No, you're right. The Bundesleague is a good standard (they get an extra CL place next season) and very competitive. The drop off in PL standard has been very quick and very sharp. A few years ago there was an all PL final, Fulham in the UEFA Cup final and LFC in the semis. Since then we have gotten to this year, with only Stoke left in the UEFA Cup and Chelsea with any chance of reaching the CL 1/4 finals. I like to think that all that long ball, 'hard working midfield' bollocks is coming home to roost now. When you delberately avoid 'maverick' players (i.e. ones with skill and natural talent) in favour of 'grafters' (i.e. one who run about a lot, kick people and hoof the ball skywards) the standards will fall. And they have, quickly. MTF
It's a strange one because, generally speaking, Geordies have a lot of time for the Scots. We are geographically far closer to both Edinburgh and Glasgow than we are London, we have similar accents (Geordies are one of the few peoples who can understand you lot ::) and share similar political views & class values etc MTF
Some nice goals from Milan last night. Arsenal were shocking at the back. Apparently, Milan have not won a game so convincingly all season, as they did last night. Chelsea only premier league club left now to make the premier league proud :shit::shit:
Dunno, is there a bit of old sectarian stuff between Newcastle ad sunderland? Allot more Catholics in Sunderland? Re: accents - Thick Geordie seems pretty similar to thick east coast Scottish, yeah. (Wattie ::) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Pretty blunt and 'round'. Not so sure about Glaswegian though, especially Tim Glasgwegian. Much more through the nose and atonal. Tends to be 'sharp'. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Have a manager better than him available to take over, and there isn't one, so he stays. Secondly, Milan are always good for a fuck up. Lets see how the 2nd leg plays out.
I wonder why French people make that deep drawn out 'euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh' sound between words and if their conscious of it.
Fuck knows. :::: Just heard the Rangers press conference. Apparently there is no chance of them going into liquidation.
Milan have blown 4-1 and 3-0 leads in the CL before as well as a close escape against PSV too. It's not beyond them to fuck this up.
This Arsenal side is too average for Milan to blow it this time. 3-1 or 3-0? Possibly. I just cannot see Arsenal scoring four without reply. MTF
I hope you all took advantage of the very generous 12/10 that was widely available for Milan yesterday. I certainly did. A unbelievable price, really. MTF
12/10, fuck it. :: I knew Milan would win too, but not by such a margin. I agree with you, btw, on this Arsenal side being too average. Milan won't slip up this time. I will put a big wager on it with anybody prepared to go toe to toe with me on the second leg :shadow:
Arsenal are the Celtic of the premiership.....walking the financial prudence tightrope and repeatedly falling on their cunt
:l2: So true. Ajax giving it a good go here. Had two good chances to take the lead. They need to be more positive in front of goal though.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> ::
Alex Salmond taking it upon himself to speak out very strongly for Rangers. Either it's an honest to goodness principled stand (!) or he's a closet blue nose coz as a political move, saving the biggest symbol of Unionism left in the country does not compute
How confident am I that Everton will play in the FA Cup final at Wembley on 5 May? Well I have already booked my stay in London. I am planning on seeing New Order at the O2 academy in Brixton two days prior. Haven't booked the flight yet but will after we beat Blackpool this weekend. :Lok: