The FA, in whom you place so much faith, decided that they did not believe he was a racist. At the time that statement was made, nobody had been charged, so there was nothing to apologize for, the club issued a very basic standard response and Oldham FC replied in kind with a thank-you to the club. The guys name btw was Tom Adeyemi. Dalglish knows what he is doing. Suarez didn't break the law otherwise they would have referred him to the police. You mark my words- Capello got rid off, Harry piped aboard, Terry will be found not guilty after benefiting from the highest standard of law and after having not had to run the gauntlet of the handshake, which it now seems Evra declined in any case. In the meantime, former MP's and Alex Ferguson are calling for deportations and the like. Frankly, I am surprised you have responded in this way.
But Man United fans are good guys. Its the Scousers who need watching, right? Man United fans would never engage in violence....they have the Great Leader, the Wog-Destroyer, the identifier of those-who-are-beneath-contempt <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object> Ferguson: "No other Liverpool manager would behave like Benitez" Ferguson "No other Liverpool player would behave like Suarez" Ferguson "Benitez is beneath contempt" Ferguson "Suarez should be sold" Galloway: "Suarez should be deported by the Home Secretary" Galloway: "Benitez is a nasty piece of work". No conspiracy. Just direct quotes.
He said racist things therefore he is racist. I don't need the FA or anyone else to tell me how to identify a racist. Once a man is found guilty of saying racist things, he is a racist. If that man is not a racist or doesn't belive he has said racist things, he will fight to clear his name with every resource he has. Suarez just sulked and hid behind his manager instead. He is a racist. So what? A liverpool supporter brought an opposing player to tears with racist abuse. I say there might be a causative link. I am surprised that you are surprised. My position on racism and racists is well known and clear. They are scum. Those who defend them are scum. I don't read newspapers or need them to build me into any kind of frenzy; I know racism is disgusting and that Suarez is a racist. Sorry if you disagree. MTF
Terry does not believe White People are superior to Black People. He could climb up inside Winnie Mandela and scream "Black Cunt" and the top of his voice and that wouldn't change a thing. He will be found not-guilty upon the evidence put before the court regarding the charge preferred by the CPS.
I don't give a FUCK about the media, Taggart, Galloway or any other cunt. I don't give a fuck about stereotypes about 'who has nice supporters'. I'm not interested in whatever media agenda you are railing against this week. None of that matters an iota to me. Liverpool v Man Utd is one of the most passionate, fiercely contested rivalries in world football. There were blokes outside Old Trafford today handing out cut-out Ku Klux Klan masks to taunt Suarez and dogleish. The whole thing was like a tinderbox. Then Suarez blanks the guy he directed racist abouse towards. That is an act of absolute insanity. MTF
He'll be acquitted. Of course he will be. He is too famous and important to be convicted. That's British justice for you. That has no bearing at all on Suarez, who is also a racist. MTF
Newcastle are taking a pasting here. I had an awful feeling this would happen after everything that's gone on this week. MTF
It now appears he didn't blank him and so what if he did? Is he supposed to come, cap in hand, so as to assuage the fans? Ferguson turned down direct dialogue between the clubs. So be it. Suarez is not accountable for the criminally low intelligence levels of the broader British Public.
I quite enjoy the way Dalglish 'didnae see' every incidence of LFC wrong doing, ever. Reporter: how do you feel about such and such Dalglish: dunno aboot that wiznae there Reporter: well such and such happened Dalgish: Och I widnae know, it's contrary to whit I heard :::bears:
Technically, he is correct. He didn't see any of it, he couldn't have. Practically, he's being a cunt, mainly because he is being treated like one. I have my reservations about Dalglish but they are all professional. Personally, I think he is light years ahead of the current crop of filth that are masquerading as journalists and newsmen.
He did fucking blank him. I watched him do it with my own eyes man! He did wrong, he should man up and shake hands with the man to whom he did that wrong. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp? MTF
not at the way, the people you say I claim have an agenda....happen to constitute the rest of the country. MP's, football managers, newspaper editors and people in the street...also known as the rest of the country.
This is laughable. From one of the forums smarter people. Who said he did wrong? You labour like an academic over the shortcomings of the Government and the Chancellor, yet accept unflinchingly the findings of a 3 man panel, throwing in a few of your own findings to season them with. Rich.
There's no agenda at all here. The facts are explicit and speak for themselves. - Suarez racially abused another player. - He was caught and punished. - He should have shaken hands with the victim because it is the correct thing to do. - He didn't because he is a cunt. - His manager has gone to ridiculous lengths to defend the indefensible. - The actions of both are causing damage to the name of a great football club. MTF
You don't like Dalglish because he did not do right by Newcastle. You then accept any version of events or status quo which justifies or vindicates the way you feel. You are as for sale as any of the rest of them. Good day to you.
I fucking hate it when players don't shake an opponents hand. It's fucking childish and pathetic. In Wayne Bridge's defense though, you can let him off - Terry is a cunt and what he did was a cuntish thing to do - You do not do that to your mate. Evra and Suarez need to grow some fucking balls - grow the fuck up. Evra was pathetic after the full-time whistle. Very immature reaction - Suarez too - shake his fucking hand you fool. It shows you are more Man than an immature little brat. Get over it and concentrate on what you are all overpaid to do for fucks sake. My rant(s) for the day. Thank you.
If someone accused me of doing that when I hadn't I'd move heaven and earth to clear my name. Suarez didn't. I think that is strong evidence of his guilt. The fact that a three man panel also think so is more evidence. There is NO evidence of his innocence at all, save his denials and the blanket denials/support from his manager, who is becoming ever more blind and deaf in that he cannot see or hear anything bad perpetrated by his players. He fucking racially abused someone. Stop trying to protect him. MTF
He was caught and he was punished. Those are the facts. What you suggest is opinion, speculation and bluster. MTF
Good Day. You don't like him. That is a fact. He could find a cure for AIDS and you would turn your nose up at it. Suarez is a racist. Yeah, sure, and Stan Collymore is Jack the Ripper. You are a piece of thread that allows yourself to get hitched to any needle that is heading in your preferred direction.
I agree toetally, Mate. Under certain circumstances, that rule needs to be implemented. We all know that one or two players will draw attention to themselves by acting in certain ways.
You can tell (lately), that Dalglish hates the "typical question" from the media in interviews. It's funny as hell listening to his responses. I do like Dalglish, alot.