chavez's CULO that U're WANTING to Believe that the "Concussion" was Caused by a SINGLE Right Hand???... So the LITTANY of Shots that Chavez PREVIOUSLY LANDED had NO Affect on Taylor Becoming "Concussed" ???... REED:dunno:
Dude fuck off. What nuthuggery have a shown in this thread calling Duran a puncher? Your outrageous Chavez isn't a puncher stance is about as legitimate as saying shit smells like Flowers. Its just dead wrong, like every take you have on anything, because you are idiotic, indecent, and inferior.
REED is FLATTERED by the Offer, but RubyHOE (aka., YOUR PORN Buddy) Might Get Jealous... Thanks but NO Thanks... REED:nono:
bullshit, I wasn't the first one to fire cuss words in this thread. Thats some fucking despicable shit the way i get singled out for calling the faggots on this site in a non-offensive way, and then having shit ignored
The PROBLEM is, even REED & RubyHOE can have a DEBATE & LEAVE it as Such... YOU, on the Other Hand, have ANGER MANAGEMENT Posting Issues, Combined w/a HEALTHY Dose of IMMATURITY... That's why U ALWAYS Get Bent OUT of Shape on the General Forum... REED
well since I'm not a blistering illiterate faggot, I find it hard to deal with stupidity, and this certainly isn't the place to talk boxing with flamers who love irrational bullshit and "land near a man's nutsack"
Riiiiight ... REED is the "Flamer" & the "Faggot" yet YOU Sat in a Room ALONE w/RubyHOE & LOVINGLY Shared "PORN MOMENTS" Over a LapTop... How GAY is THAT, Jaws???:dunno: ... Until REED Approaches THAT Level of LITERAL FAGGOTRY, U have NO Room to Talk, Homey... REED:nono:
Yeah but, when he was in his "prime".. at any given moment he could become "un-prime"...on a match by match basis,.. ...UNPRIME! were the screams after Taylor bested him,... "Ubelieveable! Hopkins beats da light heavyweight champ!"... unprime...but could be very, very unprime at any given moment,..................
Unlike you, I'm not touching a statement this gay with a 50-foot pole. Whereas if Floyd or Roy's dick needed to be sucked this instant you'd be the first to volunteer.
This thread. Reed starts the flaming, and everyone else gets warned. You even egg him on. You SUCK at your job.
In no way did Reed come close to saying what you and Jaws said in this thread. The language and the personal attacks was ridiculous. Rubio you have already been warned by Steve-Dave and Donnybrook several times. I wont warn you. Say anything you want in this thread now, since its moved to smacktalk, but keep this bullshit out of GD. Jaws too.
BULLSHIT I said nothing inflammatory until after "Shut the fuck up" came my direction. Of course that wasn't addressed at all. I know our fucking actual staff is incompetent but surely the moderators apart from the horse have been the best in the business up until certain issues. We have a flailing faggot allowed to spew shit in GD, and a horse-faced jackass kept as a mod. Pure genius
Moving it to SmackTalk is not sufficient - that's after the fact. Jaws/Rubio - plenty of posters here use "cuss words." REED certainly does. But those posters don't DIRECTLY CALL YOU NAMES OR HURL INSULTS AT YOU. I'm astounded that posters of your obvious intellect (and that's not sarcasm) can't see the difference. Rubio, you're the FIRST ONE to pull out the legalism and say things like "I said the THREAD or POST was stupid, NOT the PERSON" .....yet now you want posters banned for "flaming" or using cuss words even though they aren't insulting you at least, not until you begin. It's the same lesson Jaws fails to learn. I think all of you need a vacation. ALL of you. Peace.
Come on now Jaws. "shut the fuck up"? We are allowed to curse in GD. And that wasnt an attack. He just told you to shut up. You responded with "fuck off, idiot, inferior, faggot, etc." There is a huge difference. Shut the fuck up dont mean shit.
you are an astounding REED-like faggot. Hopefully you learn the lesson of decency some day. But then again you can't shine shit, and you cna't make stupid people smart. God damn some of you faggots piss me off
Agreed. That being said - REED, lay off it. These guys troll you and I realize that - but you are really, REALLY walking the fine line and are pushing buttons and hiding the hand...and have engaged in some serious smacktalking in GD in the past. Though you're very responsive to warnings, I will admit. :: Just keep it clean all the time, please. We'll take care of the rest. And if we don't - TELL us ASAP; we can't always see every violation immediately. That's for everyone to help us with. Peace.