Povetkin To Hold Presser on Klitschko Drug Test Demands

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by KaukipRrr, May 11, 2010.


    IMDAZED Undisputed Champion

    Feb 25, 2006
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    What gets better and better, irish? We are living in an era where many top athletes have been caught cheating. It's not out the realm of possibility that some of the top boxers are on PEDs. Heck, given our lax standards, it's quite likely.
  2. Irish

    Irish Yuge, Beautiful

    Nov 28, 2002
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    And ALL OF A SUDDEN we have woken up to this, JUST LIKE THAT, RIGHT?

    IMDAZED Undisputed Champion

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Who is we exactly?
  4. Irish

    Irish Yuge, Beautiful

    Nov 28, 2002
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    We, Us, Boxing.
  5. Outlander

    Outlander Leap-Amateur

    Mar 21, 2004
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    Well...yes. You made some points about the Klits not being as statistically unusual as Manny Pacquiao, and this is true from a punch-stat sort of approach. But it is not true from a career point of view. It is rare to have a fighter dominate the heavyweight division to the point that the general consensus is that there isn't a single challenger anywhere on the horizon that has more than a freak chance against him.

    And rarer still to have TWO such fighters, who happen to be brothers. Of course it isn't "unprecedented" to have someone dominate the division for a while, but it doesn't happen often and it usually doesn't last. The Klits have certainly distinguished themselves as something of a dynasty. This is why I group them in with atypical fighters, and why I think they deserve perhaps added scrutiny or suspicion in terms of PED use.

    Like I said before, whether it's fair or not, there is always going to be more hooplah and more focus surrounding the long-reigning heavyweight champion(s) of the world than there will be around Burt Barnswankle who fights out of clubs in Des Moines.

    As far as this PED-hunt occurring "all of a sudden", I can tell you why it has worked that way for me. As a long time boxing fan, I started to see things happening that were historically rare. Fighters breaking the division barrier and suffering no ill effects... instead getting better, and beating opponents soundly at 3 or 4 divisions above their career fighting weight. Fighters not even breathing hard 12 rounds in against world class opponents who are gasping for breath.

    Heavyweight giants who are frankly not the most coordinated guys in the world, and traditionally ended up like Primo Carnera or in modern term Nicolai Valuev fighting at a faster pace than smaller heavyweights. These same guys getting up to their late thirties and still coming in in stellar condition, low body fat, great muscle tone, and surprising stamina for boxers their size... and they are beating the shit out of younger boxers. Oh, and there's TWO of them.

    These are certainly just observations, and prove nothing, but this is what got me started. Then there were things like BALCO, and we got to see how prevalent these PEDs were and how they were a fucking INDUSTRY that all the insiders knew about, but was kept secret from the general public. You had people like Victor Conte out there who spent all their time creating designer drugs meant to enchance performance yet avoid traditional detection. I am sure he can't be the only one... but yet he's the only one that got caught so far.

    Then you had people who worked inside the athletic commissions of major states (NY, Nevada) stating publicly that their own testing was a JOKE and of course that is also exactly what Victor Conte said. Medical doctors like Flip Homansky basically said that if you want to get away with using PEDs, come fight in Vegas. So now it wasn't just a few sore losers insisting their opponents were cheating, it was educated people people and experts close to the testing processes themselves exposing the testing as inadequate and ineffective.

    As the list of names in all sports grew after the BALCO scandal... into baseball, the Olympics, boxing, everywhere, it started to sink in just how prolific PED use was. You had Olympic coaches being arrested in Europe with mountains of EPO and other drugs in their vehicles. Sometimes entire teams would get the boot from sports like cycling, it was so rife with cheating.

    And so the teapot starts to whistle, and I realized just how bad boxing was with regard to PEDs in terms of what the public knew... and it occurred to me that what we as the "general public" knew (as incredibly bad as it was) was likely just the tip of the seedy iceberg.

    So when Manny balked on the testing which would have traded a few milliliters of blood for tens of millions of dollars and a fight with a guy Manny & Roach had been calling out for some time....

