Of Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea, Arsenal deserve it more. He took a major risk with Henry, and he'll never get the credit for it, not Scholes-esque credit anyways.
I wish it'd happened in the summer so Lennon could win the league fair and square. Beyond that I have mixed emotions. If Rangers actually go bust the W.O.S. streets will be like the last act of Ghostbusters II for quite a while.
This is going to cost somebody their life. If the weekends activity confirmed anything, it was just how well buried the football ring is in the nose of the public oxen.Just a few tugs this way and that, and the bull will get shifted into position.
I think you might be mistaken - i genuinely had no problem with either Pienaar or Arteta going. They'd both been fantastic servants for us. Obv. i would have rather kept both but i'm fully aware of both our financial position, and the fact the football right now is being played out at a suicidal level of indebtedness and expenditure.
I don't see it as a major risk? He was cheap, and even if he never scored a great or important goal no one would really complain about brining Henry back to the Gunners. I'd rather have seen Wenger bring in Podolski (see I'm learning!) or a more legitimate striking option to back up Brave Sir Robin. Maybe one decent central defender... Mertesacker has been a disaster so far. Or just cut Arshavin... hell maybe just pay him to leave. The Henry move was good, and I agree he won;'t get much credit for it.... but this season, i think Wenger deserves credit for everything that has happened... it has all been his own doing. right now we're in 4th, but there have been some seriously questionable calls along the way, imo.
Interestingly, April 15th will be the hundreth anniversary of the Titanic sinking, something built with a No-Catholic employment policy and which went down with anti-papist graffitti scrawled all over the inside of it's hull. Rangers Tax case will be settled by about April. They say history ryhms....:34:
:: now THAT IS preposterous :: Thats right up there with a belief in the Holy Spirit.:Lok::scared::laugh11:
Jesus- I honestly had no idea that Rangers were in that much hock. Incredible: the highest profile football administration so far? MTF :dunno:
Where have you been? :: They're in 80 million debt and owe HMRC another 50 mil to boot. Liquidation seems about a 50/50 possibility David Murray, 1998 - 'I promise that for every pound Celtic ever spend, I will spend two!' :atu: No Surrender to financial realities!
Feebles isn't to be blamed, he had his forces pinned down in Dog Sector Leish, near Hadrians Wall, trying to prevent the advance of SS Totenkopf Kampfgruppe Kenny to the Border town of Newcastle, where they would wreak untold havoc on the unsuspecting innocents. As for Rangers, it's a solid example of what happens when any policy- fiscal, social, environmental- is driven almost solely by an unrelenting desire to "out-do" somebody else. You do what you do because it furthers your own interests, not because it makes life hard for somebody else. Pompey vs Rangers....hard to say who is bigger, really. I would assume it is Pompey, with Rangers and Celtic "not being good enough" for the PL , after all.
I don't pay a lot of attention to the SPL to be honest bud. In fact, I get about 90% of my SPL info from you in this thread MTF ::
I don't understand the mentality. Fiscally, it was probably the failure to get into the CL group stages that cost them, cost them twice in fact. Once under Walther Schmitz and once under MCoist.
Who was wrong? Please, you're not still putting faith in that wretched epistle the FA's Einsatz Panel drew up, are you??? And from a man I thought had such a healthy suspicion of "authority" at that......
I'm done even discussing the issue with you. You are so utterly, completely and thoroughly wrong that my head actually hurts when I read the posts you make on the subject and I genuinely hope that you are just being deliberately obtuse because you are too smart to be this gullible. That is the absolute last I will say on this subject. MTF
Fair enough, I don't want to badger you on the matter. I don't think he's racist, I think the racism agenda is politically motivated, I think the owners don't give a fuck, they just want to attract corporate sponsorship. I also think England will be abused and discomfited at every twist and turn this Summer.
Ah 'the mentality'! :: For we thought to quell the stubborn hearts of oak! And we were winning. :: Papacy, Republicanism, subversion oh my! To upturn 'ra peeepul's supremacy violates of the immutable by-laws of nature, stirs darkly irrational forces :atu:
The SPL bores me to tears. It's an absolute two horse race and has been for about thirty years. There seems to be very little quality at all- even the Old Firm seem to have gone backwards, quickly in the last five years or so. MTF :dunno:
Money, money, money. For the first time since 03 Celtic are improving again though. Everything from 04 to 10 was steep decline.
Celtic are still right up there in terms of match day revenues despite having to attract crowds to watch St.Mirren & Inverness. If Rangers go bust it's one less obstacle to us ending up on a level playing field with clubs on our level (ie premiership).
Don't you think it'll make it even more difficult to improve further if you're left without your main rival? You'll find yourselves continuously pissing the league without needing to improve your playing staff.
My hope would be that it'd expedite us moving down south. If we continue to be marooned up here it wouldn't help us at all, no. It's just been announced Rangers tax bill is 'substantially more' than 50 million. Talk of 80 million. I think they're a gonner.
I really can't imagine what would happen up here without Rangers. At least 40% of the football fans in the country support them.....where do they all end up?