Can't see them going under TBH. They are too big a club to go under. Some rich bastard, somewhere, will come in and buy the whole thing out I'd reckon. MTF
Murray baited for said rich bastard for YEARS. No such seems to exist. All he found was multi-thousandaire & three time loser, Craig Whyte. It's a deeply unfashionable proposition in 2012, it might easily go down the swanny.
Thing is, what happens when Wayne Bridge does exactly the same thing to John Terry back ihn 2010? A few feathers get ruffled and then its all swept under the carpet pretty quickly. Why the fuck should Suarez get shit for not shaking the hand of a guy, whose original, unsubstantiated complaint got him an 8-match ban. Suarez was 'found guilty' on the balance of probabilities he said/did something wrong to Evra. Terry...Rooney...Barton...Carroll...the list is endless of great 'role-models' and 'sportsmen', so why should Suarez get singled out? Yet more typical 'double-standardism', hypocrisy and 'pseudo-moralism' of 'Ing-er-land' and the FA...and typifies why the country as a whole is going down the shitter. :shit::shit::shit:
Terry shagged Bridge's missus. I'd have smashed Terry's face in if I were Bridge, never mind refused a handshake. Suarez refused a handshake. He was NOT the victim in this case. Evra was. This is literally the worst possible example you could have raised Sorry to break this to you pal, but in civil legal matters in Engliand balance of probablities = liable. That's how the system works. That might explain why the decision, made by a leading QC (that means barrister, BTW), was framed in these terms. Liable means precisely the opposite of 'unsubstantiated', in legal terms, I'm afraid. Nope, they are all shite as well. Mind, if you think Barton hasn't been 'singled out' by media, pundits and public, you are fucking mental. 1. I HATE the England football team. I'm on record as stating this, here, hundreds of times. 2. How is there double standards? Did you miss the bit where Terry got stripped of the captancy of Ingerland on SUSPICION of a racial offence? The bloke hasn't even been convicted yet. Barton was sent to prison for what he did. Carroll has been in and out of court for his idiocy. I'd say that little cunt Suarez has done well compared to that lot. MTF
I tend to come down the same way, but I havent paid enough attention to the thing to come down strong either way, tbh
Didn't a 'rich bastard' just buy the club...? The recession is gonna hit football clubs and hit them big... owe the bank a fiver and you have a problem owe them 5 million and it's the bank who has a problem, I think that table is about to come full circle and football has granddad, grandma out on lay away..
If saurez said he was gonna shake his hand - he should have done it... I think I would have a different opinion on this matter if it was any one other than Evra
No idea mate. possibly. But, lets say for one mad second, that some Man Shitty-esque rich cunt comes in any buys the club. £80m isn't much in that context, is it? MTF
Personally, I doubt that club would attract anyone with real money, no 'glamour' of the EPL or rock star status for the man 'saving' the club.. Rangers and Celtic will soon join up with the Irish league..
That i do not like, that puts everyone at the club on the back foot... He should have been honest with his team mates.
AGREED 100%- and that is the first place he went wrong. His apology was to Kenny and rightly so. Fuck Evra. The real tragedy of it is that you have these cash-strapped morons who think Evra loves them, that he is doing it for them. Evra couldn't give a fuck about them. Everything about Evra screams insecurity and a lack of spine and temperament.
Maybe. Rangers is a big club, though (sorry Hut :scared2:): bigger than Man Shitty were/are and look at what they managed to fall into. A zillionaire could look at the SPL, with two teams winning everything every year, and think it a fairly easy route into regular CL football with all the riches and exposure that entails. It would cost a lot less to win the SPL every year with Rangers and qualify for the CL than it has done for Abu Scumhouse at Shitty. MTF
I've never met the guy but I'll agree :: regardless of what went on, Evra is trouble... For what its worth, I think Saurez could have panicked on the day, Evra was kinda holding back with the handshake. It's possible that Saurez didn't want to get left hanging by evra - by the time he walked on it was too late, he made his bed
Arab sheiks aren't interested in backwater Scottish clubs, mate. Not in the TV age. Remember it took an Irish-Canadian to save Celtic from the abyss. Don't assume his Scottish equivalent has a comparable desire to express his identity under a Union Jack and the booming strains of Rule Brittania. He wasn't brought up here, his is the marketable biscuit tin and bagpipe variety. If he's got spare millions lying around he'll probably put it to supporting 'yes' in the referendum and hospitality packages to watch the national team getting pumped.
He made a complete mug out of his manager as well. A total mug. This is a guy who BIT an opponent at Ajax, lest we all forget. A real shining light. MTF
Jermaine Defoe bit an opponent. JHowever, Hammers boss Alan Pardew, who saw his side slide to a fifth straight Premiership defeat, did not see the funny side. "Mascherano brought him down from behind and that was definitely a booking," he said. "I didn't quite see the reaction from Jermain but it looked like he gestured towards Mascherano but whether there was any contact I don't know. "In today's game he could have gone. If he was sent off there, it would have changed the game.
They've bought a few Eastern European teams (Rubin Karzan to name one I think) over the last few years. Rangers is a big club. MTF
The problem with the league is, you cannot attract the quality to perform in the CL and that becomes more difficult year on year for clubs like rangers.. Yes they have a huge fanbase and it depends on your definition of a BIG CLUB - personally I rank Celtic and Rangers among mid table EPL teams at best... Im sure some team in the arsehole of Russia has a huge following - doesnt make them big ??
Run back a tape of every United lineup so-far this season, the games in which Evra and Ferdinand have both started. How many of those occasions is Ferdinand standing beside Evra?
name any modern football player and we can slate his 'behavior' apparently Saurez is the first bad boy in football ?? come on... For the most part they are all morons...
In terms of playing quality, I agree with that assessment. Mid-PL is about right. However, both Celtic and Rangers are big football cllubs. Huge followings, massive stadia, huge haul of trophies, European Cup winners (well, Celtic anyway). You don't need quality in advance to make the CL. Look at what £250m have done to Shitty. How many of their 'stars' would have turned out at Eastlands five years ago? Footballers are greedy little cunts- all you need is enough £££ and they will go ANYWHERE. Even Glasgow. MTF ::
Rooney. Rooney is the poster boy. Rooney for whom the FA wanted a special dispensation from Switzerland, like Henry VIII wanted one from Rome. Suarez is a convenient distraction. In other news, Andy Gray and Richard Keys are both inveterate sexists. :shit: Another convenient piece of shit that got blown to smithereens in the weeks that followed.