    Yeah, I'd say "KA-POW", that was the last fucking straw. Count me as one of the people who woke up and realized just how rampant and downright scary the drug problem is in boxing. You want to juice? Well, there is a tremendous upside for many fighters, and right now there is NO downside.

    And now there are several articles out there stating that Wlad refuses to submit to WADA testing in the Povetkin fight, in spite of all the decades and mountains of evidence that current testing is for shit, citing (tiredly) that he will submit to the current testing because it's good enough. And the IBF enables this just like the alcoholic's wife, standing by Wlad and saying that if Povetkin won't take the fight because of the drug issue, Wlad gets to keep on moving down the line of contenders until he finds someone who either doesn't care or is on PEDs themselves. Wow, what a great organization.

    Wlad Klitschko is a smart guy, very well educated. He knows EXACTLY what he is doing, and of course he knows that the current test procedures in boxing are inadequate. Anyone with an ounce of honesty must concede that. So the fact that he is willing to bypass fights that require him to take adequate drug testing says something. It also says something that he is even bothering to regurgitate that pablum about the current testing being so wonderful, when he knows damn well it isn't.

    This whole thing is getting ridiculous. Boxers in high-profile positions literally get to choose whether or not they get tested for PEDs, and at this point Wlad doesn't feel like it. This is a complete joke. KA-POW.

    IMDAZED Undisputed Champion

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I think in some respects you're right. Let's face it, PEDs and lax testing weren't a big issue on message boards until Mayweather brought it up last year. But I also think it's a trickle down effect. When the two big heads in Nevada (Goodman and Homansky) stepped down, they blew the whistle about what was going down that fans weren't privy to; the lax testing, the cover-ups, the way promoters had the commissions in a headlock. Perhaps no one was listening then - perhaps it took a well-known athlete like Floyd to bring it to the table where all could see. Either way, does it matter? I don't think so. I guess you could say no one cared about PEDs in baseball until Jose Canseco said anything too. In the end, that is irrelevant.

    IMDAZED Undisputed Champion

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Excellent post, Outlander. I think if we knew the number of fighters who were using, we'd fall out of our chairs. I mean...think about it. Most states don't test for steroids. The ones that do try to make it as easy for the athlete as possible. And in spite of all that...Roy Jones...Fernando Vargas...Ricardo Mayorga...Ali Funeka...James Toney...Evander Holyfield...Jameel McCline...Vitali Klitschko...Tommy Morrison...Bob Hazelton...I'm forgetting a bunch. But at some point in the careers, they've been busted or came clean. Astounding.
  8. mikE

    mikE "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Assuming that Klitschko/Povetkin will take place in Germany, I thought El Terrible showed the forum that Germany already has (very good?) drug testing?? Is what Povetkin wants superior to what already exists there or just different? Or is the fight not going to even happen in Germany?
  9. Irish

    Irish Yuge, Beautiful

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Surely we are not saying that Germany is way ahead of America on something? :lol:

    Manny Pacquaio, an illiterate peasant, is versed in the ways of the PED. Vlad, the college boy, is versed in the way of the PED.

    Sooner or later, peasant and royalty alike will be facing the fucking guillotine, because thats what happens when everyone is guilty and everything is wrong.

    In the meantime, the guys who were implicated in the past, have gone on to make millions. In boxing. As boxers. :rolleyes:
  10. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ignoring knowledge and indulging in echolocation.
    You mean,.. "Where's the breathing space to operate ya communist cunts!".. :crafty:,... you evil, EVIL creature.

    IMDAZED Undisputed Champion

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Manny Pacquiao is as much a peasant as Bill Gates is. He makes about $10m per fight, and on his payroll are arguably the best trainer and best promoter in the game. He trains at a renowed boxing gym. Again, you like confusing the issue with irrelevant mumbo jumbo. Yeah, Pacquiao can attain PEDs just like I can go to my local gym and do the same. Your point?
  12. Irish

    Irish Yuge, Beautiful

    Nov 28, 2002
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    That Wlad's PHD is not a route to PED, anymore than anything else is, or isn't.

    The guy is as clean as you like until otherwise is proven.

    And we all know anyone can pass a test....in Germany. :flip:

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